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Hey, I'm Clair, found this website about a month ago and have learnt more about OZ than I have in weeks of searching other sites. So thanks to all the great people who reply to questions.

My man (Peter) and I want to go over there within the next 2 years or so, still have quite a bit of saving to do!!!! He's an electrician and I'm a pilot, apparantly being a pilot does not count for much there, so if anyone hears of jobs for me there, please shout. We're in our late twenties (28 and 29) and have no kids (yet), so we still have a bit of time to look around and find out what our options are.

I am keeping an eye on the PTA coffeeclub forum as it would be great to meet like minded people over a nice braai.

One question I have for all you blessed people already there: what are the Aussie wines like? Sounds like a silly question, but my ideal weekend starts out with a cheese and wine on Friday evenings with good friends, good cheese and of course, good wine!

We are looking at Brisbane or Canberra as ideal choices, but will go stay anywhere we get work.

Looking forward to learning more and making new friends on this website!


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:blush: Hi Clair! You will probably find a lot of answers here, but I know that there are some mining companies around Perth, who need pilots to transport miners etc to sites that are a bit remote. So do a search on pilots and mining and maybe you will get something...

Oh, and the coffee club, have a look at the thread under Coffe Clubs... I am also from Pretoria, and waiting for Fanie to let us know. In the meantime, happy reading! :blush:


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Hi Clair

Welcome to the forum, it's the greatest, everybody is so helpful.

We don't have any children yet, and my hubby is also a electrician, although I'm working at a law firm. We are just in our 30's. If you need to know anything just ask.

Good luck with everything.


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Hi Clair.

Welcome to the site and yes you will get all your questions answered. Very helpfull bunch.

We have been over a few times and trust me Aussie have the best wines in the world, so you will enjoy.

As for hubby, his trade in most states (WA / Queens) etc.. is on the skills shortage list so he should not have a prob.

Find Canberra a little too small / government hub and maybe as you are still young in my view look for a slightly bigger city. Purely my view for all those living in Can..



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Hi Claire

Welcome aboard!

We applied this year and hope to be there by the beginning of next year. It seems that 9 months on a 136 PR Visa is normal - make you realise what pregnancy can feel like - the waiting is the worst. This forum is very informative.

Log onto Seek.com.au, and put in a request for all pilot and electrician jobs to be emailed to you. Whilst it does not do a lot of good to apply every time (they like you to have your visa first), you may be lucky, and anyway, you can find out what the job situation is like, where the jobs are and the approximate salaries offered.

There are a lot of different visa options available, and you must try to make yourself familiar with them before applying. You can use an agent, or not. Depends on how capable you are of dotting the i's and crossing the t's.

Good luck

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Hi Claire

Welcome 2 the forum and good luck with everything and all your decisions 2 make in the future.


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Hi Claire,

welcome to the forum!

We're also thinking of going over in about 2 years time. Hubby is a software developer, but he wants to do his MBA before we go, so he needs another year of work experience before we can apply. We'll do that in 2009 while he does his MBA.

Where are you looking to go in Oz?

Best of luck with all the planning and decision making!


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Hi Clair,

Just to repeat everyone else, Welcome to the forum.

Now to elaborate on the important stuff. The wine here is very good, both red and white. We also enjoy the wine and cheese night, me the wine and my wife the cheeses. Let's just say there is enough varieties of good quality in both the cheese and wine departments to make you very happy.

With regard to the pilot job, do a search on the jobsites, might not be on a shortage list but believe me when I say you should have no problem in finding something once you are here.

Good luck,


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Hi there

Welcome to the forum. I hope you find everything that you are looking for here and ask if you don't. The wines and cheeses are brilliant and The Hunter Valley is just amazing.

Good Luck with the job search.


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Hey, I'm Clair, found this website about a month ago and have learnt more about OZ than I have in weeks of searching other sites. So thanks to all the great people who reply to questions.

My man (Peter) and I want to go over there within the next 2 years or so, still have quite a bit of saving to do!!!! He's an electrician and I'm a pilot, apparantly being a pilot does not count for much there, so if anyone hears of jobs for me there, please shout. We're in our late twenties (28 and 29) and have no kids (yet), so we still have a bit of time to look around and find out what our options are.

I am keeping an eye on the PTA coffeeclub forum as it would be great to meet like minded people over a nice braai.

One question I have for all you blessed people already there: what are the Aussie wines like? Sounds like a silly question, but my ideal weekend starts out with a cheese and wine on Friday evenings with good friends, good cheese and of course, good wine!

We are looking at Brisbane or Canberra as ideal choices, but will go stay anywhere we get work.

Looking forward to learning more and making new friends on this website!


Hi Claire

Welcome to the forum. We have been here just over 5 years now. Perth, Western Australia is currently in the biggest development boom ever seen in this country due to the mining boom. With that you have a flood of people coming to live in Perth from all over Australia. With so many people, infastrucute needs to be put in place, so the spin off is that trades people like electricians, plumbers, builders etc are totally booked out months in advance with work. The government believes that this boom will last another 10 -15 years. I'm not so sure about pilots, but the spin off could be good for you too, because a lot of mine workers live in Perth and then work one week off 2 weeks on as fly in fly outs. The mines are very far north in remote areas, so pilots would be needed for that. Just a thought to get your foot in the door. Good luck.


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Hi everyone!

Thanks so much for all the replies! Am so gald to hear Aussie cheeses and wines are also good.

Will keep you posted on our progress and any tips I get that are worth sharing.

Thanks again to a great bunch of people!


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Hi everyone!

Thanks so much for all the replies! Am so gald to hear Aussie cheeses and wines are also good.

Will keep you posted on our progress and any tips I get that are worth sharing.

Thanks again to a great bunch of people!


My friends son did a lot of flying up in Townsville out to the barrier reef and back before taking a job with Cathay Pacific - so maybe you could look there...


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