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Lang wag tot Desember

Wepener warboel

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Ek en my man lees nou al 'n paar maande alles op die forum. Die tyd het egter nou aangebreek wanneer ek met mense wat die angstigheid wat immigrasie vooraf ken moet kommunikeer.

My man was een van die 100 persone in SA wat 'n onderhoud by WAPOL in Augustus gehad het. 100% met die hulp van BO. Die evaluasie toetse en die onderhoud is verby, die oogtoets en fiksheidstoets in gefaks en nou breek die LANG wag aan.

Ons kry eers uitslag of hy aanvaar is by die Western Australian Police die eerste week in Desember. Indien hy goedgekeur word, is dit afdraande pad van daar af. Aangesien dit 'n regerings gedrewe aksie is, kan ons glo binne 6 maande in Perth wees met PR. Ek weet dit is dalk ongesond, maar ek eet, leef en slaap nou vir die eerste week in Desember.

Wonder of daar ander persone op die forum is wat al moontlik die Polisie roete gevolg het.


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Baie welkom op die forum :ilikeit: Ons hoop regtig dinge werk sommer gou na n kant toe vir julle.Bly net positief :ilikeit: Jul sal sien hoe gou vlieg die tyd.Hou net moed.

Sterkte met die pad wat jul moet loop.Seker dinge sal reg uitwerk vir julle.

Groete Ursula en Albert.

Edited by Allie&Urs
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Hi Sudette

I know someone who is also wanting to go to Australia in the Police Force. Could you give me any info that I can pass on to them on where and how to look for jobs in the police force in Australia? And if there are still any openings for WAPOL?



Edited by Lisa T
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Hi Lisa T

If you go to the following website, it has a list of all the various police forces for the various states, click on the state, then go to the "contact us" button, most of them have an email address there for recruitment.

Good luck to your friend!


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Hi Lisa

Just a note on WAPOL. Their recruitment drive closed on the 18th of May 2007. After the closing date they were overwhelmed with applications from South Africans.

They requested that South Africans should not contact them on this stage. They recruited now up to end of 2009. That is for frontline policing for the rank of constable.

See below the information on the website http://www.stepforward.wa.gov.au (recruiting website for WAPOL). This is a very useful website as it explains the full process.

Please be advised that the selection process for those to be interviewed in Johannesburg in August 2007 is finalised. Successful applicants have been notified. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified in due course. Applications received after the closing date will not be processed.

If your friend want to apply for a sergeant or inspector he can look at the following website: http://www.appsc.com.au/

The recruitment drive is primarily for UK police officers. There is a forum discussing every thing - REALLY everything iro applying to Australian Police Forces. Works the same way as this forum - it is just about police forces.

The website address is: http://www.police-forum.com

Hope this help!!!



Edited by weppies
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