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I wonder if you guys can be of assistance. My wife and I finally decided that we are going to relocate to AUZ, so I started the process to apply for a PR VISA (175). But ideally I would like to obtain sponsorship with a company for a 457. I'm daily on the net applying for positions that I would be perfect in but it feels like I'm hitting a wall because none of the recruitment agencies really want to progress with an application without a relevant VISA. I feel that I have a brilliant skill set and would easily obtain employment once I have my PR VISA but I would like to expedite our immigration process.

How can one get in touch with companies that would be willing to look at sponsorship?

I'm in the Human Resource/ Payroll/ Remuneration field with a degree and 8 years experience in this filed how long would it take until I have a PR Visa once everything is submitted?

In terms of location our 1st choice is Brisbane, then Melbourne and then Sydney and then any other AUZ city. Sorry for all the questions, but I suppose you guys have already been through similar situations and would be able to assist.

Many Thanks


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Keep applying, even if it says "must have rescidence" apply to all you see, oneday your luck will change.



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Looking at your skills I would think your expertise would best e suited to a large company, large companies often look after their own recruiting advertising such on their websites. I would select a number of companies that appeal to you and then look at their web pages, look at listed companies for starters.

Agents are exactly what that word is they are an agent for a company, they usually do not or are no in a position to use their discretion and follow their script to the word so unless you are a pervect match chances are you wont get a second look with an agent. especially these days where it is so easy to apply and asCamper said keep applying to everything you see, a huge amount of people do just that and when an agent gets hundreds of reponses to an advert they can afford to be fussy and look for the perfect match.

The"hidden" job market is far bigger than the advertised market, the problem is it is hidden. but dont get disillusioned keep looking and start getting your paper work in order, full birth certificates, passports etc.

These all take time and can be done now.

Good luck


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Thanks Guys, will do so?

Can I ask another favour, what websites give one some information as to what the cost of living is in the different citties and what can I expect to spend during a month if it's only me and my wife no kids. Costs like:




Property Tax


Entertainment etc.

Thanks guys you are really helping a lot.



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Oh yes another question?

Approximately how long does it take to obtain one's PR VISA (175) from the date that you submitted it? I'm planning to have mine submitted before end of Dec 2007 and we would like to immigrate to Australia before the end of 2008 that’s why I will be applying for jobs any case hoping to obtain sponsorship to expedite the process.


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Guest ClanRogers

Hi Nico

Afraid we're in the same boat, will be applying for 175 soon & also possibly a 457 sponsorship... I do know that the 175 online process in very new & appears to be somewhat quicker than the old 136 process. StefB recently started the 175 online process with surprising quick results... I for one am keeping a close eye on the 175 timeline...

Good Luck


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As everyone has said, just keep on applying!

Well on the note of the timeline for the 175, I submitted our online app today so I will also keep everyone posted as we go along! keep watching my timeline.


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