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Hi Forum

Would someone please help with a list of abbreviation`s used on this Forum and any other simple terms we should get accustomed to.If there is already a posting on this subject could you please direct me to it.Many thanks to you all.



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Hi Conrad

People tend to use abbreviations etc as second nature so it is hard to compose a list it might be easier for you to posta list of words abbreviations etc you come across and dont understand and people will be more than eager to help you, there is nothing wrong with not understanding an word or abbreviation, its a whole new country we are talking about here. things like a barbie to most South Africans would be a toy doll their kid duaghter plays with but in Australia its a Braai.

but unfortunatly and I know I might be a culprit I have got o used to Aussie speak that often i use words and assume averyone knows the meaning so please compose a list.

On this site it is important to remember that there is no such thing as a silly question, its a forum to learn and you can only learn by asking.

Goodluck and happy asking, it would actually be interesting to see a list of words used here that people find hard to understand - reality check for regular users.



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