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Hi guys

I'm actually getting conserned. There is such a lot of us that are thinking of leaving. I'm worried that the Aussies will stop us getting into their country soon. :whome:

As all of you I'm starting this long process to eventually get there. Also because I do not see a future for my son here. I also want to take my mom as there is nobody else that can take care of her here. Did anyone of you do this? How do we need to apply for her to go. We qualify for a skilled visa.

I would also like to know if there is anything that you DON'T like in Oz.

Anyway, you will hear a lot of me in the future.

See ya

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Hi Groentjie

Unfortunately I can't answer your question but Welcome to the forum and I'm sure that you're going to get heaps of information from the other forumites.



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Hi Groentjie,

welcome, I'm also new and I think that most of the info you and I need is available on this forum and everybody is helping everybody


Willem :whome:

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Hi groentjie,

Welcome to the forum.

You can take your mom with as a dependent. You have to prove that she is solely dependent on you, she lives with you, you feed her and clothe her, medical aid etc..... So in other words if you had to leave her here she wouldn't be able to survive on her own.

Secondly is the "balance of family" (I think thats what it's called) if you are the only sibling or if you have A brother or sister in SA then it's ok. If there are more than half of your mom's siblings living in SA then she won't be able to go with you.

I really hope I make sense.


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I don't think Aussie will slam there doors just yet. Adelaide with has a population of around 1,1 million have set a target to grow the population to 2 million by the year 2050. The Australian economy to on the rise and they require skill (particularly technical) to continue the grow. I think it's just a perception they a lot of people are leaving. I think there is a large percentage leaving Australia (for the UK, USA and returning home RSA).

I had the same felling when I first started on the forum.

Anyway Welcome to the forum



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Guest ClanRogers

Hi Groentjie

Welcome to the forum!!! :lol:

I have a friend who's going over soon on a 457 Visa who is taking his mom-in-law with as she's depended on them i.e lives with the family... So it can be done!

Good luck!


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Hi welkom op die forum en hoop jy gaan al jou antwoorde kry wat jy soek.Sterkte ook met wat jy besluit om te doen in die toekoms as dit kom met die groot besluit.

Groete Ursula en Albert.

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Hi Groentjie

Welcome to forum.Yes quite amazing how many of us want to leave.All for our children`s future.

Have a Lovely Evening


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Hello Groentjie

I dont think Australia will stop South Africans any time soon, bare in mind that we represent a small percentage of people immigrating to Australia. Most immigrants to Aus come from the UK, China, Malaysia, India and New Zealand.

It is more likely that the SA government will stop proffesionals leaving here when the economy starts failing.

So get out soon.


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Welkom Groentjie

Dis 'n uitstekende forum hierdie :)

Al jou vrae sal beantwoord word ... jy moet net vra.

Sterkte met jul pad vorentoe :)


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Hello Groentjie

I dont think Australia will stop South Africans any time soon, bare in mind that we represent a small percentage of people immigrating to Australia. Most immigrants to Aus come from the UK, China, Malaysia, India and New Zealand.

It is more likely that the SA government will stop proffesionals leaving here when the economy starts failing.

So get out soon.


Good heavens, i would like to see them try and stop me!!!

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