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I got my first dose of what my leaving SA really means to my family. We are a very close knit family. My father died when i was 2 yrs old and my mother reared 6 kids on her own and never remarried. I know my mother is not taking it too well but is keeping strong. My eldest sister is also very cut up but also not saying much. My brothers seem ok with my decision.

Heres the problem. My twin sister broke down yesterday and sobbed very bitterly. She wanted to know why we are going so far from them. She also loves my kids very much. I tried to console her telling her we will be home yearly. This will be the last time i see as she cannot make the airport. Too crown it off i am leaving on our birthday!!! I think tomorrow,when i leave, is gonna be a huge emotional day for us all.


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A 'man' has got to do what a 'man' has got to do

and I am so sure that you will have to in the near future assist your loved ones to follow so at this point you have to be the pioneer.

Good Luck and all the best


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A 'man' has got to do what a 'man' has got to do

and I am so sure that you will have to in the near future assist your loved ones to follow so at this point you have to be the pioneer.

Good Luck and all the best


Thats so true May. Unfortunately they are all happy here in SA. My mom being now also 73 makes her a no-no. The sad part of everything is that she has a heart condition :ilikeit: and may not even be able to come over and visit!!

Thanx May

Jong Rodz, ek is emosioneel die afgelope paar dae en nou het jy my ook in trane.

Ek kan my net voorstel hoe julle moet voel.



Thanx Wilna. Yes it is very difficult,but i am sure we will survive.

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My turn tommorow so I can sympathise.

Good luck!

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Oh Rodz - how I can understand your emotions - all of us who have left do - when you have a close knit family it just makes it so much more difficult. BUT you have to remember that you are doing it - not to hit out at your family, not to show them that you love them less - but to give your children a future! Very few of us would have emigrated were it not for the fact that we wanted more for our children than we could see SA offering - so remember tht there is SKYPE, facebook and msn - and these all help to make us feel a little closer - treasure up all the memories in the next few weeks and as you say - you are only a day away from getting home if you have to. I do so hope that your mum will be able to make the trip if just once to experience the freedom we enjoy once we are in Oz. Be strong and look to the future and while you do not forget those you have left behind, enjoy the adventure that lies in front.


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Hi Rodz, most of us have been there and to be honest still there in some ways.

Leaving for me was one one the hardest things I have ever done as I am very close to my family. Most of my family understood why we were going although there was an element of feeling that we were over reacting to crime incident.

My first few months were tough and I cried many tears both on the phone, skype and in private.

Finally one day I sat down and made a list of what my daily life had become since leaving SA and what it had been in SA after our hijacking armed robbery at our home. I am talking about the security precautions, fear while driving, noises in the night etc - I decided there and then that I was not going back and would do my best to convince and help the rest of the family to leave too.

I had my sister visiting recently with her 2 daughters. We both have 8 years olds who were inseperable on this holiday. I had huge tears when they left (mine and my daughters) and lots of questions from my daughter as to why I took her away from all the people she loved in SA. The positive side of it is that slowly the family is realising that there is life after SA!! And a pretty good one too!!I tried bombarding them with horror stories from SA but realised in some ways it was forcing them to defend the country so now I more subtle and just let them see for themselves.

I think the childrens reaction to the freedom here was very telling - they told their father who did not come along with great excitement that they played in the park across the street with the other kids all on their own, could play out in the garden until late and even had a late camp out in the garden under the stars, could go out in the dark to get a forgotten toy from the car, and guess what dad - you can drive with the windows open!!!

I think I am slowly winning the war and will have them over here in the not too distant future!!

So Rodz, be strong, have lots of tissues, but work on convincing them to come over.

On the subject of your mom, my mom is now 78, she has a heart condition as well as diabetes, she has come over every year for the last 10 years as I had a sister living here before we arrived 3 years ago.

She checks with her heart specialist, he tells her what to do in relation to for example wearing those socks that prevent blood clots etc , walking around on the plane, and thank God she has been fine. She comes over for 2 to three months at a time and has a ball.

In that way I actually get to see more off her than I did living 20 km away in SA and popping in for tea once or twice a week.

Good luck , will be thinking of you , and let us know how it goes.


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Hi Rodz

Terwyl ek jou stuk lees kry ek hoendervleis.Ek is so jammer en hoop tog dinge werk vir jou reg uit en dat jou familie vrede sal kry in hul harte.

Sterkte Ursula.

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Hi Rodz, I know exactly what you are going through - i got here a week ago (Melbourne) and am also taking strain, if you are in Melbourne you are welcome to give me a ring, I am still finding my feet but I am sure a lot of what you are going through I have just recently gone through so I may be able to help... Just an offer from a fellow Saffer.

Cheers, keep well and if you need my cell PM me


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Hi Rodz,

it's a very difficult thing to do and I don't think one can leave your family without feeling a whole range of emotions, from guilt to sadness. But you've got to stay strong and positive, and I'm sure they all understand why you're going, it's just a bit difficult at the moment.

I wish you and your family all the best for your flight tomorrow, I can't wait until we get to go.

Good luck with all the 'good bye's'.

Take care!


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Hi Rodz

I can just guess how you are feeling.Our thoughts are with you and your family.Still makes me feel sick to think of leaving my Country of birth and all my family.Best of luck to you all and make the most of it.

Chow Conrad

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Hey Buddy

Not a nice emotional time you are experiencing. There's no advise I can give you that might make it better. Be with your siblings and mommy, love them and have a GREAT time with them! Then save it in your memory to go back there when you feel low.



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Thanx to you all!! Yesterday,instead of having a jol, we sat at home and spoke of the "years gone yonder". We are all going to church this morning.

Well like i told a friend yesterday,no matter if i wanted to change my mind now , it is definitely toooooo late now.

My mom is going home tomorrow with me to Maritzburg,so its just my sister to say goodbye to her in Kimberley. At least i get to say goodbye to them seperately.

Thanx once again!!

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Hi there,

I really feel for you...we know what are going through.

will be thinking of you.


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Dear Rodz

Hope that your family will be able to find peace in their hearts. Our thoughts are with you.

When are you leaving for Aus??



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Hey Rodz

It's a tough time to go through for you and your family. Good luck with your adventures and (((((HUG))))). Thinking of you guys, may you get some peace in your new home.

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Thanx guys!! It actually went quite well this morning with my sister. Shed a few tears but i got a sneaky feeling she gonna be at the airport.

Leaving on the 18th Frenchy!

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Hi Rodz

Gosh - all the best for you - I left on my dads birthday - 9 years later he still tells me it was his worst birthday ever - which still makes me feel sad - but they (him and my mum) have been over here twice and I have been over there twice and they come over (73 years old both) for about 8 weeks - it is cheaper for us to fly them over than for all 6 of us to visit - it gives us quality time with them for that whole time and I think by the end of the 8 weeks they are ready to go back home and relax away from a house full of teens - we tell my folks about 4 months before we book their tickets as it gives them something to get excited about and believe me - they come over and love it - my mother in law - same age - travels alone and also loves coming out here...so dont think of the sad things - tell her about when she can come over and have a holiday with you guys and for how long...give her something to look forward to...we also make it a ritual that we phone them every Sunday night - and skype is wonderful as they can see you as well...

best of luck


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Hi Rodz

Gosh - all the best for you - I left on my dads birthday - 9 years later he still tells me it was his worst birthday ever - which still makes me feel sad - but they (him and my mum) have been over here twice and I have been over there twice and they come over (73 years old both) for about 8 weeks - it is cheaper for us to fly them over than for all 6 of us to visit - it gives us quality time with them for that whole time and I think by the end of the 8 weeks they are ready to go back home and relax away from a house full of teens - we tell my folks about 4 months before we book their tickets as it gives them something to get excited about and believe me - they come over and love it - my mother in law - same age - travels alone and also loves coming out here...so dont think of the sad things - tell her about when she can come over and have a holiday with you guys and for how long...give her something to look forward to...we also make it a ritual that we phone them every Sunday night - and skype is wonderful as they can see you as well...

best of luck


Hi Rodz

All the best for you and the family, it must be very very hard, i will think of you guys.



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Thanx again to all you guys!!

Yes Nilo i am also counting them. So much so that my mind is not at work anymore. I sent out a rather unsavoury email to people who should not have received it. Just 1 incorrect keystroke and it was gone. Luckily i could retrieve and delete most of them. So far only 2 have been read....well whats the worst that can happen.....they can fire me.

The nerves are starting to work up now but hopefully with some rum and coke,i should be able to to keep them settled till next week Thurs. We land in Brissy around 17:35 on the 19th Oct. We have a 2 hr stopover till we fly out to Townsville.

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