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Australian Women

Guest Mauritz

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Guest Mauritz

Today was just one of those days - everything happened in threes. First, our little miniature mare - Snowflake cut her leg open. We've two vet's in town - one guy, very weird and then their's Kirsten a very lovely Australian lass - guess who I called out? I called her around 2pm - she can only be here at 4:30pm, she told me.

I picked up a bed in town and jack-knifed the trailer (don't ask questions) - the spare tire took out all my lights on the one side. Then I just sat patiently and waited for number 3 - the Bobcat man phoned, of course - he can't be there tomorrow - so, another job behind and another customer jumping up & down.

Kirsten is a working mum, she's got two girls under 5. A few times after hours, on weekends - things happened and Kirsten turned up in her Prado. The two girls in the back. She always works alone, she flips horses over and cut their family jewels out. She flips cattle over and do her thing. None of these helping hands available and she's as feminine as you can get. She works very, very hard - two girls and a farm to run. She always looks so healthy and strong - she always smiles and NOTHING on this earth is a problem for this girl. She's married to a farmer.

While she's busy throwing horses over and cutting at the old family jewels - we take the girls and show them all the animals & things. Sometimes afterwards if she's got no other places to visit, she'll have a cold XXXX there on the spot with you. Man, what a country!!!!

The little miniature is more dog than horse - it can flip over on command - I taught her (I mean the mare), so there's old Snowflake on her side and Kirsten scrape out all the fly eggs and rubbish - we chat away - what a girl.

Sometimes I see her in town - in her overall - full of cow manure - walking down the main street to the Quart Pot Bakery for a pie - girls must eat. I mean, what a sight - I just love this country. Kirsten is a no make-up girl - a no Bling-Bling girl. You want to know what Bling-Blings are????

I met this Aussie mum, that went to playgroup with her child. Playgroups here in Aus are great if you want to meet and make Aussie friends. Anyway, she told me about this South African mum that joined the group - with all her Bling-Blings - so, obviously I asked her what Bling-Blings are. I never, never heard about it in South Africa. Noooooo, she said - all those shiny jewelry and thingies. She said, "One day she lost a Bling-Bling and we all had to look for it, how embarrassing." So girls, beware of your Bling-Blings - just superglue them on.

So there's Kirsten walking down the main street of Stanthorpe - overall, full of cow poo, no Bling-Blings & make-up - feeling like a real true blue Aussie pie (I mean - like eating one, for all those smart people out there). Isn't it just great - none of this fancy stuff - just carry on with life and there you go. Nobody lifts an eyebrow.

Edited by Mauritz
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. . . sounds like a real country girl.

I married a hard-working girl like that, off a farm on the west coast of South Australia.

She milked a cow by hand in the morning, got the kids off to school and then helped me build the house by planing the floor boards while she was 8 months' pregnant.

I've still got the photo.

She likes to sleep out in the swag with me under the stars and is rapt going off to the bush for a fortnight's holiday in winter (prefers to swim in the sea summer-time).

She tells you straight what she's thinking, so if there's a problem with you, you know exactly where the situation lies.

She's one out of a box.

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In general Aussie women remind me of 'stoere boere Afrikaner vroue' of decades ago: hulle hande staan vir niks verkeerd nie en hulle vat raak en kry dinge gedoen. Geen wonder die 'feminist movement' is so sterk in hierdie land nie ;) maar ek sou graag my oupa se gesig wou gesien het as my ouma met sulke dinge opgekom het. :rolleyes:

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And There I thought "she's a good sort" Bob I never heard that one before, so she must be really special.

Mind you It's the country girls we talking about, some city girls can't do anything let alone cook, We got first hand experiance of that with DD inlaw, but I will say no more 'cause I don't want to be the bad MIL.

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Guest mrs mupersan


Excellent post Maritz - sounds like my kinda people! :ilikeit: No bling-bling, no makeup. :ilikeit:

Sounds almost like you've got a crush...... :ilikeit:

Edited by mrs mupersan
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Mauritz you tell it is so well I can actually pitcure this woman ! What a life !!

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