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Hi Everyone,

This is my first time on any forum. I was very lucky to stumble across this one, which I find very interesting, informative and with very friendly postings.

Via the internet we have done our homework well. We also made a trip to Aus and NZ last year to make sure of our decision to try to move to Aus. We have a few friends scattered over various states of Aus and received a lot of info from them, until the point where we realised we are tiring them. This is where I realised the benefit of these forums. Thanks for all the info; everybody seems to have the same questions than us.

We started our process at the beginning of May, hubby received his AIM accreditation soon after, done this IELTS thing (scored 8,5 overall) and last month we received sponsorship from South Australia government. Our visa has therefore been lodged with Aus government and we were told to do our medicals.

In the meantime, hubby is leaving for Adelaide on Monday 24 Sep and will also visit Melbourne. This is mainly to go job searching. Because of the SA sponsorship we are of course bound to this region, which we actually prefer, but if Melbourne has any job on offer, we need to put in a different visa application for that.

He has sent several applications via most of the smart job offering links, but they want us THERE, then they will entertain the application. So it is a move of faith when our final visa is approved, to pack up everything and move to Aus without a job offer. We have scares financial resources for that, but it seems this is how most people do it.

Anyhow, for what it’s worth, just maybe, maybe, someone can be of assistance:

1. Hubby is 42, fluent in English and German and is currently a Supply Chain and Logistics Development Manager at Woolworths South Africa.

2. We are wondering how long it used to take after lodging until approval. We lodged a 475 (new code, previously 495 Regional Sponsored)

Any ideas or advice on our future prospects are welcome.


Stars (in the hope that, with this new venture of my family, we will not see our . . . stars!) :ilikeit:

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Welcome to the forum

Enjoy the ride


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If hubby would like to make contact whilst in Melbourne, feel free to PM or email me!

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Hi Stars.

Welkom op die forum.Nou is jy op die regte plek want hier kan jy al jou vrae vra waaroor jy onseker is en wil oor uitvind.Ek hoop regtig dinge werk vir jul volgens plan uit.Jy klink baie positief wat al klaar n plus punt is.Ek weet ook almal kan advies gee maar aan die einde van die dag moet jul self daai groot besluit neem om te kom en dit saam aantepak as familie of nie.Niemand kan dit vir jul maak nie behalwe julself.Sterkte ook met jou man vir die 24 ste Sep. seker hy sal met goeie nuus huistoe kom.

Sterkte met jul besluit en planne :ilikeit:


Edited by Allie&Urs
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Hi Stars.

Welkom op die forum.Nou is jy op die regte plek want hier kan jy al jou vrae vra waaroor jy onseker is en wil oor uitvind.Ek hoop regtig dinge werk vir jul volgens plan uit.Jy klink baie positief wat al klaar n plus punt is.Ek weet ook almal kan advies gee maar aan die einde van die dag moet jul self daai besluit neem om te kom en dit saam aantepak as familie of nie.Niemand kan dit vir jul maak nie behalwe julself.Sterkte ook met jou man vir die 24 ste Sep. seker hy sal met goeie nuus huistoe kom.

Sterkte met jul besluit en planne :ilikeit:


Thanx Ursula,

Ons LSD in 2006 het baie gehelp om duidelike antwoorde te vind en toe het ons hierdie jaar dinge aan die gang gesit, nadat ons doodseker gemaak het dis wat ons wil doen. Dingetjies wat ek probeer uitvind op die forum is meer vir praktiese doeleindes as om te help om my besluit te maak of ons gaan of nie. Ek is maar een wat als vooraf in orde probeer kry (al is dit net in die kop) en laat dan spasie vir verandering.

GAAN wil ons beslis, dis die hoe, waar en wanneer. Ons is selfs verby redes soek waarom ons wil gaan. Die wêreld is die mensdom se tuiste en daar waar die individu tuis voel, daar mag sy na my mening haar lêplekkie maak.

Ons gesels weer


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If hubby would like to make contact whilst in Melbourne, feel free to PM or email me!

Thanx Mara,

Will let him know. He is spending this week and until mid-next week in Adelaide. Please hold thumbs that this brings a positive outcome re work-offer(s).

After his ventures in S Aus, he'll be off to Melbourne.

Thanx for the offer. Will let you know via PM.


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