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Coming to WA(Perth) asap


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Hi everyone

I have been going through the forums looking at all the interesting views and comments about all and sundry and wish to pop in a question or two of my own if I may.

Just as a background I am an Urban & Regional planner currently in metro government and am wondering if there are any other Engineers/Planners or anyone currently working in property development that has recently left the "rainbow nation" for WA. I would love to chat to some of you re your move, current employment conditions and the ins and outs of development in and around Perth (also the coast up to Esperance...)

We have moved quite a way down the stop-start path of applying for PR and I have now contacted WALGA regarding a job to enable me to get in via the 457 visa. Has anyone else gone this route? I am quite interested in time-frames, costs etc as my initial interview seems to have gone rather well - is this false hope?

My wife is also very concerned that we will be living in poverty in Australia and is convinced that we will never achieve the living standard (read "standard" not "quality") as we have currently in SA. She believes that we will not be able to afford what we had in SA (Car, House etc) even if we have get the same jobs in WA which looks rather likely. Any comments on this?


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Guest ClanRogers


Welcome to the forum!!! :whome: Afraid I'm not of much help to you, not landed yet... however just wanted to wish you the best of luck! I'm sure you'll find the answers you need here...



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Kan nie veel help nie maar wil net se WELKOM op die forum en ja natuurlik sal jul weer n kar of 2 kan bekostig.n Baie mooi huis HUUR vir n baie billike prys wat jul sak sal pas.As jy koop is die huise nogal duur.So regtig jul sal regtig ok wees aan die kant en score nog jul veiligheid ook wat verniet is en nie n sent kos nie :whome: Dis great.

Sterkte vir julle en hou tog moed.Bly positief veral vir jou vrou se part.

Groete Albert.

Edited by Allie&Urs
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Well, we've been in WA for about 6 months now. My wife and I have been debating this quite a bit. Housing is exhorbitantly expensive here, in comparison to RSA - in my experience, and that's blown our sums way out of proportion.

But as a gut feel without putting any exact science to it, we figure it costs about 50% to 60% more here to retain the standard of living. (that's what we figured I'd need to earn to have the same stuff adn live a similar lifestyle to what I had in RSA) . But it also depends on your definintion of standard. We had about R2.5mil of cars and houses in RSA - but that amount doesn't go very far in Perth.

We had a 5 bedroom house and two new model cars in RSA. At this stage we cannot afford to buy a house here, and are renting far out of the city where the rental rate is a bit lower for a 4 bedroom house with a garden. And we still have 2 cars, but they're a bit smaller and 8 years old. BUT - currently we are debt free, which cannot be said for RSA.

my sponsored 457 took about 7 weeks from start to finish of the process. I'm told timelines are much quicker now, so as soon as we have our police clearance, we should lodge our PR (say mid Oct) and I'm told we may have PR as soon as Nov, but I'm not getting my hopes up yet.

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BUT - currently we are debt free, which cannot be said for RSA.

Now this is what I want, slightly lower standards but debt free!!!!!

Overtaker it sounds all good.


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Hi all

We have been in Aussie for 9 months now. We arrived with hardly anything, no furnature and very little funds, on a 457. We have 2 cars and a house full of lovely furnature etc etc. And no dept!!!!

We have in the last 2 weeks mannaged to purchase our first property!!! This would have been nearly impossible if we had returned to SA after our Seychelles experience.

The housing market needs to be approached from a different angle than in SA. We bought a new unit in Ipswich about 30 min out of Brisbane because properties are still affordable there. We looked at it as our "foot in the door"! The property will only be finished end 08 so we have lots of time to save before settlement (transfer). We are also guestamating that it would have built over $20 000 in equity by then!

Obviously this is not our dream house, but a very sound first inverstment!

Thank you LORD and thank you Australia!!!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the welcome and info everyone. I have received the necessary information and therefore I will not be monitoring this thread any more. See ya in Australia! :)

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Hi everyone

I have been going through the forums looking at all the interesting views and comments about all and sundry and wish to pop in a question or two of my own if I may.

Just as a background I am an Urban & Regional planner currently in metro government and am wondering if there are any other Engineers/Planners or anyone currently working in property development that has recently left the "rainbow nation" for WA. I would love to chat to some of you re your move, current employment conditions and the ins and outs of development in and around Perth (also the coast up to Esperance...)

We have moved quite a way down the stop-start path of applying for PR and I have now contacted WALGA regarding a job to enable me to get in via the 457 visa. Has anyone else gone this route? I am quite interested in time-frames, costs etc as my initial interview seems to have gone rather well - is this false hope?

My wife is also very concerned that we will be living in poverty in Australia and is convinced that we will never achieve the living standard (read "standard" not "quality") as we have currently in SA. She believes that we will not be able to afford what we had in SA (Car, House etc) even if we have get the same jobs in WA which looks rather likely. Any comments on this?



I noticed that you wouldn't be monitoring this thread anymore, but lemme write this anyway. I was also approached by WALGA and am considering an opportunity some way down the coast, and some distance from Perth. I'm still trying to get some info, so I;ll keep digging. Hope you have a good move and hope your wife comes round! I know what it's like trying to convince the wife.... :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All

I am also new to this forum but have found it an increasable source of information.

We are also going over on a 457 visa and are expecting it to come though any day now.

The history of my application is:

  • August I got an email "would you consider moving to Australia”.
  • A week later we replied YES and applied for my wife's& son's passports and my son's birth certificate.
  • the next day I had 2 interviews set up
  • 10 days latter I had an offer
  • 7 days latter the contract, followed shortly by my acceptance
  • Middle of September 2007 the 457 visa was lodged
  • medicals were done at the beginning of October and were approved 5 weeks latter
  • Middle of September I received my wife's passport only
  • We have sold most of our house hold items and are ready to leave this week but We are still weighting for the birth certificate, my son's passport and the visa acceptance. :thumbdown:
  • Plans are to leave 15 November (next week) for Perth<_<

Yes, it can took 8 weeks from time of application for 457 visa but also be ready to go when your visa is ready.

A word of advise is apply for all your documentation from home affaires as early as possible as the have a tendency to loose things or it takes very long time to get, I see some people managed to get documentation very quickly!

The company I am going to work for is incredible with advice and assistance.

The costs for us have been the documentation from home affaires with an agent fee was just over R1 000.00, medicals and sending the medicals over R800.00, a few calls to Australia, and maybe a few things here and there. But the company has already agreed to pay for all relocation costs within a budget and so we will claim these items back after I start work. The company is paying for travel from Durban to Perth, even though we live in Joburg, an amount for sending items over that we need, 1 month accommodation in a furnished apartment and the list goes on.

I have informed the company I am with at present of the plans and what is happening and they suggested that I do not resign until I get the visa. So even though the plan is to leave in 10 days time I still need to resign and officially inform them. I must just have my work up to date.

After looking at the issues that certain people on this forum are having, it looks like we are immigrating with 5 star status.

Good luck to all that choose this route to leave and hope to see you in Perth.

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Hi everyone

I have been going through the forums looking at all the interesting views and comments about all and sundry and wish to pop in a question or two of my own if I may.

Just as a background I am an Urban & Regional planner currently in metro government and am wondering if there are any other Engineers/Planners or anyone currently working in property development that has recently left the "rainbow nation" for WA. I would love to chat to some of you re your move, current employment conditions and the ins and outs of development in and around Perth (also the coast up to Esperance...)

We have moved quite a way down the stop-start path of applying for PR and I have now contacted WALGA regarding a job to enable me to get in via the 457 visa. Has anyone else gone this route? I am quite interested in time-frames, costs etc as my initial interview seems to have gone rather well - is this false hope?

My wife is also very concerned that we will be living in poverty in Australia and is convinced that we will never achieve the living standard (read "standard" not "quality") as we have currently in SA. She believes that we will not be able to afford what we had in SA (Car, House etc) even if we have get the same jobs in WA which looks rather likely. Any comments on this?


Why are so many people on this forum so worried about "standard of living"?

So maybe in Aus you'll do your own laundry and wash your own dishes. Did you know that the vast majority of people on this planet do their own cooking and cleaning? Personally I would much rather do my own dishes and live in a place where kids can play in the neighbourhood park, make my own bed rather than risk getting shot in it. I think the issue of "standard of living" somehow pales when you're getting hijacked. Maybe my car isn't brand new, but at least it's there every morning.

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Why are so many people on this forum so worried about "standard of living"?

So maybe in Aus you'll do your own laundry and wash your own dishes. Did you know that the vast majority of people on this planet do their own cooking and cleaning? Personally I would much rather do my own dishes and live in a place where kids can play in the neighbourhood park, make my own bed rather than risk getting shot in it. I think the issue of "standard of living" somehow pales when you're getting hijacked. Maybe my car isn't brand new, but at least it's there every morning.

I have to agree with you Ystervarkie, it is a mystery why so many people are concerned with standard of living, especially when you drive around australia and not a single shanty in sight, everyone lives in houses that must surely speak for itself.



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I like the fact that I can drive round my brother-in-law's place in the next town, spend an hour with him, then drive back home to an empty house (wife works on Tuesdays and son works monday to friday) and still find my lawn mower on the front verandah, rotary hoe with 5 HP Briggs and Stratton motor round the side of the house, and all my Sidchrome (as good as "Gedore") socket sets and compressor + 30 m hose in the driveway where I just dropped and left it all lying around while I was fixing one of my cars (new timing belt)

Now . . . is that "standard" or "quality" of life??

By the way . . . . my "security" fence is a broken down six strand plain wire (not barbed wire or razor wire) fence about 1.2 m tall with no gate on my 4 metre wide driveway.

So . . . do I take it that your wife prefers to live in high security??? :)

Edited by Bob
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Hi There

This is the first time I am posting I am sure most will notice that. I am married and we have 2 sones (6 & 1), we have been contemplating immigrating for quite some time and as my husband will vouche I have been dragging my heals and at last I have seen that it is something we need to do.

We submitted my hubbies resume to a company in Perth and they have vacancies in Rockingham and Mandurah. I did some research and found the rent to be about $220 - $300 dollars per week. Initially you want to convert it to rands and then you realise that it is all relative, you send in what you earn, so if you are earning $50K PA then it is not too bad. I think that we are used to the high life in SA, but wait until teh new rates & taxes law comes in (pay according to the value of your home) and then I think we will start changing our minds.

This is waffle I know but I need to write it down. I think that to go is a great idea ad=nd if you get sposnorship what a winner

Hold thumbs that ours all works out and that we follow the right steps.

Pray and ask God for direction


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