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Are we doing the right thing?


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Thanks to all for the responses and support.

At this stage the only thing that will stop us is if our visa is declined, which seems unlikely now.

Every day there something new and bad happening in SA. Somedays I tell my wife that it seems like armageddon.

The other day we had no elctricity, water or telephone at the same time. It was overcast and the sky was black, I had such an eerie feeling it was as if armageddon was upon us. I just wished that we were already in Australia.

I know that the indigenous population despises our ancestors for coming to SA and allegedly messing things up, well I have decided I am upset with them too. What the hell were they thinking? They should have stayed at home and I could have been born in a decent country and not have to feel guilty about being white in Africa.

I wonder what SA would look like had Europeans not come here at all?


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I think you may be asking the wrong question. :ilikeit:

Instead of asking "are we doing the right thing?" rather ask "when is the right time?". The writing is on the wall now and the fact that you are considering emigration tells me you see it too. Do you really want to wait until the po po hits the fan and then scramble for cover?

You can't blame the ANC for not making their intentions with South Africa very clear.

Edited by ~Sunflower~
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Hi All

We've been in Perth just over a year now and I can tell you, we will never look back, I believe in building a future, for me Australia is full of that philosphy. My only concern is whether the rest of my family and friends will have the means and the motivation to move before it gets really bad in SA. I'm sorry to say I look towards the north and see a pattern move through Africa that is not encouraging to put it very mildly.

I reckon anyone who has the opportunty MUST take it, its not easy, and there are problems here like anywhere, but you'll never look back.

Good luck and have faith

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Hi Debra

My heart goes out to you. I don't think many of us started on this process because we actually wanted to leave SA but simply because we saw the writing on the wall and realised that it is the responsible thing to do - to knock on the Oz door to see if it would open. Perhaps we sometimes have lived in the fear that it was not going to open and then when it opens it's probably just too much of a shock to bear.

But we can't stay as I am certain that we would live to regret walking away from an open door (I speak for myself as I believe God has a plan for each one and perhaps some are called to stay. I have a family member who is in the Christian ministry and she says she would leave SA for all the obvious reasons but she honestly feels called to stay).

My guess is that once we arrive in Oz despite the struggles of being a stranger in a foreign land we won't look back because of all we will have gained.

I was chatting to an elderly Indian gent the other day who says though he is a south african he feels like a 'stranger' in SA and that is precisely how I feel here at the moment. And I have spoken to coloured people who also feel they need to move on from here. It is so sad that people born here do not feel welcome. Sadly. the politicians are winning but we have to do what's best for our loved ones.

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may, sorry for the oversight and you are right. Some really great Indian people we know are here for the same reasons, to escape crime and prejudice. A doctor who assisted in the struggle in the dark times of pre 1992 in black hospitals was left high and dry jobless due to not being the right colour for a future. There was a website of a coloured lady in Sydney who was a programmer and her husband worked at Nando's who came for that reason in mid 1990's. She said they were not white enough, then not black enough. The website has disappeared.


To answer what it would be like if Eurpoeans had not gone there. I think if you stay there for too long you will find out. Every time I go online to RSA newspapers I cant beleive how things are continuing to degenerate. Some times on the news here they mention that the 2010 soccer stadiums and infrastructure will not be ready and Australia have offered to take over. In the little town we stay there are over 500 South Africans. (Some claim the number is over 5000) Many couples with children both work and are skilled. So divide that by 2 or even 4 for an average family and thats how many welders fitters turners electricians mechanics doctors nurses are here. Most of the tradesmen come becuase they were retrenched for being incorrect colour.

I was hopeful that all would go well after 1994. Such a pity, because it is still one of the most beautiful places on the planet. having said that nobody we know is going back if they can help it.

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So true - I've been looking for another job for around 8 years, as I am in a very specific field, but I added too much milk to my coffee - no place for white males around here.

Luckily, it seems tome that my things are going to be Ok. My sponsor phoned my references on my CV today, and I am now waiting for the official offer.

I watched all the replies and ask myself - am I doing the right thing? Leave everything, house, family etc to go and "suffer" in Oz? The situation in SA is also bothering me - luckily, I am one of the lucky ones this far, for not being hi-jacked etc.

On the other hand - I will go over and would only find out the reality on the other side - as we are so used to our situation here, that we don't realise what we are missing!



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