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where to stay?


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Hi everyone. Thanx for this forum, its great to know we are not alone. I received my offer last week and according to the firm in Sydney I will start the second week in March. Everything happended so fast...one day we were thinking about moving to Oz and a month later we're planning our big departure.

:blink: But this was all in God's hands!

The reason for my post is to find out where in Sydney should we start looking for accomodation. My Finace and I are 24 and would like to stay in a suborb surrounded by other young people and with easy access to transport and shops.

Any ideas will be helpful.


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Welcome to the forum Marina!

Unfortunately, I can't help with your question, as we're going to Brisbane, but I'm sure someone will be able to give you some advise.

I wish you guys all the best!

Good luck with all the arrangements etc!


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Marina welkom op die forum.

Sterkte met jul planne en besluite en als van die beste vorentoe :)

Groete Ursula.

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You can stay in my house any day!!!!

Maar ek sal maar vir nou ook moet help soek vir verblyf.

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Hi everyone. Thanx for this forum, its great to know we are not alone. I received my offer last week and according to the firm in Sydney I will start the second week in March. Everything happended so fast...one day we were thinking about moving to Oz and a month later we're planning our big departure.

:ilikeit: But this was all in God's hands!

The reason for my post is to find out where in Sydney should we start looking for accomodation. My Finace and I are 24 and would like to stay in a suborb surrounded by other young people and with easy access to transport and shops.

Any ideas will be helpful.


Hi Marina

Welcome to the forum. I know how it feels to have your whole world turned upside down so suddenly, but it is for the best. :whome::)

I am sorry I can't help you with answers on accomodation, as we are heading for Brisbane, but good luck with all your plans


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