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Hi all!

I am Sonja from Potchefstroom (or maybe Tlokwe in the near future!). We have finally made the decision and fortunately I came upon this forum about a week or two ago. Since then I have been addicted to it and try and find out as much as possible. This is a wonderful forum and the support you guys give one another is amazing! I must admit, I still have mixed feelings, not wanting to stay though, but rather being scared of what awaits on the one hand and then on the other hand a sense of calmness and relief. Does it make sense?

My husband and I are both lecturing at the local university. We are involved in teacher training, but will most probably look for teaching posts over there. I was wondering about one thing, is it not too late to make the move, especially for the children? I'm 39 and Husband 37 and children 11 and 9. As is everybody, I'm concerned about the children.

We think of tackling the process of applying for a 175 visa ourselves. What would you recommend? Is it possible or should I rather use an agent? I know, I know - so many people, so many opinions on this one ...

I want to start as soon as possible, I'm afraid to be the last to leave and have to switch off the lights!



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Hi Sonja from Potch

(I grew up in "Cartoonville")

Welcome to the forum.

No it is not to late, People at age 50 are making the move. My wife is a teacher, we applied for the same visa as you want to based on my wifes qualifications, we did it ourselves with no help from agents, there is nothing to it its a matter of reading the instructions and filling in the forms, no tricks no secret codes very straight forward. the hardest part is the wait.

Good luck and make use of this forum it is usefull and the more radical the question the more varied the answers.


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I fully agree with what Desv has told you! Go for it! You'r clever educated people and it's not difficult to do the application except for the waiting!!!!!

Start collecting those documents asap!

Good Luck


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Hi Sonja,

I'm 43, single with a 14 year old daughter and a teacher and I got here!

You can do it!

Welcome to the forum!


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Hi Sonja.

Baie welkom op die forum.Hoop jy gaan sommer gou tuis voel :lol:

Sterkte met jul besluite.


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Hi Sonja!

Its never too late and I think your kids will have a wonderful futiure. I would like to share a helpful tip with you, if I may. My huisband and I found that because we were both very decided about wanting to leave we have never had the "want to go home' feelings. This is not to say we dont miss our family, friends and our country too but we have a list of the reasons why we came here and all the rest is merely the price for those reasons. It makes things very simple and easy to clarify when your feelings get in a muddle.

Edited by Michele S
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Welcome to the forum this is really a wonderful family and I hope you find all the answers.

As far as your question "is it too late" well its only too late when something has happened to you. Soo dont' hang around get on with it you won't regret it. As far as using a agent I would say do as much research as you can ask questions go to an agent if you need to for an hour or so and then apply on line.

Good Luck

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I tell my kids that some things in life need to be done, either at their 'convenience' or at their 'inconvenience'.

Either way, some jobs just have to be done!

Let's hope that you'll apply to come to Australia at your convenience . . . . not at your inconvenience, along with thousands of other white South Africans if things go really badly there in the years to come.

You only have to look on the other side of the Limpopo to understand what I'm saying.

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Hi all!

Thank you soooo much for the warm welcome from all of you! When we started investigating, my biggest concern was that we would be all alone in this huge step we are taking. Face it, support from the South African side is not much for understandable reasons. We constantly have to defend our decision, which is to my opinion, maybe a good thing. It helps to clarify and compile that list of reasons that you have suggested, Michelle.

But now I feel less alienated and part of a family. Thanks again for your support and the good advice I have already received from you. I've downloaded the booklet from immi and will start asap and then "haunt" you with questions!

Des, I love your "Cartoonville"! Nowadays we have many of those in South Africa, with comic characters as mayors and all.



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Hi Sonja,

Welcome to the forum, it really is a helpful place. And I agree with sa2aus, it's only too late after something's happened to you.

Best of luck!


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Thanks John

At first I thought we would really consider making the move when something serious has happened to us. But that's irresponsible to sit and wait and then leave when the damage has already been done. We're becoming "potpaddas" here in South Africa. We get so accustomed to the boiling water that I'm afraid we won't be able to jump from it when it needs to.


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My Three boys are 15,14 and 6 and our home language is afrikaans and we are going. So i realy think there is nothing to be warried about.

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Hi Sonja

I am also a newbie to this great forum. I think a lot of us start the process for the same reasons, kids, security etc.

All the best.


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Hi Sonja

We are from Durban. Hubby is 40, me - 38, sons 17 and 15.

Our eldest starts matric next year, so we hope we can get there early so he has a full year.

I don't think there is any other choice that we can make. Everyone we talk to agrees, and most of them are going or have family members going.

Even if something has happened to you in SA, it is still never too late!

Good luck!

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Hi Sonja,

ons is ook Potchefstoomers, het laas week aangesluit by die oulike forum. As ek eers begin kan ek nie ophou lees nie!! Wat nog van tyd te maak om ook iets te skryf.

Ons het so twee jaar terug besluit om die skuif te maak, seker die redes wat almal het....My kind se toekoms (Hy is 6), my man se toekoms (hy is 'n elektrisien en daar is op die stadium so min vooruitsigte vir hulle agv regstellende aksie natuurlik!) en laastens die geweldig misdaad situasie in die land (ons is al self 15 keer beroof - en ek praat nie net van die odd selfoon steel nie - groot skade! ons is moeg om in vrees te leef, moeg om van ons vryheid beroof te wees!)

Dis nooit te laat om die skuif te maak nie. Ons is so bly as iemand die keuse gemaak het, hoe meer hier kan uit hoe beter!! Die lewe daar anderkant is 'n totaal 180 grade verskil van hier. Ons het vriende ook oorreed om te gaan en hulle is op 457 visas oor (voor ons kan jy glo!!!) en hulle albei kan nie uitgepraat raak oor die andersheid in die manier hoe veilig jy daar voel nie.

Terwyl julle wag vir julle dinge om agtermekaar te kom, doen jouself 'n guns, lees hulle koerante elke week. Jy kry baie informasie en agtergrond daar. Teken sommer op hulle in, dan email hulle jou die nuusbrief sommer elke dag! Jy is vreeslik welkom om my te kontak as julle dalk bymekaar te kom en bietjie te gesels... glo my as ons met julle klaar is, wens jy julle het dit al lankal gedoen.

O ja, ivm julle kinders se aanpassing...ek het met iemand gesels wat ook kinders omtrent daardie ouderdom was, die ma 'n onderwyser, pa in grond kundige... Volgens hulle het die kinders verbasend goed aangepas. Die jongste een het so bietjie gesukkel met die engels, en toe 'n bietjie van 'n introvert begin raak. Die onderwysers daaikant het dit onmiddelik geidentifiseer, die kind onder hulle vlerk geneem, ekstra klasse (teen geen ekstra koste) aangebied, en daai outjie is nou katjie van die baan!! klim sommer self op 'n bus en gaan kyk footy alleen sonder stories!!

Glo my, daar is ,familie, kinders, en die gemeenskap geweldig hoog op die lys. (nie soos hier waar jy jou belasting ens maar moet betaal en stilbly soodat die parasiete wat als oorgeneem het kan maak wat hulle wil en ons het geen se nie...bv KLOKWE!!!)

Baie sterkte vorentoe met al julle besluite en dinge, laat weet of ons kan help.


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Hi Sonja - warmest welcome to this forum. My husband and I did the leaving when we were in our 50's and now 7 years down the track we are in our 60's - so NO it is NEVER too late. Just remember that what you are about to do is FOR your children ultimately and so even when everyone gets miserable and misses whatever - as you do - just remind them how nice it is to be able to sleep with windows wide open and no burglar bars! to drive with doors unlocked and windows down, to walk in the street with a wallet in your hand. To have the ability to be out when it is getting dark and not be scared. Yes it is hard, and harder for some than others but you just have to be prepared to adapt, to embrace the culture and look forward.

Good luck with all the gathering - it is extremely important. but hey you can do it!


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Hi all!

Thanks for your replies! Your encouragement really means a lot to me. When I'm awake at night, I ask myself whether we are sure we are doing the right thing. However, when I read your success stories, see the support given to one another and see how many people are leaving/has left (eish!), then I have my answer. I know it's not an easy ride, but nothing worthwhile comes cheap, does it?

Teresa, ek's so bly daar is nog iemand van die "little platteland" wat op dieselfde boot is as ons (of eerder vliegtuig!). Ek gaan jou PM, dan kan ons dalk bymekaar uitkom.



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I dont think there is a perfect age to emigrate - it is when the time is right for you and when you have the head space to make the move and settle into a new life. Only you would know when that is (its not the age its the attitude). Your kids are at a great age so that they can make friends in school and then go on to University or College with their friends. So go for it, you are not going to get younger by waiting and anyway emigration is not like skydiving - you can climb back into the plane if things dont work out.

Ask questions, share your concerns everyone has them.

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You only have to ask . . . . even with seemingly silly questions.

Whatever logistical or emotional roller-coaster ride you find yourself on, there will no doubt have been someone from South Africa that has "been there. Done that."

They'll be able to share their invaluable experience of their life so that you can steer your way thro the maze in front of you.

Good luck . . . . from Australia.

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Sjoe julle gee mens darem baie hoop! Ek is ook maar nog nuut hier en leer baie - dankie vir jul almal.

Sonja wat's jul van - ek en vroukie is oud-Pukke, en glad nie oud nie hoor.

Sterkte met als, ek sal jou ook sommer vrae vra soos ons dinge vorder.

Groetnis hier uit Joburg!

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Sjoe julle gee mens darem baie hoop! Ek is ook maar nog nuut hier en leer baie - dankie vir jul almal.

Sonja wat's jul van - ek en vroukie is oud-Pukke, en glad nie oud nie hoor.

Sterkte met als, ek sal jou ook sommer vrae vra soos ons dinge vorder.

Groetnis hier uit Joburg!

Hi AfrikaSon

Dis altyd goed om van oud-Pukke te hoor! My nooiensvan is Yssel en ek het vanaf 1987-1991 op die PUK geswot. My man het minder kultuur, was op NKP en TUKS!! :holy: Wanneer het julle geswot?

Die forum is wonderlik en ek leer baie! Vra maar gerus, ons is ook nog in ons kinderskoene, maar miskien kan ons mekaar maar so saam-saam help. Jy kan 'n PM ook stuur.



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