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New to the site and saying hi


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Greetings all,

I am a South African living in London - married to a Brit. I have been here the last 5 years, and although had a good time here, want to move on to Oz. Both of us are keen as we need sun :)

Both of us have good careers here - but neither of us have degrees :ilikeit: and therefore are short a few points. He has a cousin in Australia who we have asked to sponsor us, but he has not returned our emails :ilikeit::ilikeit: Bit disappointed. If he were to sponsor us we would qualify to immigrate.

Anyway, we are going to be persistant and know we will get there!!!

We are considering going to Oz for a few weeks and look for a job when we are there. Does anyone know if Retail positions are easy enough to come by? My hubby is a Regional Manager in Retail.

Thanks in advance :ilikeit:

Lisabella x

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Hi daar en welkom op die forum.Jammer oor die familie wat jul nie terug antwoord nie :ilikeit: ek sou ook teleurgesteld gewees het.Hoe is daai gesegde nou weer n ander man se genade is n ........ genade.Soek in jou eie #*# vlooie.Jul sal nie spyt wees om dinge hier uit tekyk in OZ nie.Dit is pragtig hier en die weer is fantasties :) Ek hoop regtig jul kom reg en kry al die hulp en advies wat jul nodig het.Sterkte met jul besluit.

Groete Ursula.

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Don't be discouraged. There are many ways to get in. Consider investing in Australia - I think it is AU$100000 invested for 2 years. You do have some choices. We were there in February and loved it! I am a UK passport holder, but have chosen Australia instead. Spend time reading this forum as I did, and it will soothe the soul.

Good luck!

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Ursula, baie dankie vir die "encouragement" - en ek weet ek gaan daar wees volgende jaar;-)

Shelagh, thanks for the tip - we are looking at options, and that is a good idea as we would have that once we sold our house!!!

I am determined and know there will be a way;-)

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Hi and Welcome

Western Australia is currently experiencing the lowest unemploment figures ever jobs of all kinds are currently available skilled people highly in demand.

good luck with your decision making and hope you come right


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Hi you guys,

Welcome to the forum, you are sure to get good advice from great people.

All the best with your 'new' journey to OZ!

Hannes & Lizelle.

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Hi & Welcome Lisabella,

As they say, where there is a will there is a way... what about your afrikaans points ?

Good luck, I am sure that if you are commited you will find the right option. It is very interesting to me that there are so many SA/Euror passport holders going to Aussie, I wonder if these immigrants are classified as SA or UK immigrants ? the number of Saffers given by DICA seems very low .

Also a word of warning (to all) apparently the TRA (Trades Recogniton Australia) will no longer accept applications that predominantly rely on evidence of work experience & there is a new MODL list (as of 1 Sept).... maybe our IA members can fill us in on what these changes mean to people who have not yet applied.

Dave aka Barnone

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Hi Lisabella

Perhaps stipulate to your family in Oz that 'sponsorship' actually only means 'nomination' and that they don't need to carry any financial burden as you undertake to pay for all visa/sponsorship costs yourselves. Many people misinterpret the 'sponsorship' terminology.

The AUS$100000 investment option that previously would have given you 5 extra points fell away as from 1 Sept 2007.

As everyone else said - where there's a will, there's a way - keep the faith and it will happen!

Good luck with exploring all your options.

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Hiya Kangaroo,

Yes we made it very clear in our email that all we would require is that he complete the form - we had enough money in the bank and would not expect anything from him :angry::)

Anyway, we have decided to be cheeky and call him this weekend... at least its worth a try :):unsure:

They have the Aussie expo coming up soon - looking forward to it.



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I have seen plenty of ads in the local paper that Aldi stores are looking for retail Managers - maybe you want to do a google search - if not PM me and I will see if I have the newspaper still


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I have seen plenty of ads in the local paper that Aldi stores are looking for retail Managers - maybe you want to do a google search - if not PM me and I will see if I have the newspaper still


Thanks so much Heather :D:ilikeit: we have Aldi stores in the UK too - will deffs look them up tonight and send them Marcus' CV

Lisabella x

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