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I have just joined this forum. I am very impressed with this forum I already learned quite a bit since I started reading the posts a while ago.



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Hi Luislang

Welcome to the forum :holy: . This is the place to be if you're looking for advice/support on immigration. Tell us a bit more about yourself and where in Australia you would like to go....

Happy chatting


Edited by The Parsons Family
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Welkom Luislang!

Hoop ons sal baie inligting en hulp aan jou kan bied.

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Thanks for the hearty welcome.

I am a Gautenger. I am still in the "getting ready to lodge" phase, so I am not yet sure where in Australia I am going, I just know I cannot stay in SA any longer.


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Welkom op die forum :ph34r: hoop jul gaan dit net so geniet soos ons almal op die forum.Hier is iets van als :blink:



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Welkom en ek :ilikeit: die besluit om te verhuis.

Die groot donkerte (krag onderbrekings) sou my ook aangespoor het.

Cheers en sterkte met die aansoek.

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Welcome to the forum.

Lots of advice to be had - different opinions, but everyone understands waiting and being there for the others.

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Hi Luislang

Welkom op die forum. Hier is tonne inligting te veel vir 'n normale brein om alles te absorbeer maar gelukkig kan mens weer en weer dit gaan lees. :D


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi da Luislang,

Ek en vroukie ook mar nuut hier en begin eers nou die dinge uit te check! Sterkte met als, laat hoor van jou vordering.

Joburg groete!

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Hi da Luislang,

Ek en vroukie ook mar nuut hier en begin eers nou die dinge uit te check! Sterkte met als, laat hoor van jou vordering.

Joburg groete!

Welcome, you are definitely going to learn a lot from here!!


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Such a sad thing to read "I cannot stay in SA any longer".

But that's what it's coming to....

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Nice! Yes, nice people, nice info...and a nice future; I can't explain how much I'm looking forward to a nice future again, where LIFE is appreciated.

All the best to all of you.

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