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new: New and lonely


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Hi there to all South Africans now Ausies

We have been in Australia a year now and I haven't made one friend yet. I have a 18 month old boy and my husband works away. Where can I make friends? I wish to make friends it would help me settle in. I miss the family and friends back home alot.

Are there any South Africans in Perth? And where are you? :ilikeit:

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Hi there New and lonely

I'm sorry I'm not from Perth. We are in Tasmania, Launceston. Only a week here now. I just wanted to say welcome to the forum and keep your chin up. :rolleyes: I'm sure you will get lots of replies from people already in Perth and lots of invites for coffee and a visit. Don't despair, I know it's difficult especially if you are at home with a little one. Come on, all you lovely people from Perth, lend this lady an ear or a welcome.

Good luck to you. You can always chat on the forum if you like. All the best.

Regards, ILze

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I am moving to Perth later in the year, would be glad to meet up as i hardly know anyone that side!!


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Hi New

I am sorry to hear that you are lonely. I have sent you a PM with my number.

Please call me......

Where are you based in Perth?

Hope to talk to you soon.



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Hey New

I'm in Perth ... I have 3 small daughters (youngest is 3) that can entertain your 18 month old :rolleyes:

Where in Perth are you? We have quite a wide range of friends that I can also introduce you to that are fab! I work during the day, but we are always happy to socialise on the weekend. If you want to get together, please feel free to PM me anytime!

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Hi there to all South Africans now Ausies

We have been in Australia a year now and I haven't made one friend yet. I have a 18 month old boy and my husband works away. Where can I make friends? I wish to make friends it would help me settle in. I miss the family and friends back home alot.

Are there any South Africans in Perth? And where are you? :rolleyes:

Have a chat to Enrica. There is a coffee morning once a month, next week I think. She seems to know many Saffers and are up to date with upcoming events. I haven’t been to any myself yet.

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Hi Enrica

Thanks for replying to my post. We life in Morley near the tonkin highway. Do you know any one from this are?

Thanks for your number will get in contact with you.



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Hey Teagan

I'm in Morley and would love to meet people. And I would like my son to make friends for he is always alone.

Hope to hear from you.



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Hi San

Thanks for your reply. Hope everything works ok for you so that you can join us here in Ausie land.

I get the feeling I will like this forum alot, the only place that makes me feel there are people who cares.



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Hi Enrica

Thanks for replying to my post. We life in Morley near the tonkin highway. Do you know any one from this are?

Thanks for your number will get in contact with you.




I have sent you a PM of some people to contact in your area. Please please come to the coffee morning on Wednesday.

I am happy to meet with you at any time , just give me a call.



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Hi Anje

Unfortunately I work during the week, but maybe we can arrange a get together one weekend. I have a 2 year old boy and there are lots of places around where the kids will be entertained and the mommies can chat.

I will send you a PM.



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When i arrive i wont be working so will have plenty time to meet up, a friend of mine is leaving RSA on 28 July, her daughter is the same age as your son so i will get her to email you or send u a PM when she arrives.

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Hi there,

Love to meet you. Let's arrange something. My boy will love the outing.

Hope to meet you.

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Thanks I will aprreciate it the more friends the better the settling in.

I don't work so we will have more then enough time to chit chat.

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There are lots of South Africans in Perth. Many on this forum. I'm still in SA getting to Darwin at the end of the year.

Welcome and I am sure you will make friends from this forum.

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Hey Enrica, I am so glad you are in Perth now...even though Im still not going to be meeting you!

Does this sound a bit cryptic..i dont mean it to, a repsonse to your other post...

You are doing a top job there!!

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Hey Enrica, I am so glad you are in Perth now...even though Im still not going to be meeting you!

Does this sound a bit cryptic..i dont mean it to, a repsonse to your other post...

You are doing a top job there!!

Thanks Lyall

Anyone who has to read the post and has a heart would do exactly the same. Sorry, that you are not coming to Perth, but then you never know

down the line......

Thanks anyway


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Hi New,

We are only here since April, please do come to the coffee morning and meet all the Ladies and their bubs. I don't have bubs anymore but do have a built in babysitter if ever you need one.



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We're coming there in under 3 months, what might interest you is chatting a bit on a mommy forum on that side, I see they have coffee meets as well


Then you can meet other mom's with bubs your side

Okay this is not FAIR!!!!!!!!!!! What about a Support Web Site for the teenagers who give Mum's a hard time for us to also offload grievances.

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Hi there, Kathy

Thanks for your reply. I wish I knew this site when i moved here. This wednesday coming is the day my hubby flies in if i cant make it then i will be there for the next one. I hope i can chat to you it is always nice speaking to someone older who knows children. This is my first child and i am still learning.

Hope to stay in contact.



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Okay this is not FAIR!!!!!!!!!!! What about a Support Web Site for the teenagers who give Mum's a hard time for us to also offload grievances.

I checked quickly, and if you scroll down far enough there is a section 'Parents with older kids" which I guess means teenagers?

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Hi there

I am so proud of my fellow forumites!!!! The way you are responding to Anje's request for friendship is amazing!!!! It really makes me proud to be a Saffer!

It may sound silly, but responses like this, gives me hope for people. :ilikeit::ilikeit::ilikeit:

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Hi Anje

We moved to Sydney only 5 months ago and I know how lonely it gets! I'm very close to my family and we have loads of friends in SA, to suddenly have just your hubby (I don't have kids yet ;) ) is a huge adjustment!

We are now relocating to Perth (next week Tuesday is our flight out :) ) so I'll be making friends from scratch AGAIN! My hubby is starting work on Monday the 21st and I'll start job hunting soon after we arrive so will be a bit more flexible during the day.

Would love to get together for a coffee and a chat!

Also planning to go to the coffee morning - think there is one next week, on the 16th!

Keep well


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