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Coming to the Gold Coast


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My family and I are planning to come to the Gold Coast in November or December this year. My wife is a doctor and has signed a two year contract with a GP practice in the Varsity Lakes area. We are coming on a temporary work visa (422) which has already been lodged and will hopefully be approved in October. I work for a company in Switzerland (programming) so my job will stay the same.

We will be looking for a place to rent near my wife's workplace. I've seen in some of the threads that Robina and Mudgereeba are two of the nice places to stay (Google Earth is very helpful!).

We've also heard some good things about the school Kings Christian College which is in this area (I've got two young boys of 6 and 7). I'm a bit worried about the elder one as he turns 8 in December and is in Grade 1 here in Cape Town (we're kicking ourselves now for keeping him back a year!) and we know they start a year earlier in Oz.

If anyone has any suggestions on the suburbs around Varsity lakes and also on the primary schools, that would be much appreciated. Also, if anyone has suggestions on good holiday accommodation (or similar) to stay for the first month (at a reasonable price) that would also be very helpful....

We're really looking forward to getting there....! :ilikeit:

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Hi Graeme

Welkom en baie geluk met die wonderlike nuus.Hoop al's werk vir jul reg uit en als van die beste vir jul toekoms in Gold Coast.

Sterkte met al jul beplanning :ilikeit:


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Guest fishermanswife

Hey there,

What a lovely area to be going to , it is one of the most beautiful suburbs on the GC. Dont stress about the age of you child wrt the year he is in.My daughter was in grade one when we left at the end of term 2 in SA and she started term 3 in grade 2. She had to get extra homework to "catch up" at first but she has made some lovely friends and settled in well. The teachers here are fantastic and very "hands on" and I have interacted with the teacher daily to discuss concerns and issues.

Robina has the most gorgeous shopping centres! :thumbdown: and I believe some excellent daycares.If my dear hubby did not work in Brisbane we would definitely live in that area.We however will be moving to upper gold coast in Jan.



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Thanks for the info about the grades, that makes us feel better!

My wife will definitely enjoy the good shopping centres :-)



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Hi Graeme

My sister-in-law lives in Mudgereeba with three gorgeous kids on an acre of land with two Ridgebacks to finish the picture.

Her children are doing really well at Mudgereeba Creek State Primary. She is a full-time education Student at Griffiths University so has no time for the forum but pm me if you would like more contact with her.

Kings is a great school with a huge South African contingent. The primary School Captain is South African born. I have also had some experience with Hillcrest Christian Academy in Reedy Creek. Great little school!

I love Robina. My son is going to Bond University next year, and I have been down that way often is the last month. Nice! Also love the suburb of Bonogin.

Relax-most South African kids here are older then their peers. No big deal-they just get to drive earlier than their classmates when they are in their teens. Instant popularity!

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Hi Queensland girl

Thanks for the info on the schools, we'll definitely keep those schools in mind. Robina seems like a good suburb for us to live in because its quite centrally located, close to my wife's workplace and not too far from the beach to go for a surf!

Are Universities expensive in Australia or are they free for the citizens?

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Hi Graeme

You are coming in peak season and this can be really pricey.

When we came for our LSD we were in the Cedar Lake Country Resort in Advancetown next to Hinze Dam. easily access to Robina and Mudgereeba. Large gardens, great pool. Lots of space for the boys to play. It has two bedroom self catering cottages which are neat and clean.

Google them. Not so close to the beach but lots of other benefits.

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Dear Graeme,

You are going to one of the most stunning areas in Australia in my opinion ;) . We stay in Brisbane, but would LOVE to go to Gold Coast one day... :ilikeit: It's not as big as Brisbane, but still big enough. If I could move Brisbane closer to Gold Coast I will be there in a second!!! Lovely :unsure: !

Good luck with the visa and the move! Hope that all will go well :ilikeit: !

Bye, Pippa! X

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Hi Graeme

I live in Robina and love it - it is so central to everything - Kings is a great christian school, some really great South African teachers there - also try Emmanuel Collegeas well as they have a bus from Robina to school and back - it is only about 5 mins from Robina to Emmanuel which falls under Carrara (they have loads of South African kids, no bullying policy and loads of South African teachers as well and no power lines!! which is what put me off Kings) My son is at All Saints Anglican school - if you could get yours in there (huge waiting list but maybe not for your grades) then I would suggest you try here first as it is really a fantastic school (I waited for 5 years to get mine in here and am not sorry) Hillcrest I agree with Queensland Girl is also a great school, in fact most of the schools here on the Gold Coast have great reputations.. - I might have a house to rent from November if you are interested PM me. Otherwise there are some really nice homes to rent in Varsity Lakes and lots of South Africans in that area. We stayed in Huntington Apartments (fully furnished facing the Broadwater in Southport) when we first arrived which was great as it was just a base for the first month it was pretty convenient to everything - let me know if you want their details.. (ours was a three bed apartment with two baths, tennis court and indoor and outdoor pool.

(If you are PR - then the children can apply for HECS for their Uni fees and only need to start paying it back once they earn over $35 000 and then they deduct the debt before tax.. most youngsters here do that - unless you want to pay for their fees and then they vary as per the different courses - if you google the Universities, they should have more info on the fees)

Good luck and let us know when you arrive as we have been here for almost 7 years and can help you meet tons of others like you in the area...

PM me and I will give you our details.





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Guest colton

(If you are PR - then the children can apply for HECS for their Uni fees and only need to start paying it back once they earn over $35 000 and then they deduct the debt before tax..

Only if you are a citizen do you qualify for HECS, PR only qualifies you for a Common Wealth Supported Place, which is in fact just cheaper fees compared to international but you have to pay all costs upfront each semester yourself, no help from the Government.

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Thank you all for the helpful comments, advice and suggestions! I'll be bearing all of these in mind...


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Has anyone heard anything about the state school 'Varsity College' (as a primary school)?

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