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Intro with questions on the points system


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Hi, just thought that I would introduce myself. My name is Mandy and we are a family of five. One husband, Wayne and three children (aged between 9 and 16). We live in PE and own our own business. After some deliberation and family discussions we have decided to take the plunge and start the immigration process. Reasons, being the same as everybody else on this forum.

My husband is a toolmaker and his skills are on the MODL, alas he is 41. So we qualify with 115 points. In order to qualify with 120+ he has to get 7's on the IELTS. I am presently gathering all the information for his TRA. What a mission. I have been told that files are destroyed after 5 years, as per South African law. So for the first 10 years of his toolmaking career, all I possess is training certificates, apprenticeship contract and a trade certificate. Since 1997, he has owned his own business, so I now have to prove this, without customers finding out. I think you have to get customer references, not sure yet.

I have booked the IELTS in Cape Town, taking a chance before the TRA is done, but the dates are fully booked up until April. I havent heard back from them so hopefully we will have the May date. I am trying to get everything to coincide with each other. I dont have to write the IELTS as I have a British Passport.

My questions are should my hubby not pass the IELTS with four 7's do you think that they would allow a total score of 7? Would they not use thier descretion on each applicant, basing it on the merit of the application? Another thought as to how he could get the additional points if not reaching the IELTS goal, is to get a job, but would this then be considered sponsored? Does an employer have to sponsor you? Can you not apply for a job and get the extra points for a job offer.

Thanks for all the info offered on this forum, it has certainly helped us make the decision to leave, at least I know that there are others who feel the same. It is a shame, as this is indeed a beautiful country, unfortunately it does not offer our children the futures they so deserve.



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My name is Mandy and we are a family of five. One husband, Wayne and three children

Welcome Mandy with just one husband! :blush: Nice to have you with us. :ilikeit:

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Hey, man!

Some of us don't even have one husband :ilikeit:

Only joking, but I had to see the lighter side of that - this application process can exhaust and get you down at times!

But, welcome Mandy and family. I suspect that, with your hubby's wealth of experience, he will be able to demonstrate the years that he has been working in his line. They do say that

• contracts

• pay slips

• tax returns

• group certificates

• superannuation info

can be used as proof of having worked for yourself having an XYZ business, for instance.

All of the best,


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Hi there, and a hearty welcome to you and your family.

Firstly, most people are able to meet the 7 IELTS score.

Furthermore, he can start searching for a job (www.seek.com.au). Lots of companies sponsor, yes. Often under the 457 temporary visa.

Have a look at www.immi.gov.au , where you will find different visa possibilities, also Permanent visas. Look under eligibility at the top of each visa page, to see what the criteria is.

Good luck and post again, we help where we believe we can.

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Hi and welcome!

By my understanding, you need a 7 overall, not 4 x 7's.

If you are unable to achieve this, you should investigate getting in on a Southern States sponsorship - pretty much the same thing - you will get a PR visa, but will have to live and work in one of the Southern states for one or two years (I only scored 110, but could get in on a Southern states sponsorship - although we decided not to go that route, as my husband got full points after the 1st September rule changes, so we went with him as the main applicant). The bonus with the Southern States is that it takes only about 6 months (as opposed to almost a year for PR 136/175 paper). Don't worry, you won't end up in a dead-horse town - there are some amazing cities in the South, including Aderlaide which is very similar to Cape Town.

Another option would be to go on a working visa. Once you are there you can apply for a permanent residence. Beware though - your medical aid and schooling is not a freebie on a working visa as it is on a permanent residence visa.

Good luck! :D

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Hi and welcome!

By my understanding, you need a 7 overall, not 4 x 7's.

Hi Gizmo

So if you got 8, 8,8 and 5 you would still get in as your average is over 7?

I ask because my handwriting really sucks! :D



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Hi and welcome!

By my understanding, you need a 7 overall, not 4 x 7's.

If you are unable to achieve this, you should investigate getting in on a Southern States sponsorship - pretty much the same thing - you will get a PR visa, but will have to live and work in one of the Southern states for one or two years (I only scored 110, but could get in on a Southern states sponsorship - although we decided not to go that route, as my husband got full points after the 1st September rule changes, so we went with him as the main applicant). The bonus with the Southern States is that it takes only about 6 months (as opposed to almost a year for PR 136/175 paper). Don't worry, you won't end up in a dead-horse town - there are some amazing cities in the South, including Aderlaide which is very similar to Cape Town.

Another option would be to go on a working visa. Once you are there you can apply for a permanent residence. Beware though - your medical aid and schooling is not a freebie on a working visa as it is on a permanent residence visa.

Good luck! :ilikeit:

I have gone onto the the work permit points calculater and it states that you have to score at least a 7 on each of the four IELTS components. This, then qualifies you with 25 points instead of 15. The 175 visa would suits us, as it takes longer to get the visa. We have to wind the business down so we need the extra months to do this. Got the practice materials yesterday and it doesnt seem that bad. So fingers crossed he gets the scores.

I will look into the Southern States sponsorship, that will be our option 2. :ilikeit:

Thanks for the info.

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