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Driver's License in Victoria : Updated 20/03/2013


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Check out the VicRoads website, they actually state that your six months starts from when you enter the country for the first time or when your PR is issued. So for those coming on holiday to activate, then returning home and only coming back months later, not sure how you are going to get around this. Here is the link to their website.


Edited by Mara
Updated with latest info 13/04/2011
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  • 3 months later...

Have a question...

Would an IDP (International Driving Permit) allow me to drive for 1 year when I arrive in that "months later" category?



Found this:


So it seems it may help?

Edited by Garrick
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Check out the VicRoads website, they actually state that your three months starts from when you enter the country for the first time or when your PR is issued. So for those coming on holiday to activate, then returning home and only coming back months later, not sure how you are going to get around this. Here is the link to their website.


It looks like they now give you 6 months though (according to the website)

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Yup, it is 6 months, went to the local VicRoads office the other day, and was told there that we have 6 months from the day our PR was issued.

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  • 1 year later...

Any more news on this?

My 6 months would have just expired when I arrive end of March.

What to do?

I have sent them an email to clarify. Will see what their response is.

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What happens if PR is granted in 2009, activate visa in 2010 but only settle permanent in 2014?

their website states "6 months from first entering Australia" - so then you will be without license - but this is what I am trying to get clarity on

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I know that in WA it is 3 months from the date of grant of PR, I just did my license here and I was told implicitely by the lady at the licensing dept when I did my learners that I MAY NOT drive without a licensed driver in the car, as we only arrived 2 plus years after the grant and I never did it on my activation trip. Such a pain! I got the quickest date I could, did a quick lesson and made good use of public transport for a few weeks. It is a ridiculous rule but there is no way around it, you just have to try and make it work as best as you can. Luckily my hubby managed to get a date two days after we arrived and passed so at least one of us could drive but I had to wait three weeks and sweat it out! I must say that I found retaking my drivers really stressful, it is far worse the second time around. Thankfully passed first time - I was so worried about all bad habits that I had picked up over the years!!!

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Have a question...

Would an IDP (International Driving Permit) allow me to drive for 1 year when I arrive in that "months later" category?



Found this:


So it seems it may help?

Nope. It does not help. I phoned them this morning....it is only if you don't have PR.

Yup, it is 6 months, went to the local VicRoads office the other day, and was told there that we have 6 months from the day our PR was issued.

It certainly is. No matter what angle I tried, I just got the simple answer. "That's the rule, sir".

So we are stuffed! My 6 months expire 5 days after my arrival. I arrive on 13 March. The 14th is a holiday and most of the following days we are visiting schools. And the next available appointment is only 1 April!!!!

One word of advice though....the lady at Vic licensing department indicated that if you get your photo taken when you do your learners test, then you have to wait 3 months before you can do your drivers test. If you do not have a photo taken, there is not wait period, you can do it as soon as you get an appointment. And what determines if you get your photo taken..........only you asking them not to take it!

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looks like i will need to get a learners and then a drivers licence again; bugger!

Yip. Michelle's uncle and aunt just did theirs (mid 70's and late 60's). I gave them a bit of advice, and insisted that they go for driving lessons with RACV before their test, especially since they had never done the K53 in South Africa.

They both recently passed first time.

It's a pain, and it costs money...but boy, once you have it...

As for things changing...let's see. We are people that are seen as traitors by the majority of South Africans. Why on earth would the SA government spend time on getting the necessary documents, etc. together to give to Canberra to help us? Seriously. Canberra has asked (I have a letter from the minister's office) the SA High Commission here to get them the documents (November 2009)...and still we wait. Hell, the staff at the SAHC didn't even know what the K53 is...


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  • 2 months later...

Adding this to this thread, because it's kind of relevant to new drivers in Victoria (not sure about other states).

We recently had to renew our vehicle license. And I sat waiting for the new sticker to come in the post AFTER I had paid. Only to find out that in actual fact, the renewal notice actually has the new license sticker on it... so it's a bit bizarre, and I can only guess that they do that to save costs of sending out the sticker after you've paid. I mean, they'll type in your rego number and see quickly if you've paid or not...but it's a different process to back in South Africa where you have to go (or send an authorised person) to the traffic department with your renewal form to actually pick up your new license paper/disk.


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In QLD they still use the old fashioned method.

Well they did when I renewed in March

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  • 1 month later...


We have been here 4 months today. In Victoria we did the whole works. it is important to know that when you go for your learners, perception test and then your drivers that you dont give them your South African License. do not get your picture taken for the learners or you will loose your South African license which is valid for 6 months from date of arrival.

We were thankfully advised about this and could keep on driving on our RSA license.

We also, even though it cost a bit, both did our licenses through a driving school, better chance to pass the first time. the whole experience was strange but good. driving here does test your rsa driving patients levels though.

everything is simple if you follow the rules, dont try to get around or out of doing things. just do it and it will all be easy.

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We have been here 4 months today. In Victoria we did the whole works. it is important to know that when you go for your learners, perception test and then your drivers that you dont give them your South African License. do not get your picture taken for the learners or you will loose your South African license which is valid for 6 months from date of arrival.

We were thankfully advised about this and could keep on driving on our RSA license.

Paul, some things need clarifying.

Are you here on a 175/176 Visa or a 457?

I don't believe you are correct about the photo thing. That just sounds far too bizarre. You cannot be issued with a learner's card WITHOUT a photo being taken. Yes, you can just keep the paper receipt as you'll be going for your driver's soon enough - that's normal and many people do this rather than pay for the learners card. But never, ever, do you lose your SA licence. Ever. Vicroads does not take your SA license away under any circumstances. Whether you have a learner's license (card or otherwise) you can still drive in Victoria for 6 months from the day you first enter Australia - and that includes "popping" into the country to get your visa validated months/years before.

Returning your overseas licence & permit

When you are issued with a Victorian driver licence you do not need to surrender your overseas driver licence or permit. The overseas driver licence or permit will be returned to you.

Source: Vic Roads


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  • 3 months later...

Confusing. I visited VIC Roads today. I let the lady know that I had activated the Visa (176) in June 2009. And that I had arrived on 18 Oct 2011. She then confirmed the 6 month rule, and then said it'll be counted from 18th October 2011.

I was happy with that answer until I read this thread.

Guess I have to call them to double-check, or perhaps just accept her word?


Edited by Mike Schultz
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Mike, that is why we tried to get clarity, as we found that it depended on which Vic Roads office you went to as to how they interpret it. I was in touch with the head office and their opinion was that it was from the time that you validated.

I would just go ahead and get through the whole story of getting your licenses converted, after all, you have that lovely lady who has told you that it is from 18th October, make sure you know her name, so that if you are ever challenged, you can just refer them to her. Do not worry, once you have your license you are OK. So go ahead and get it done asap.

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We had the opposite - we arrived in Oz a couple of months ago and so still had 4 months to do convert the licence. However we got the visa evidenced into our passports in the DIAC offices in Melbourne, the date shown on the visa is the date the visa was issued which was over 6 months ago.

VicRoads said that if the visa was issued in Melbourne it was calculated from the date on the visa and not the entry date stamped in the passport (I assume that this is because many people who get the visa evidenced in Melbourne had been living here prior to that time). VicRoads gave my OH a lecture on how he was currently driving illegally and needed to undergo the full learners test, P plates etc as it was over 6 months.

It took a while to sort out and was quite stressful given my OH was just about to sit his computer test, they then allowed him to set the computer test while I was still trying to explain that although the visa was "evidenced" into the passports it was "issued by DIAC in Adelaide" and trying to get them to phone DIAC to confirm that our date of entry was the date to calculate from.

They eventually came back and said OK they would go with our arrival date - but I could tell the lady was not happy about it.

Edited by Short&Tall
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  • 4 months later...

Oops! I think I am in 'trouble' - Have validated my visa in 2009 - and I will only be relocating this year July 2012!

What now? Any clarification on this issue as yet? i have a PR 176 and will be moving to Melbourne soon - any advise will be appreciated....

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We had some problems with VICRoads when getting the licence.

We got our visas evidenced into our passports in Melbourne after we arrived - the date of the visa grant is on there not the date we got it placed in the passport.

Because this was over 6 months previous to when OH was taking the test he got a telling off about driving illegally without L plates etc. It took a bit of explaining - plus a phone call by them to DIAC to make them happy that he was legal and had not been there over 6 months.

I would suggest you contact VIC Roads and ask them. If they say you can have the 6 months then take correspondence of that with you when you go for the tests.

PS I'd suggest you email their phone line seemed very busy and was never answered all the times I tried I was no hold for ages.

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We had exactly this problem.

We activated our visas in 2009, but only took up residency in November 2011.

For definite, the 6 months starts counting from the date you first entered Australia - in our instance 2009 - so when we arrived in November 2011 our SA licences were no longer valid.

I did my test at VicRoads Seaford and they didn't know about this; when I booked my test the lady at the VicRaods call centre told me I was allowed to drive on my SA licence; but my husband did his test in Oakleigh, and they were quite clear that his SA licence was not valid. I then called the VicRoads call centre and after much debate and asking many supervisors, they confirmed our SA licence was no longer valid, and the 6 months counted from 2009.

Be careful as most people don't know this, but if you get stopped by the wrong person you are driving without a valid licence.

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As far as I remember from previously reading on vic roads website you need certain documentation to do your learners/drivers for instance proof of vic address - which you obviously cannot have when you are entering Aus with the purpose of evidencing your visa. ???

So what am I suppose to do when I get there? Drive on my international licence? Will they even let me skip the P-plates thing?

Now I am really worried..friends are taking me to Oakleigh to do it there after arrival..

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If you open a bank account (and you can do this online from RSA) when you go to collect your ATM cards etc (one of the first things we did) ask for them to print you a bank statement there and then. We put the address we were staying at initially on this.

This will be useful in many things.

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  • 4 months later...

It is taken from the date that you entered the country if your visa was granted while you were not in the country. Alternatively, the date the visa was granted if you were in the country at the time.

Its a good thing to get because Oz has no ID books. Most places need some sort of ID and the drivers license has your picture, your signature and your address on it.

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In Melbourne, which is a good licencing centre to try book our learners and drivers tests (not too busy and out of the CBD etc), or is it dependant on your residential address?

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