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Some Newbies from CT


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Hi All

Gavin and Talita here from Cape Town. We have been doing the rounds on the forum trying to soak up all the knowledge(I know how rude of us) :ilikeit: from the wealth of information from this forum and thought it was time we popped our little heads out and introduced ourselves.

We have been toying with the idea of moving to Aus for about a year now and finally we have decided to jump in shoes and all. Talita is a Chartered Accountant and I am a IT manager. We are looking at maybe getting over with a 457 visa as opposed to the long way around. Just wanted to thank all for the posts on this site as we have found all the information most helpful.

Good luck to all those applying and for all those over in Aus we hope to hook up with some SA soon

God Bless

Gavin and Talita Flack

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Hi Gavin & Talita

Welcome to the forum, as you can see, you can get a lot of information, and helpful people.

Good luck with everything.

Look at the coffee club Cape Town, we are busy arranging a get together, so you can meet all of us. It will be great meating you guys.

Hope to see you there.


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Gavin en Talita

Baie welkom op die forum.Hoop jul gaan sommer gou tuis voel tussen almal !

Jul sal sien hoe baie ondersteuning kry jul van sekere mense op die forum :D

Sterkte vorentoe

Ursula en Albert.

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A warm welcome to the forum.

Just ask and all your questions will be answered :unsure:


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Just wanted to draught a short thank you to all for the warm welcome, most appreciated. It is quite a warm feeling to see how open and most helpful us South Africans truelly are :ilikeit:

Telanie, look forward to meeting yourself and boyfriend\hubby at the Cape Town Coffee club.

Quick question before I am off and do not quite know whether this is the correct discussion forum but my wife has been advised that she needs to get all her degrees translated from Afrikaans to English before they can be submitted to prospective companies. Anybody know of anyone whom we can contact to have this done. To be honest do not see the need but hey.

Cheers and God bless


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