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Hi all,

I am fresh on the forums, although it has helped me a lot so far, picked up very usefull tips. The forum is magic.

We are busy with a 457 Visa, believe out medics will be there today or tomorrow. And then the long wait.............

Can anybody tell me if we will need Tax clearence with the 457?


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Hi Sweety,

Welcome to the forum. Hope u enjoy it here and find answers to your questions.

We did not do a tax clearance when we left on the 457 visa. Having said that I did not realy find out if we had to either :blush: .

Luckily there is a goverment whose admin sucks more then mine B)


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Hi Sweety

Welcome to the forum. We are also on our way with a 457, but did apply for TAX clearance. Don't know if you need it or not. We did this because of our 136 that is already in process. Good luck with your 457, and yes where are you going.



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Hi Sweety,

Welcome to this forum :ilikeit:

We are going over on a 457visa and must get a TAX clearance certificate if taking more than R160 000 per annum per person out of SA and more than R50 000 per annum per child. (well that's what our current bank told us)

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Hi there

We left 2 years ago on a 457 and we had to have tax clearance. We had it within 2 or three days and SARS were really very good.

Good Luck

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Hi daar.

Welkom op die forum.Ons is ook hier op n 457 :) Al 11maande in Perth.

Sterkte met jul beplanning.


Edited by Allie&Urs
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Hi Brad

Thanks for the welcome note.

We are going to Brisbane, we were both very fortunate to get jobs there, can't wait to go.

Still packing, selling and giving away....... :ilikeit:



Hi Natalie,

Nice 'meeting you as well :whome:

Were are you heading?


Hi Telanie.

What is the 136? We are leaving for Brisbane. :):)


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