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God will never leave you or forsake you


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Dear friends

Just a word of encouragement. God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. God is the same in Australia and South Africa.

The decision to go to Oz was not a huge mental decision. If it was actually up to logic it would have been so easy. But as people of faith we know that even in the worst of times (in RSA) God can still protect and supply all your needs. Is it then selfish to look for a "better" life ?

This was the big battle in my spiritual life and I knew that even if we are faced with great trouble and huge obstacles, I can endure if I base our lives on the rock - our faith in God.

In a very confusing time the only prayer I could pray is that If this decire is not from God that he will close this door. All I know is that although the rand depreciates, my house might not sell, my job is not secured, I have give up my debt free live, friends and family and my future is very uncertain that God will never forsake me or leave me......because nothing can separate me from His love.

Father I publically declare today that you have carried me through the toughest times in my life and I believe with my whole heart that you will show us the way ...and make a way where there seems to be no way.I pray this in name of Jesus.

This is my sincere prayer for every Christian that needs your help in this huge decision.

The bible says that where two or more are gathered in My name and agree upon something, that it will be done. I just want to request that you agree with me.

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I was touched by what you just wrote.

I'm a slow learner, but I've come to see, at the tender age of 56, that God doesn't necessarily deliver us from danger and harm, but steers us through it.

"Even though I walk thro the Valley of the Shadow of Death, yet will I fear no evil" . . . . even David had strife around him all his life, yet God saw him right.

Just be like David . . . . . and keep the communication channels open.

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Sleepless, I agree!!!

I can vouch for how God opens doors!! How God clears the way for us!!! How God supplies our needs abundantly!!!!I believe!!!

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Is 43:2 "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;

And through the rivers, they will not overflow you.

When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched,

Nor will the flame burn you.

Is 43:5 "Do not fear, for I am with you;

I will bring your offspring from the east,

And gather you from the west.

Is 43:16 Thus says the LORD,

Who makes a way through the sea

And a path through the mighty waters,

Is 43:19 "Behold, I will do something new,

Now it will spring forth;

Will you not be aware of it?

I will even make a roadway in the wilderness,

Rivers in the desert.

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Your post has inspired me and it was just what I needed, because I struggle with the fact whether God wants us to emigrate or not.



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Your post has inspired me and it was just what I needed, because I struggle with the fact whether God wants us to emigrate or not.



And what makes you think that, Sonja??

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Hi Bob

We had a black minister from Nigeria a while ago at our church and what he said made me think. He said that it was God's will that the white man from Europe came to the South of Africa. Us white people have a specific purpose here and that is to spread the Word and uplift Africa. We are successful in what we are doing here in Africa because we are blessed by God. He said that the land in Africa has never yield to the black man as it has yield to the white man.

So, what is God's will for my family? Where does He want to use us? We so desperately want to go to Australia, but is it just my will or God's will?

I'd like to hear your opinion on my thoughts.


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Just my exeriences...i dont always hear from God clearly..and its not because He doesnt speak to me,Its simply because i dont always listen

What I prayed was for Him to open the doors that needed opening and shut the doors that needed to be shut.

Our doors were shut about 8 years ago and they where opened this time round.And we didnt even have to fork our thousands of rands to find that out.

Our PR visa came thru in 6 months when we were expecting 15-18 months and now all we have to do is sell our house .I was initially worried we wouldnt sell quickly,but on Sun Morning I read out of MATT 6:25.. about worrying and decided then and there I would hand everything over to God and let Him deal with all the necessaries.It isnt easy allowing God to be in control of your life and its so easy to go back to where you were earlier..but with a lot of prayer He will prepare your road for you and make your paths straight.

knock and the door will be opened

Hope this helps a bit

God Bless


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Oh Eileen - your words are real inspiration!

You know yourself that my timeframes have been so set and just look at me now (after this process)

I have also learned that only God's schedules matter!


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Amen to all!

Amazing how we all feel the same - to do God's will. Its my greatest fear that this Oz-thing is my own will and way . . . and thats not what I want!

I want God's will in our lives. I want to obey Him and walk in His foot steps!

My prayer for every one is that the Blood of Christ wash through your vains. Rinse you from all worries and fear! May it bring calmness, pease and trust. Leave everything in His hands.

He is the Rock of Ages!


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I'd be very sceptical in listening to all who open the Bible. You can take so much from Scripture and frame it whatever way you'd like to put it.

I was interested to note that the minister came from Nigeria, a country which achieved its independence from Britain in 1960, and has large oil fields there. There aren't too many Whites living there, most of the old British administration would have left years ago. The place is absolutely riddled with nepotism, corruption and crime syndicates. This in spite of its inflow of U.S. dollars from the enormous oil fields.

Your minister is probably impressed with South Africa, that the roads don't have gaping holes in them, that things like telephones still operate, and the place still functions even though it has no oil.

He's put two and two together and found the common denominator with what makes things tick like clockwork in Africa. Too bad others there aren't as cluey!

The White man did bring his Faith to Africa. Dr Livingstone left Scotland to trek into the interior of Africa where he witnessed Arab slavers still carrying on their filthy business and treating the natives with so much cruelty (makes me wonder what Black Americans see in Islam??). He died, after years spent there with only having converted one soul. Today, there is a harvest field as far as the eye can see of new Christians springing up in the middle of Africa. The Afrikaner brought his Faith too to the south of Africa, the Germans to South West Africa where Lutheranism is the main denomination in Namibia today.

One of the reasons I've been reading the posts of South Africans wishing to come to Australia is the hope that this country can attract people of Faith, like yourself.

Australia may have lots of resources, plenty of sunshine and space, but it was founded as a penal colony. The slops of Britain were dumped here for the first 60 or 70 years, and Australians still need to hear the Message that God loves them.

Australians are not like the British any more. The British have largely closed themselves off to the Word of God. I hear that it's embarrasing to talk about spiritual things in English social circles, yet Australians are still remarkably open to talking about God.

Among other things, Australia needs migrants to this country that have a living Faith and who can identify with them, get alongside them in the workplace and at barbies and share their experience in knowing God, what He's done in their lives and their lives of their families.

Just think about it. Maybe your Work is not so much living the Good Life in the sunshine, but getting on with knowing Australians and quietly talking to them about what you believe.

At least pray about that point.

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Among other things, Australia needs migrants to this country that have a living Faith and who can identify with them, get alongside them in the workplace and at barbies and share their experience in knowing God, what He's done in their lives and their lives of their families.

I feel I wasn’t removed from circumstances by God, for my own benefit, but rather send to a place where I can be a living testimony of God’s light in my life. And trust me, things aren’t always as smooth as one would expect. I still have a lot to learn about faith…

You know Bob, a lot of Christians I know is hesitant to come to Australia because, from "what they’ve heard", Aussies aren’t “open to the Word of Godâ€.

I say, don’t try to get them to read the Bible or get them in a church – do what God intended us to do - and that is to spread the love of Jesus.

Everyone is open to the Love of God.

We survived two horrible armed robberies and that is proof enough that I still have some work to do on earth…

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Hi Bob

As a rule I'm a sceptical person, but I think this "Nigerian message" stuck with me because of the fact that we are emigrating and therefore often think about the deeper purpose of it all.

To us as family it's important not only to live the "Good Life in the sunshine" (we definitely want to do that as well :ilikeit: ) but also to have a purpose-driven life. Your post gives me more perspective on the Aus situation and makes me realize that God will always have a purpose for us no matter where we are. As someone said to me the other day, "Don't worry, God is in Australia as well!"

You know Bob, a lot of Christians I know is hesitant to come to Australia because, from "what they’ve heard", Aussies aren’t “open to the Word of Godâ€.

I agree, Doortjie. When people hear about our plans this is one of the warnings that "pops up" in the conversation. I don't understand it though, because how can we ever be true Christians and spread the Word if we remain in our comfort zones.

I'm also not one to force Christianity down people's throats but to rather spread the love of Jesus. As you said, Bob, "quietly talking about what you believe".

Keep well


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Australians speak English.

So do the English, the Americans, Canadians, etc., making it easy to think that Australians are like the English or Americans.

Americans come to Australia thinking that they are going to evangelise from one side of Australia to the other, just like in America.

What they don't do is their homework and realise that Australia's history is quite different from America's

America was founded by English Christians (the Puritans, Quakers, etc.) that sought religious freedom to worship God.

Australia was founded as a penal colony and was settled by thieves, rapists, kidnappers, blackmailers, prostitutes, etc.

. . . . . not quite the same beginnings????

Australians, with this background to their descent, don't claim to be any more special than the next bloke.

If an Aussie starts to think that he's better than everyone else, they soon remind him that his background is one of a convict descent, the same as everyone else down the street!

So. . . . Australians are far more egalitarian than other English speaking societies. They are far more likely to be frank with you. If they don't like you, they'll tell you to "f... off!"

Americans and English people, with their more "refined" backgrounds, may be more inclined to be a bit more genteel at times.

Australian convicts were sent out from Britain to serve between 7 and 14 years in hard labour, often getting flogged for the smallest offence.

A man might be shipped out, on a one way voyage, not able to return to Britain, for small offences like poaching a rabbit from the local squire's land in order to feed his six kids who were hungry.

The local Church of England Minister was obliged to be present at these floggings to make sure that "God's redemption" was being administered correctly.

No wonder that today, Australians have a healthy disregard for organised church or any Law that is blatantly not in their interest.

Go into any pub in America, and 90% of Americans will probably say they believe in God.

Go into a pub in Australia and 90% of Aussies will say they don't believe in God.

. . . . . . . Little wonder!!

Australians however, are interested in listening about God and his Love as long as they sense you are "fair dinkum" (serious) and that you've got something sincere and honest to talk to them about.

If you're just another "do-gooder" selling religion, they'll be derisive.

You've got to be dinkum with Australians and let them feel that you've been thro hard times also and have come thro it all with the help of God.

Don't preach to Australians.

Talk to them as mate-to-mate.

. . . . . that's where someone like yourself comes in . . . .

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Hi all

I'm so excited to find all these comments. I believe that God has put something in my hart that I felt sceptic to share but now know that I have to. Like any word from God you must please judge what I'm saying and if you do not agree - lets just agree to disagree in love. After all nobody has it 100% right all the time. I will try and make it short.

I had a spririual battle a few months ago. There are very sincere and God loving christians in our crazy country that has prayed (and interceded) for our country but things seems to go from bad to worst (we are in a war). My question to God: Why does it seem that prayer does not work for our country? I beleive that God allowed SA to fall into this state and God reminded me of the following:

1)If it wasn’t for the great persecution after Jesus rose from the dead the Gospel would have never reached the world.

2)Lorring Cunningham (from Youth with a mission) had a vision from God in the nineteen eighties that there will be 5 countries of which God will send light bearers to the world. SA was one of the countries. I (and many others) thought that this means missionaries to Africa. God has a heart for the lost (not only in Africa).

3)God prepared white South African’s to be producers: The first white settlers in South Africa came to this country because of religious persecution. They had to work hard to produce a harvest with very little resources. They were producers and were always looking to ways to improve their lives thus the great Trek took place to find green pastures. God anointed them to be successful (only “European colony†still left). Three main character trades is known of these settlers (our forefathers) and are still true today: a) We are still spiritually connected (searching for truth)( You will find churches with active members in the smallest of towns in RSA) (:ilikeit: We are hardworking and constantly looking to improve (thus being producers- NOT only in agriculture) and © We are not afraid to (rather Trek then fight when we know we can not win)

4)A pastor of a church of 5000 members in Malawi recently prayed to God asking what he can do to uplift his church community. God showed him he must go to RSA and contact certain specific white farmers and start a community farming project. On his question why…God said that he equipped the white people in South Africa (and Southern Africa) to be producers.

5)Just a thought….If white Zimbabwe farmers expected what was to happen would they not have sold everything and left Africa for good?? Did God not allow it that they had no choice (they had nothing) but to go to neighboring countries to transfer much needed skills (anointing) that would have been lost if it happened in any other way??? And is this not the reason why there is “war†on the farmers in RSA??? (so that farmers would go into Africa). Success stories is coming out of Zambia, Malawi. Mozambique etc)

6)White South Africans are one of the most widely spread nations in the world. We are known to work hard (producers). Doors have opened for us everywhere. Is this not the prophecy God showed Lorring Cunningham becoming true???

Please, please do not think that I imply that white South Africans are “superior†to any other nation or race (we are all equal before God). All I’m sharing is what I believe God’s spesific plan is for the white south(ern) africans is in our suffering in the past, present and future. God has His own purpose for every person (and nation) and all that counts is that we will be in position when His final plan is revealed. For white South Africans in foreign countries all I want to say is that where you are, are not by accident. Be a producer, find out what God wants you to do in your circumstances and above all else let your light shine!!! God has never left us or forsaken us!!

PS. Bob I know God has a specific purpose and position for Australians (and all south Africans in Australia) that they together (with the help of each other) have to get into until Gods final plan will be revealed. What a day that will be!!



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You've got to be dinkum with Australians and let them feel that you've been thro hard times also and have come thro it all with the help of God.

Don't preach to Australians.

Talk to them as mate-to-mate.

. . . . . that's where someone like yourself comes in . . . .


I really enjoy your posts!

Thank you.

And I'll take the advice to heart.

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I agree with everything said by Bob and Sleepless.

Our church has ministries into most African nations. Everytime the teams return they talk about the hidden agendas of the preachers.

We have also experienced situations like this, where the preachers talk holes in the heads of their followers to advance their own 'kingdoms'. (I'm not saying the same about the Nigerian preacher, as I don't know him), but I agree with Bob that they are quite clued up at how to play the people. I believe they play the 'white guilt' card very well. THey know how to milk it.

I also know of many white families who are very successful in Uganda, Zambia, Kenya and Malawi. None of them are farmers, they are all businessmen.

If you as a confessing child of God have had the desire to emigrate for quite some time now. Don't you think God has been speaking to you all this time?

Let me tell you of our experience...

We discussed emigration in 2004, but didn't go ahead. We were making emotional decisions because we lived through a robbery in our home. Later the same year my husband was held up at gunpoint. Again we wanted to leave, but was advised that we are making decisions in anger. Early in 2005 we accompanied my husband on a business trip to Canada via London. We all loved it and wanted to leave RSA. We could do so immediately as he was headhunted excessively by the Canadians after that trip.

But...we never had peace in our hearts. We believe that God was preparing us to leave RSA, but not yet. Your whole world opens up, once you've been overseas. You see that there's more to life that what RSA has to offer.

Only in 2007 did we seriously consider emigrating again. We decided to start the process but continuously prayed that God must stop us if we're on the wrong track. Everything went through the normal procedures and then the skills assessment had to be done.

My husband prayed one night, that if the TRA is not positive, we will take it as a sign not to emigrate. On 16 Jan exactly (he marked it in his bible), God gave him a scripture as confirmation to emigrate. Two weeks later his assessment came back positive.

Jesus never called a church meeting. He simply walked with the people and taught them about His Kingdom to come. His word also says... you will know them by their fruit.

Bible-bashing has never worked - rather scared them off. Ghandi even said - if it wasn't for the christian people, I would be one. Our church has a saying - Be wild for Jesus, but not weird.

Sorry, I'm rambling a bit, but there is so much to say about this topic. Think I'll stop now.

God bless you all during this journey.

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Thank you Milo

In God's own time . . . 2004 was not your time, but 2008 is!

Don't know when our time will be . . . God only knows!

I'll wait patiently . . . I believe in Him!


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If you as a confessing child of God have had the desire to emigrate for quite some time now. Don't you think God has been speaking to you all this time?

I agree Milo. We've been thinking of emigrating for quite some time now and I believe it is God-inspired. But you know how it is with faith. Sometimes, without even realizing it, we take over the steering wheel and that is when doubt starts.

This post of Sleepless and replies of Bob, yourself etc. just made me realize again that God is in control and to have faith.

Keep well


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I've been following the statements that a number of you guys have made.

Many of you seem in a state of confusion at times.

I don't think you need to worry about confusion. It's almost an essential ingredient when you just don't know which way in Life you are supposed to be going.

Don't beat yourselves up about not knowing what to do at times. Relax.

God can really do some amazing work at that particular time in your Lives, as long as you're willing to take the leadership that is calling.

Just don't be a "Jonah"

Edited by Bob
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This thread has been an answer to a prayer.

God Bless

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Just my exeriences...i dont always hear from God clearly..and its not because He doesnt speak to me,Its simply because i dont always listen

What I prayed was for Him to open the doors that needed opening and shut the doors that needed to be shut.

Our doors were shut about 8 years ago and they where opened this time round.And we didnt even have to fork our thousands of rands to find that out.

Our PR visa came thru in 6 months when we were expecting 15-18 months and now all we have to do is sell our house .I was initially worried we wouldnt sell quickly,but on Sun Morning I read out of MATT 6:25.. about worrying and decided then and there I would hand everything over to God and let Him deal with all the necessaries.It isnt easy allowing God to be in control of your life and its so easy to go back to where you were earlier..but with a lot of prayer He will prepare your road for you and make your paths straight.

knock and the door will be opened

Hope this helps a bit

God Bless


Your story Eileen along with others here have been so inspiring, thank you at a time when most of us need to hear some words of encouragement. I have only been in australia for 2months today and miss south africa every day...maybe not south africa but my daughter who is only 14yrs old. I have never been seperated from my children before (the other is much older) so you can only imagine the endless dying feeling inside. I have been divorded for 2yrs and finally met someone from australia and after 3 or 4 visits here I took the plunge to move. With lots of doubt and fear just like everyone else goes through, I conquered my fears, sold up and came to aussie! Unfortunately for me my daughter did not adjust and missed her dad terribly and after just 2 months I had to take her back to south africa. My ex husband has always been a wonderful dad and insisted that this was their chance to be together, I cannot explain the excruciating decision it was for me to leave her in south africa with her dad but I was happy in australia, and thought perhaps I could come here and prepare for them one day who knows! More especially was this unbelievable force that connected me to australia, and with each visit, when I left, I felt that I was leaving home and when I was back in sa I felt I no longer belonged....strange I know...but I just cannot explain it. After settling my daughter down very comfortably in sa I said the most tearful and painfull goodbyes and today has been 2 months since I left sa. Not a day has gone by without contact with my 14yr old, using all the methods of communication available! Its also good that we have a very good family support structure there, so God is taking very good care of both my girls. Unfortunately, it is me that is not doing so well....so I decided to stop trying to deal with this on my own and everu day that I speak to God and open my bible I feel closer and closer to him. Its never easy for me to hand it all to him despite what my mother tells me! But now he has got my attention and Ive given it all to God and have faith that he will as he has in the worst times of my life, walk me through this one. As much as I have a partner here and really do love the country, I know that God always gives you what your heart desires, and my heart is with my baby in south africa, every day, so I will return soon. Just wanted to share my story and say thank you to all of you for yours. God Bless.

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