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Hi all forumites :)


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Hi folks <_<

I signed up for this forum quite some time ago, and just haven't ever had a chance to get properly involved in discussions (tho I have spent a lot of time browsing over my partner's (Pofstert's) shoulder). Over the past few months we've really learned a lot from everyone on here, and we've recommended it to a number of our friends who are wavering a little in the emigration decision department.

I look forward to getting more involved here, you're a really nice, helpful bunch of people! :ilikeit:



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So you'r a team, "Pofstert and Wislon"

Welcome and post those comments/questions. It's quite addictive though I'm warning you!!

My hubby is also a "peek over the shoulder" member! But as per usual he gets me to do the communicating! Whats new?

Good luck with the deciding!


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Hi and welcome! I'm also new, and read the forum for ages before joining up. I feel like I know everyone already even though I haven't spoken to them. :ilikeit: Look forward to more posts from you. <_<

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Welkom en sterkte vorentoe :unsure:

Groete Ursula.

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Hi Wislon

Welcome to forum.True to what Nilo say`s,this site is very addictive.Have fun and look forward to your thoughts and questions.

Chow Conrad

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Welcome to forum.True to what Nilo say`s,this site is very addictive.Have fun and look forward to your thoughts and questions.

Thanks guys, it's really appreciated :ilikeit:

... and after watching how much time Melanie spends on here, I'm wondering if two forum addicts in this house might be too much! :ilikeit:

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