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Conrad: Hi to forum


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Hi to you all

Thank`s so much for the fantastic help and advise you give to us beginner`s.

My family and myself live in Paarl.My wife is a pre school teacher and my boy`s Keagan(11) and Teague(7) are in Paarl Boy`s Primary.I am in the Hydraulic and Pneumatic industry.We love camping and all outdoor life.

I have been trying to find work in my field but can`t seem to find the right category it goes under.I have tried Trades but nothing has come up.Could someone please help.

Coming from the Western Cape we are looking for an area that has the same climate and Mountains(Wifie loves mountains).More help needed please.

Well I think that is enough question`s for now.Of to Oz Expo in JHB on 15 Sept.Hold thumb`s and please continue your FANTASTIC work

Regards Conrad

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You might fall under Fitter 4211-11

Under a fitter you get different catorgories.


Electrical Fitter, Diesel Fitter, Mechanical fitter, Maintenance Fitter, Hydraulic Fitter etc.

Hope this helps.



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Hi Camper

Thank`s for advise,will give it bash.What`s the camping like


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We are not there yet, but as you can see from the name we are big time campers, The aussies are big time into camping, we are taking all our camping stuff with except gas cylinders. We even taking our off-road trailer.

We are heading either for Perth or Queensland.



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Hi Camper

That sound`s very good.Originate from Durb`s myself.Why not gas bottle`s?Maybe stupid question but they are quite costly.Don`t forget Potjie pot hey.

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hi Conrad and family

My hubby is in the same line of work and he falls under fitter. We are off to Gladstone Queensland.. Soon. Gonig on a 457 visa, we were luck enough to get a sponsor. 2 thirds of our paper work is through. Just waiting for the final visa. Have not been over but it sounds great and although i am nervous about the whole thing a 1st world sounds better than a 3rd world. I have plenty of info that we have been fowarded from our sponsor and others. just send a PM if you need any.

Chat again


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Hi Debra

Thank`s for info.Would like to know how you got sponsor.Any info at this point would be great.Are you going to Oz Expo on 15 Sept.

Chow for now


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Your best bet for sponsorship is with any mining company - Hydraulic fitter in big demand try Barminco, or Byrnecut both Perth Based. look for them on net they usually advertise their employment opportunities on their web page. Also try BHP Billiton, barrick or do a Google search of mining companies

Good luck

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Howzit Conrad. You will not be able to fill your gas bottle in Aussie as they have regulations (which actually work) and are therefore not allowed to fill non-regulation bottles (like those from SA). I brought over my skottle and bottle and its useless here.

Also camping is superb. There are many free camping sites - kan jy dit glo? And the camping spots sometimes even have free braai-ing where you push a button and there is free gas to cook with! These places are very safe and I was at one about 2 months ago. It was half way between Cairns and Townsville and these parents brought their daughters out (maybe about 14 years old), helped them pitch tents and then left! Sal jy jou dogters so kan laat in SA?!

If you love camping, when you get here buy yourself the Camps4 book (current edition, last one was called Camps3). It's about $55, but it is worth far more as it lists all the free campsites and road-side stops along the way. In some of these road-side stops they have charity run free (nog iets wat vry is!) coffee stops. The reasoning is along the lines of stay awake, stay alive.

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Howzit Conrad. You will not be able to fill your gas bottle in Aussie as they have regulations (which actually work) and are therefore not allowed to fill non-regulation bottles (like those from SA). I brought over my skottle and bottle and its useless here.
You can get fittings from most SA shops in Australia to connect your skottel etc to Aussie gas bottles so bring youe skottel etc just dump your gas bottles.
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Hi Conrad

I think that Oz has some of the best camping sites/facilities in the world.Some of the camping sites on the coast that we have visited have the most stunning locations often right on the seafront.Visited Robe (South Australia) recently and they had a caravan park located on the shores of a lake (about 2kms from the sea) with beautiful campsites,"cabins( 3 to 4 star), lush lawns and spotless ablution faclities.

Generally the facilities are excellent, ablution blocks, braai areas/facilities etc and safe!

Oz is actually the land of braaivleis (sorry babercues).sunny skies and Chevrolet (sorry Holden)



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