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Hi all,

Just wanted to introduce myself to the masses. Im Wesley/Wez from Joburg.

OK where to start... for reasons which have all probably been mentioned on this site a million times I've decided it's time for me to make the bold (somewhat scary) move to Australia.

I'm fairly young (24), and currently working in the IT telecommunications industry so I've heard both those factors will count for me when trying to get residency.

I've only started looking at how to "get in" recently so I'm somewhat of a newbie to the processes ect...

After checking out telecoms in Aus, it seems that pretty much everything is based in Sydney and Melbourne.

So if I have a choice in the matter Sydney will be it.

I look forward to chatting on here, and will appreciate any advice ect.

I also hope to eventually meet up with some of you while drinking a cold South African beer over a good ol braai.

Caio for now


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Hi Wez

Welcom to the forum, here you can ask anything, someone will be able to help you. Are you going to use an agent, or do the process by yourself.

Robert & Telanie

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Hi Wez

Welcome to the forum. Fire away with any questions - the people on the forum are very friendly and really go out of their way to help in any way they can.

Cheers for now


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Hi RoMar and Robert & Telanie...

Thanks for the welcome.

The agent question is probably the first thing on my mind at the moment.

I have heard that because of my experience in SA telecoms I may very well be able to get a job in a telecoms company that side and have them sponsor my work Visa.

From there I would have to apply for permanent residency on my own account though I presume.

Would this be a good way to approach it or should I rather go though an agent and try get the permanent residency first & foremost on the "Independent migrant" visa.

I do know that my qualification is for something on the skill shortage list although I have very little work experience in that area (IT Java).

That may help?

Any tips & suggestions will be massively appreciated.



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Hi Wez

Welcome to the forum. It is my experience that you are able to find work and apply for any visa wether it be a Temp Res (bearing in mind you have a job offer) or a Perm Res on your own. All it takes is research and ALOT of collecting personal documents like unabridged birth certificate etc etc. This you will have to do anyway even if you go via an agent, so no worries there.

I am partial to finding work via the internet or contacting prospective employers and sending them your CV, lie on their backs until you get something. Search the job sites and apply apply apply!!!! Don't loose faith!!! Even if you get a thousand no's. This one is very very important!!!!

You get going with this and I promise you that you will shortly be posting a "found a job and waiting for my 457" post!!

Lots of luck


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Welcome Wez

I know you will find all you are looking for here so keep asking and never give up. Sydney is a wonderful place and a brilliant start for a young person to get great experience career wise and earn $.

Its sounds like you have made up your mind so stop buying those magazines and chokkies and start saving. Collect references, certificates etc and push yourself at work to learn as much as you can and get involved in everything that you could possibly add to your cv.

I suggest you look at seek.com.au or any of the other job sites and start collecting email addresses and email agents. We emailed agents for a year saying we wanted to move over on a 457 visa and were ready to move immediately. We eventually got a positive response and we are very happy in Sydney and are now applying for PR. We get extra points for Aus experience and your years in Aus count towards your requirement for citizenship.

Good Luck and hope to see you soon

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Thanks "sa2auz" and "Nilo" for this motivation & advice.

I think I will follow the working in Aus to gain eventual PR.

Crickey, I've got so many questions I wouldn't even know where to start...

I'll word them and ask away shortly:-)

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Hi Wez

My advice would be to apply x 1000 to any job that fits what you want and where you want to live. Eventually someone will respond!

Also mail the companies directly.

There is an Oz expo on the 15th of Sept in Midrand (just look on this site for the link) where there will be employers looking for people and you can also ask many questions about immigration.

Idependent skilled PR may be a bit more tricky, depending when you got your degree. Rather get to oz, get two years work experience then you can get your employer to sponsor you if they are willing.

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Hi Wez

The other forumites are right - keep on applying for those jobs. My hubby is in a totally different field to you (he's a plumber) but after his trade was assessed, our agent suggested we didn't apply for any jobs until the PR application had been submitted. I went against their wishes and searched all the job sites, seek, mycareer, etc. and started applying for jobs for my hubby and sending his resume off to them. Not long after, about a week and a half later, a job offer came through which my hubby accepted. Do Not Give Up Hope! Just keep trying. It will come.

Good luck.

Kind regards,


Edited by RoMar
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So everyone I've spoken to of late including most of you in this thread seem to be of the opinion that I go over on the Business Sponsorship (457) & try get the PR after 2 years or so... Right?

Thus far, the downfalls of the 457 that I gather are: no state Medical, no state education(which doesn't affect me), and higher tax rates.

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Hi Wez

The main reason it is best for you to go on the 457, is because you most likely (correct me if I am wrong) do not have 4yrs working experience in IT yet. You need a degree in IT and 4 years working exp. or a diploma in IT and 6 yrs working exp. to get your skills positively assessed by ACS. This is compalsory for the 175 skilled independent visa.

If you go on the 457 visa then you can get the experience you need while in oz and you dont have to spend the time here in SA.

Edited by NikkiH
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Hi Wez

NikkiH is right - we're going over on the 136 PR but if we get offered the 457 by my hubby's prospective employer, believe you me, we are going to jump at the chance. If you really want out of SA so badly and haven't got the relevant work experience for the 136 PR then definitely the 457 is the way to go - the work experience in Aussie can only work to your advantage.



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Can I just ask..... (Because I know nothing about these class visas)

If you have no degree or school, (up to std 8) but have about 6 or 7 years of experience in the IT field, can you then still apply under the 457 visa?

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There are different classes and depending on which class, you will have to be able to prove a certain amount of practical experience.

Read the different requirements in the PIM Guidelines:

So if you dont have formal qualifications you will have to do a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

"2.7.1. It is recognised that many applicants may have spent a considerable length of time in professional-level ICT employment without having acquired a formal qualification equivalent to an Australian Degree or Diploma. This employment may have been supplemented by informal study and/or training in courses conducted by education or industry based organisations.

2.7.2. The purpose of RPL is to give applicants the opportunity to demonstrate that they have acquired a level of knowledge equivalent to that of a formal tertiary ICT qualification. Emphasis is on demonstrating what has been learned rather than what has been done. For this reason, applicants are asked to address as many of the areas referred to in the ACS Core Body of Knowledge (CBOK) they consider are covered by their acquired knowledge."

There are some people on the forum who have done this. I am sure they can help with some more details.

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Thanks NikkiH,

I was actually asking for my brother in law, who desperately wants to leave SA but does not have an education past std 8. I will refer him to this downlooad that you have provided as well.

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Thanks a lot for clearing this up NikkiH & RoMar,

Yeah 457 def seems the one then.

Incidentally I have 3.5 years IT experience and a Cambridge University accredited Diploma, but I'll be best off using my knowledge of telecoms to try sell myself to companies:-)

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