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Andri Jack: In two minds, thoughts and questions

Andri Jack

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Hi Everyone

This is a first time for me, posting something on the internet, definately not something a would do under normal circumstances but I am hoping that somehwere there are other Afrikaans girls that feel like I do about emigrating to Australia..

My husband has been labouring the idea of emigrating for many years now and finally I have warmed up to the idea somewhat..

We've had our first baby March this year and I suppose that is what pushed my husband's dream into first gear...safety and a better future for my son etc. (The usual motives)

Some days I feel excited about the prospects of a new beginning but for the bigger part I dont want to leave my family behind and cant imagine living in another country... not hearing my language (does the Aus accent not get to a person ??) no Table Mountain, no Kirstenbosch (the Aus Botanical gardens doesn't come close to Kirstenbosch..from what I've seen on the Internet). Besides family I understand and realise that these aren't things that should keep us here but I guess it's just a whole change of mindset that is not there yet...

Things that would make the move easier:

1. A good Church that gives solid Bible-based teaching.

We are with CESA (Church of England South Africa) does anyone know of churches in Melbourne (North-East suburbs) that are similar to this denomination ? I dont know where we will be based yet, my husband is talking about the North-East suburbs but I would like to think that we would try to get a home close to a good church and base everything else around that.

2. How is the daycare/educare/play groups there? At the moment it is a nightmare to find a realy good educare centre that has space left for our son.

3. How easy is it to find a job ? Halfday jobs ? At the moment I am a Student Advisor for a Private College and I love the work (school presentations and one on one interviews with prospective students and their parents about the qualifications we offer). My husband is a programmer so he wont have a problem finding a good job (we think). Hoping to come over on a skilled visa.

I was thinking that a halfday job would be great so that I could spend some more time with my son..dont think I'd like to stay at home full time though..especially since there wont be tea or coffee with a parent or sister etc.

Any ideas or opinions very welcome !


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Hi Andri

Just a quick welcome and to let you know that you are not alone in your dilemma. We have also come to the realisation that in order to secure a better future for our child, we need to move from South Africa. Leaving family and friends behind is the hardest thing to come to grips with, but once you've realised that it is not the end of the world and look to the positives of making the move, you are doing the right thing.

Everytime I think about leaving our family and friends behind I make sure I watch Carte Blanche on Sunday night, and by Monday morning I am more motivated and determined to make the move. My husband calls it THE SUNDAY NIGHT REALITY CHECK!!!

And accept that you are going to feel positive on some days and very negative on others, especially when you've just had a social gathering with those closest to you.

You're not alone and just know that thousands of people are going through the same emotions.

Good luck with everything!


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Hallo, en Welkom,

Dit is nie 'n maklike besluit om te neem nie en 'n moeiliker besluit om uit te voer. Maar moet ek by voeg dat ek persoonlik nog nie een dag spyt was oor ons trek nie!!!

Ons woon nou al 8 maande in Brisbane en het nou net terug gekom van Nieeu Zeeland met ons Aussie PR visas!!!! Dinge kan net nie beter nie!!!

Ek praat gereeld my taal al is dit dan net met my man of op die forum en dan is daar ook die SKYPE wat komunikasie baie baie vergemaklik.

Ek glo dat immigrasie vir ons die BESTE besluit was wat ons nog gemaak het, (en ons is al 25 jaar getroud)



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Hi Andri

I know how you feel and believe you me the majority of the forumites are either going through the same emotions you are experiencing now or have already gone through those emotions. It is not easy to leave your loved ones behind (especially your parents) but like my hubby and I said to each other - there is no future left here in SA for our kids. This is the only way out for us and we're taking it. Our parents are behind us every step of the way. Some days I feel very positive and other days I feel a bit down but we've made our choice and so far we're enjoying the ride - albeit a long one!

Cheers for now


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Hi Andri

Welcome to the forum. There is a get together on Saturday in Cape Town. Have a look at the 'Coffee clubs' and PM Aramat for directions. Would love to meet you guys.

Good to have you on board, and good luck with everything.


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Hi Andri

Welcome to the forum! I attend a CESA church in durban Christ Church Glenwood and believe me you are not alone as a bible believing Christian wanting to make this move. There are many on the forum who are in the process of applying for visas (like me) and others who have already made the big move.

When I joined the forum I also had my doubts and confusion about the move but as months have gone by through prayer and encouragement I have made peace with the fact that God is in control and if it is His will for us to go then the doors will open for us. I now see it as an exciting adventure in a lovely new country, which of course we will be visiting for the first time when our visa is hopefully approved.

Also remember that hubby is the head and it could be the Lord is leading Him in this direction. For me it was the opposite hubby was not initially so keen but we have prayed about it and he is now as committed to the move as i am.

All the best and will remember you in prayer as you deal with these emotional issues. I know what it's like one day you are positive and the next a shadow of doubt and fear creeps over...and then of course you watch the news or see a headline and again remember why it's now time to go!

God bless


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Hi Andri Jack

My children attend the City Life Church in Knox, Melbourne, they absolutely love it. Unfortunately we live on the other side of the city, so we can only attend with them on the odd occasion, which we really enjoy when we do so.


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Hi Andri

I know how you feel and believe you me the majority of the forumites are either going through the same emotions you are experiencing now or have already gone through those emotions. It is not easy to leave your loved ones behind (especially your parents) but like my hubby and I said to each other - there is no future left here in SA for our kids. This is the only way out for us and we're taking it. Our parents are behind us every step of the way. Some days I feel very positive and other days I feel a bit down but we've made our choice and so far we're enjoying the ride - albeit a long one!

Cheers for now


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Andri - there are times when the overwhelming sadness of what you have left behind threatens to overwhelm you. Loneliness and longing for the people you leave behind is always lurking there. BUT Skype makes the distance seems less and travel there and back is possible. SO pray hard and seek God's will for your life and I promise you that you will feel as if a weight has rolled off y ou when you experience the personal freedom and lack of fear in your daily life. A church will be there for you and as for the other things - this world is incredibly small and there are so many many SAs here in Oz that you will definately find someone who speaks your language. We own a secondhand business in Gladstone and met an Afrikaans chap who came in to buy something - his wife was on a LSD and in June of this year she joined him with her son of 15. They have moved into a house just around the corner from where we live and she came rushing over a couple of weeks ago to tell me that we were family! Her brother had married my husband's second cousin's daughter! So we now stand in the gap as parents for them! Look on the experience as one of life's adventures and you will not be disappointed. Come now while your little one is still small and he will fit in so smoothly. Do not delay - try and understand that if you want a life that is free to enjoy without fear - you must take steps to do something about it. We emigrated to New Zealand in 2001 and then lived in Hong Kong for a couple of years. Now we are in our sixties and have decided to settle where it is warm and open and BIG! If you need advice and support this forum is the place to come to. Good luck.


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Hi Andri,

We are also on our way to melbourne on a 457 visa. I also have a son that was born in March and a two year old. I have done some research on jobs and there are definately alot more flexi jobs then in sa.

Once you are there you can see what will suite your needs.

We will be moving in november hopefully and I can PM you once I have done the day care research and all the other stuff.

Take care


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Hi Andri

Welcome to the forum.Also a CESA Member.

I believe God know`s what our path is in life and through prayer, we will be given direction.The missing of family is a big issue for all of us but in the long run it is more for our kid`s than ourselves.A hard concept but one of reality.

God bless


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