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Our Introduction, at last!!


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Hi, just want to introduce ourselves.

My husband and I played with the idea of moving to Oz for a while now. I joined the forum some time last year and since then could'nt stop reading. We have 2 kiddies and that is the main reason for the move, for a better future for them. :ilikeit:

We've decided on the 175 visa, thanks to all the help and info on the forum. :ilikeit:


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Hi, just want to introduce ourselves.

My husband and I played with the idea of moving to Oz for a while now. I joined the forum some time last year and since then could'nt stop reading. We have 2 kiddies and that is the main reason for the move, for a better future for them. :blush:

We've decided on the 175 visa, thanks to all the help and info on the forum. :huh:


Hello and welcome!

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Welcome! :huh:

We're on the 175 path too, mostly for our child's future (sleeping easier will be nice for us adults too). Glad to have more company. :blush:

May everything go smoothly for you and your family,


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Welcome guys. Now for the next few months, the process is all you will ever think about. Hope all runs smoothly for you.

Jords :blush:

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Welcome! You will see the posting can be great fun! :lol:

I took 6 months before I started to post (I could for the life of me not remember what my user name was and played the guest until my memory could join me!!! :D )

All the best for your journey, am also going the 175 route, see my timeline below.

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Howzit and welcome to the forum.

We're also applying for the 175 visa and this forum is my support system, sanity check and encyclopedia!

Be warned though, it is highly addictive!

All the best for your process and ask all those nagging questions. There are many wise and informed people (like Jordy) :) who will answer them.

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This forum helps all of us keep some sanity during the application process! :blink:

Best of luck with your application and enjoy posting!

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Welcome and good luck with the process ahead!!!


Edited by Nats123
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for all the warm welcomes!!

Ek moet se vandat ons die besluit geneem het en ek die forum ontdek het is die huis permanent deurmekaar, kos gebrand of sommer glad nie gemaak nie (Dankie vir take-aways). 'n mens raak sommer heeltemal ge"hook". As jy eers begin lees kan jy nie ophou nie. Gelukkig kla manlief nog nie dat ek eers na 12 in die bed kom nie en hom dan wakker maak om alles te vertel wat ek "geleer" het op die forum nie.

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Yep, this place gets very adictive - find myself spending alots of time using search to go through threads on all kinds of topics!!

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