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any events coming up in Perth?


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Are there any SA events coming up in Perth

where is the 'supposed' SA community in Perth?

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Some Beer, Brandy, Charcoal, meat, braai, couple of friends, music...........you got yourself a lekke SA event! ;)

Every weekend is a event!


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Emille, some people are just clowns, just smile and wave at them!

At least this would have bumped your question up to the top again. Of course, the easiest would be to find a nice place and place another thread, stating that you would like to arrange a get together on such and such a date at such and such a place. You should at least get a couple of folks who will turn up.

Sometimes it is a case of taking the bull by the horns, as often folks are reluctant to do the arranging.

Good luck!

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I must admit it has been extremely quiet, Enrica (bless her) normally organizes events, but I think she is so tied up with family committments.

I think we are all definately long overdue for a get together, it has just been so hot as well. :lol:

Maybe......somebody wants to organize........ :lol:

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Does anyone go to the Africa Club of Mandurah events? Are they still running?

Been here 3 years next month and feeling homesick just lately. Any ladies in Secret Harbour area want to meet at my place for coffee some time?


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thanks for the responses. its just that I always had the perception that Perth is the 'happening place' for South Africans and that there would be many many events. considering there are supposed to be 25 000 SAers in Perth, its just kind of strange to finally arrive here and theres like nothing happening. I think I read somewhere that 2 weeks ago there was a get together at the Matra in East Perth but I was just off the plane and totally forgot about it. Mara I havent thought about actually arranging something myself - the thought actually did not cross my mind. But what if I 'arrange' something and nobody comes! Im not usually the 'life of the party'... I dont know if its my imagination but it feels even this forum is relatively 'quiet' or perhaps my posts lately has just been too boring (?!). Maybe my wife is right - 'just because you are from the same country doesnt mean you would necessarily get along/hit it off and that you should rather meet people in your daily lifes at places where similarly minded people meet anyway'

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by the way we went to Kings Park on Sunday, it was lovely. I remember reading Bill Bryson's 'Down Under' and remembered he went to Kings Park and said it was one of his favourate parks in the world... I must agree that treelined lane with the city in the background is just breathtaking. I havent seen any 'South African' products on the supermarket shelves (well Ive only been to 2 supermarkets - IGA in Applecross and Woolworths in Garden City Centre in Ardross). Weve been driving around looking for a place to buy - I fell in love with Mount Lawley (how beautiful is that?!). Also love the quant houses in Victoria Park, and off course Subiaco took my breath away. I had this perception Perth was all new, all 'clinical', with no character and no old buildings - boy was I wrong. Its really a beautiful city - manageable and with arguably the friendliest people in Australia, if not in the world for a city of its size. Perth is in fact a lot like CT, its the same size, same weather, same outlook. I love the very good looking and quiet/fast trains, I love the Swan river. Fremantle is so beautiful (why did nobody ever tell me about it?!!!)

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Does anyone go to the Africa Club of Mandurah events? Are they still running?

Been here 3 years next month and feeling homesick just lately. Any ladies in Secret Harbour area want to meet at my place for coffee some time?


The Africa Club of Mandurah is still running, we went to the Christmas Party & it was very enjoyable. If you are on Facebook, you can join them & get automatic noification of the events.

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Are there any SA events coming up in Perth

where is the 'supposed' SA community in Perth?

There once was a South African Club in Perth, it used to meet at the Dutch Club. Not sure what happened to it, but when I find out, I'll let you know.

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There once was a South African Club in Perth, it used to meet at the Dutch Club. Not sure what happened to it, but when I find out, I'll let you know.

The South African Club that used to meet at the Dutch Club, that was going for 30 odd years, is no longer. This disappeared about 3-4 years ago

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thanks for the responses. its just that I always had the perception that Perth is the 'happening place' for South Africans and that there would be many many events. considering there are supposed to be 25 000 SAers in Perth, its just kind of strange to finally arrive here and theres like nothing happening. I think I read somewhere that 2 weeks ago there was a get together at the Matra in East Perth but I was just off the plane and totally forgot about it. Mara I havent thought about actually arranging something myself - the thought actually did not cross my mind. But what if I 'arrange' something and nobody comes! Im not usually the 'life of the party'... I dont know if its my imagination but it feels even this forum is relatively 'quiet' or perhaps my posts lately has just been too boring (?!). Maybe my wife is right - 'just because you are from the same country doesnt mean you would necessarily get along/hit it off and that you should rather meet people in your daily lifes at places where similarly minded people meet anyway'

Dear Emille

In the past I used try an organise a picnic every 3 months or so, but of late I just have not had the time or the inclination to be honest.

If you organise a get together , I will be happy to email out to my mailing list and advise. You name the date , place and time.

I would not worry to much about no-one showing , as there are many new arrivals and people always looking to attend.

Good places to consider

1) Kings Park - Western Power park , accessible to both people North and South of the river.

2) Point Walter- Which is on the Swan River in Bicton, fantastic sand bar which streches into the Swan River. Kids can swim and fish

Both the above venues are accessible to people from north south and east side of Perth and good coffee shop /cafe on hand for coffess teas etc . BBQ facilities at both venues.

Northern Suburbs

Trigg Beach - which is not tha far from the people from the Souther Suburbs.

Further north - Whitford Nodes - or Burns Beach

Mulluloo Beach is great - but this is defenitely a no alchol beach , and it is policed.

I always put up my big SA and Aussie flags, easy for people to see who and where you are. I used to name name tags , so no-one had to feel like they had to remember a hundred names and its easier to talk to people.!!!

If you need a hand , happy to help.



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There you go Emille, and if nobody should turn up, then who cares, you and your wife can have a lovely day out on your own. Believe me it happened to me once or twice in the past where only our immediate friends turned up, and that after everyone was asking for a get together.

Perhaps ask folks to post in your thread if they intend on coming..then at least you should know if anyone else is going to show up.

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Emille I organised the last picnic in Melbourne and for a while I thought nobody was going to turn up, because everybody asks "when" and when you start arranging something, the response is so poor it's unbelievable. At the end of the day we had a wonderful time with lots of people there, although I must be honest in saying that most of them was my personal friends that came from Melbourne East.

I think you have a better chance because it seems like a lot of people are already planning to attend! It also looks as if Enrica has done a lot of the groundwork already because finding a suitable venue is normally the hardest part (especially in Melbourne west).

Go for it, I am sure you will have a great day out and once you meet those who attend you can exchange contact numbers and e-mail addresses. From there on it will just snowball and before you know it you will have more friends than you have bargained for!

Good luck - I would have been there was it not so far away...

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There are probably "fewer" South African Events in Perth than elsewhere in Aus, because the community is that big. In fact, I think that the South Africans here are not so much a community, but more a large part of the population, so its not a case of needing events to keep in touch. You fall over South Africans here. The Northern suburbs has a huge huge compliment of South Africans - sometimes I think I hear more Afrikaans spoken by the people around me in the shops than English! :lol:

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thanks for the responses. its just that I always had the perception that Perth is the 'happening place' for South Africans and that there would be many many events. considering there are supposed to be 25 000 SAers in Perth, its just kind of strange to finally arrive here and theres like nothing happening. I think I read somewhere that 2 weeks ago there was a get together at the Matra in East Perth but I was just off the plane and totally forgot about it. Mara I havent thought about actually arranging something myself - the thought actually did not cross my mind. But what if I 'arrange' something and nobody comes! Im not usually the 'life of the party'... I dont know if its my imagination but it feels even this forum is relatively 'quiet' or perhaps my posts lately has just been too boring (?!). Maybe my wife is right - 'just because you are from the same country doesnt mean you would necessarily get along/hit it off and that you should rather meet people in your daily lifes at places where similarly minded people meet anyway'

Hi Emile, Did you forget the Braai you had with us at Point Walter......you were invited for a Braai on you 2nd day in Perth :lol:

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Best way to meet people is to join a sport group etc where people have the same interests as you, we hardly have any south african friends because we belong to a dog club and the club has people of all nationalities.

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Hi Emile, Did you forget the Braai you had with us at Point Walter......you were invited for a Braai on you 2nd day in Perth :ilikeit:

bosch x 2

how can I? You guys were great to invite us and I wont ever forget it. I meant more 'official' south african events with 50-200 attending ?!


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sometimes I think I hear more Afrikaans spoken by the people around me in the shops than English! :ilikeit:

this is what I meant that perth was not as i expected - i thought you would hear afrikaans often etc. well i havent heard any afrikaans (except with Bosch x 2 inviting us to a braai). i think i have heard more afrikaans in rockhampton strangely enough than in perth.

what you say about saers being a 'part of the population' rather than a group makes sense.


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If you organise a get together , I will be happy to email out to my mailing list and advise. You name the date , place and time.

I would not worry to much about no-one showing , as there are many new arrivals and people always looking to attend.

If you need a hand , happy to help.



hi Enrica

thanks for your advice and information. o.k then I will start thinking about what to do and when to do it. perhaps as a first a could arrange a coffee meet-up one saturday morning as the amount of work is less and the risk then if it doesnt succeed is less. and from that arrange something more substantial with the people who has attended that. wonder if south africans are at all keen on something other than a barbecue?! will need your mailing list but will contact you for it once I have my ducks in order. will keep this forum updated.

alternatively i can 're-found' the south african club but i guess there were reasons why its no more - do you have any info on this or who was involved in this?


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Best way to meet people is to join a sport group etc where people have the same interests as you, we hardly have any south african friends because we belong to a dog club and the club has people of all nationalities.

it makes sense although my only interest at the moment is raising my kids and settling in in perth!


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Emille I organised the last picnic in Melbourne and for a while I thought nobody was going to turn up, because everybody asks "when" and when you start arranging something, the response is so poor it's unbelievable. At the end of the day we had a wonderful time with lots of people there, although I must be honest in saying that most of them was my personal friends that came from Melbourne East.

hi tilla - i think we need your expertise here in perth (considering relocating?!)

another thing i thought of is to unofficially 'meet and greet' newcomers that know nobody in perth as they arrive and assisting them. only problem I dont my car can accommodate the usual 10-16 suitcases that people bring! and another thing is i would probably only be in a position to meet people on saturdays...

if anybody soon to arrive wants to take me up on that pse let me know.


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