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Hi All, I guess I have been a lurker for some time reading your guys experiances on the Forum and wondering how I would cope. Well, I landed in Melbourne on the 23rd September - wife and child to follow on the 12 October - and I must say, I am taking a lot more strain than I thought....

How did you guys cope with being away from your families (Parents, friends etc) and as an arbitrary question, why Melbourne? It seems really great here, except the trains have got to be the most depressing thing in the whole world... I think driving is a better option.

Also, does anyone live out on the West Side - Sanctuary Lakes, Point Cook??

Thanks all


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Hi Shaun,

I came over 2 months before my wife and kids. I found that just keeping busy organising everything helped me cope with being away from them.

Ja, the trains are a bit depressing but I found the trains and tube in the UK to be even more so.



PS. You aren't by any chance originally from Alberton are you?

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Hi Shaun,

I came over 2 months before my wife and kids. I found that just keeping busy organising everything helped me cope with being away from them.

Ja, the trains are a bit depressing but I found the trains and tube in the UK to be even more so.



PS. You aren't by any chance originally from Alberton are you?

Thanks Chris, afraid not - from Sunny Durbs... Thanks for the advice - I am trying to keep busy but I guess I really need to focus on why I am here as opposed to what I have left behind... Wish there was a manual for this.



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Hello and welcome Shaun, from another ex KZNer,

Just some random advice,

The only way to cope with missing family and friends is to cope with missing family and friends.

What I mean is there's just no cure for it, from what I can tell. The only way to cope with it is to keep yourself busy, make new friends here and try to remember why you're not there.

It's funny - I lived in London for about 8 years and although I missed my family, it wasn't bad at all. Probably because I had a good friend base and was financially able to fly home once (sometimes twice) a year.

Now that I'm in Melbourne (only been here for 10 months) I'm really taking strain in terms of missing family. Partly because my social network is 50 times smaller than it was in London, and partly because I'm now aware that I can't just pop home for a visit. We have met some good people, but not in our area and get togethers are seldom as it's a bit of a drive to get there.

My suggestion would be to try to meet people and keep yourself busy. Remind yourself what a great opportunity you have and get out and explore. That's what I'm trying to do. Get on skype, facebook etc and encourage your family back home to do the same so that keeping in touch is easier.

Are you a rugby fan at all? There have been a few get togethers that we've had in Melbourne...

Best of luck!

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Hi Shaun.

Hang in there, the time will go by quickly, especially if you're quite busy.

Best of luck to you and your family in your new home!


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Hi Shaun

Welcome in Melbourne!

Although not in Pt Cook, Sanctuary Lakes, we are on the West, but North. We live in Sunbury. You are welcome to PM or email me and I will give you our contact details. I do know people that live where you are, but none of them are members of SAAustralia.

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Hi Shaun

Firstly, welcome to the forum, secondly, congrats on landing in Melbourne & finally good luck for all the rest! :ilikeit:

Vasbyt... October is just around the corner! :ilikeit:



Thanks to all of you who responded, I really appreciate the positive feedback - it really is difficult weighing up the pro's of being vs the con's of raising your while without his grandparents and friends. I guess I will only know in time..



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Welkom en byt maar vas ou mate :blink: as jy jou oe uitvee is die tyd verby.Dit gaan so gou jy sal sien.As ons daar gebly het kon ek jou nooi vir n lekker 'gasbraai' en n bier maar ek sit in die pragtige Perth.

Sterkte en hou moed.


Edited by Allie&Urs
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Hi Shuan,

I know it is hard. I landed here (in Melbourne) 24 Aug and my hubby is ariving tonight - yeah!!!

We live in the east but you are welcome to PM me and we can organise a lunch or braai or something :)

Please don't suffer in silence on your own - we are all here for each other. The first week was difficult for me as well but now I just love it.

Hope to hear from you soon.



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