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The Brain Drain


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Came across these in my travels today:

Brain drain cannot be reversed - expert

'Scrap BEE and start importing skills - now'

The above link is going to have to involve some nasty bait-and-switch con-game, if they want people to come and sort out the mess...

and finally

Skills exodus causes concern

Nice to know that it's not "just a perception", as some politicians would have us believe! Scary that they stopped recording statistics a couple of years ago. I wonder why they did that. Similar reasons to the moratorium on the crime stats, perhaps? "If we don't record it, we can't be forced to reveal how bad it actually is..." :offtopic:

Come on visa, come on!

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"president of the country does not make the law, but rather follows the policies, guidelines and political directions as laid down by the ruling party," she said."

What Zuma has said indirectly, is that Mbeki is now doing what Zuma wants him to do, because Zuma is now head of the ANC. :ilikeit: So we don't have to wait until 2009 for Zuma to be in charge - he is already!

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  • 4 weeks later...


I am relocaing to Melbourne, 26 March 2008. Struggling to get appointments with relocating companies eg, Crown, Elliot, Stattafords, some even say only in 3 weeks. They say they are fully booked and 80% of their bussiness is for people immigrating overseas. Who said Brain drain is a myth????



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I am relocaing to Melbourne, 26 March 2008. Struggling to get appointments with relocating companies eg, Crown, Elliot, Stattafords, some even say only in 3 weeks. They say they are fully booked and 80% of their bussiness is for people immigrating overseas. Who said Brain drain is a myth????



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Brain Drain - what's that??? Of course it is a myth - dont you know all these people are not relocating/emigrating they are just very heavy travellers, who like to take their entire household contents and family with them when they go on a long extended holiday to Australia/Canada/NZ etc. As the homecoming revolution people would have you believe these people are just enjoying a holiday in the sun, exploring life in another country whilst they plan their trip back to South Africa. Hmm those flying pigs are coming to mind.

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  • 1 month later...

Think I might just change professions and become a migration agent for a couple of years to make my fortune. One of these articles talks about the need for SA to make itself more attractive to import skills. What a load of rubbish. SA has or had all the skills it ever needed until the ruling party decided that criminals had more rights than the honest person, until they decided that instead of helping people gain the skills they need they would just force them into positions they were no good at (AA)

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Guest natalie3

Just like the rest of the population i would also love to know the current stats of how many people are leaving and have left..all I can say is that from what I am experiencing there are many many skilled people leaving..here is a list from my circle of friends alone that have started the process or have left already (i will try and protect their privacy as some have not broken the news to everyone yet) :

Me & Hubby= IT architect and Legal professional

Nik & Frik = IT architect and Hairdresser

Gab & Jan = IT architect (and Bsc agri) and CA

T & Ell = CA and chef

Piet & Chris = IT architect and graphic designer

Frans = IT Developer

Greg = Analytical Chemist

Shan & Family = farmers

Mel & Kim = Dietician & IT

Anne & K = travel agent and IT

Liss & war = Legal professional & hardware engineer

Sash & Vern = CA & Legal professional

Trev & Ills = Business owners

Like I say...this list is merely MY friends ....

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If they deny there's a brain-drain problem (like there's no crime problem, no electricity problem blah blah), most of the sheeple will believe them (it's easier than thinking) and stay put.

What do you think would happen if you heard from several reputable sources that your bank was about about to declare bankruptcy? How quickly would you be joining the queue to get your money out before that bank went belly up?

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