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New Sydneysiders


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Hi Everyone

My husband Luan and I have been in Sydney for almost 3 months, it's all very new! We're missing our family and friends quite a lot, but hey that's one of the compromises we had to make. We'd like to know how you go about making new friends in a country where you don't really have contact details? Are there any braais or get togethers, where can we get together with some 'rugby' lovers to watch the Bokke play?

Ons sal graag wil weet of daar enige Bulle hier is?

From The Bouwers

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Hi there

Welcome to Sydney. We all miss our families alot but over time you will find that it gets easier and everyday you will become more settled and once you start making friends you will realise that the sacrifices are worth it.

I started making really good friends about 8 months after I arrived. I met a person on the forum who had met a person immigrating and we slowly met others and some clicked and little friendships formed and we are now as thick as thieves.

I found the childrens schools the easiest as the kids invite friends over and then you get chatting to parents. It takes alot of effort and it is hardwork. I have found that although I would rather drop and go I do make the effort to go in at drop off and fetching the kids and chat to the mums. You will also need to introduce yourself and tell them that you are new.

I have found that it is easier to make friends with ex South AFricans and other people who are new Syndey be it Australians or others from abroad as they are all new and have not established friends either. If your children do sport make an effort to go to games and watch and talk to the others instead of reading a book etc.

If you work and don't have kids try to join a book club or something so that you meet other people and that you have another interest, it is difficult but sometimes it is really really worth it.

I am a shy person and it has taken alot for me to phone people but slowly I have made great friends and they would never think I was shy because now we talk about everything and have some really good laughs and crys together.

A friend of my sons invited me to meet up at the park today, they are from the UK. Last night I kept thinking what am I going to say to her what are going to talk about and I made a mental list. Today we met up and I never had to even consult my mental list as we were able to talk non stop and we had a really good time.

Remember you are going to have bad days we all do (even those that have been here for 25 years will) but at the end of the day only you can make friends for you and friendships take time so just get out there and smile at an extra person each day and try and talk to people. If you go for a walk ask someone what kind of dog they are walking, in shops ask someone if they have tried that brand of peanut butter, explain that you are new and that you are trying to get used to the different products. You will make friends soon just stay positive.

Let us know where you stay I am sure you will find there are lots of South Africans that are keen to get together for wors and to watch the bokke. A pity the world cup is at such strange hours.

Have a search through the posts you will find there are lots of South Africans arriving in the future, you will find plenty of people to hook up with, hang in there.


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Ons sal graag wil weet of daar enige Bulle hier is?

wie's die Bulle? :blink:

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Ons is Bul ondersteuners. Ek dra gereeld my Bul hempie.

Vriende maak gebeur so met die tyd saam. Byt vas



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Hi Daar,

Welkom op die forum!

Ja , daar is definitief Bulle / Bulls / Blue Bulls op die forum en oppad Aus toe!!! Ons mak daai plek nog blou , tjop , tjop!!

Verskoon asseblief maar vir Springbok , mense met 'n GROOT gat in hulle opvoeding word ook in Aus toegelaat!

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