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Starting the journey


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Hi Everyone,

My name is Conan and my wife (Kerri) and I have finally decided to take the dreaded step and apply to immigrate to Australia.

It has taken the better part of 10 years to get my A into G but with the announcement that Kerri is pregnant I have had to re-look at my what SA offers my child for the future.

I'm sure many of you have been down the same road that we are about to venture on and I am glad that I found this forum of like minded individuals who all seem so willing to help one another.

I'm sure I'll have lots of questions as time goes by.

We are applying for a PR with the help of an agent as neither I nor Kerri have the time to get the paperwork done. We have chosen Ray from Migrate2oz thanks mainly to good references given to him on this site.

We are looking at Queensland as our new home but we are not sure which town/city yet. I'm sure we will decide closer to the time and I think jobs will determine where we settle.

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Hi Conan and Kerri

Welcome, welcome! I see you are from Durban. Come to our next "coffee" club and meet the rest of the Durbanites - we have LOADS of fun :D It's on 15th September at Col's house - pm her and get her address. Good luck with your planning - shout if you need any help.


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Hi Conan

Welcome to the forum, enjoy the ride, and if there is any question, you can just ask, someone here will be able to answer you. Good luck with everything.

Robert & Telanie

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Hi Conan

Welcome to the forum. What line of work are you in? I'm sure you're going to have all your questions answered and make many new friends. My hubby and I have also decided on settling in Queensland and he's been offered a job in Toowoomba which is a regional city - it's called Queensland's "Garden City" and from some of the photos that I have seen on the net, it looks great. But I'm sure you're going to get lots of advice on where to live - we're just lucky to have received the job offer there.


Cheers for now.


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Hi Conan and Kerri

Welcome to the forum and congrats on the pregnancy! I'm sure you won''t be disappointed by Queensland, it has so much to offer families.

Good luck!


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Thanks for all the kind words. I'm sure we will all chat regularly as we will defiantly have many questions as we continue with the application.

I'm in the cellular arena and Kerri is a Primary school teacher. At this stage all we know is that Kerri will probably continue in her field of work and I will look at what opportunities are available for me when we get closer to the move.

I also run my own business in pit bikes and quads as the distributer for Natal but at this stage I'm not quite sure what opportunities there are in Queensland to restart my business there. I'm flexible and not worried at all that something will come up. at this stage I'm just excited at the prospect of moving to a 1st world country where I do not have to panic when my family is 5 minutes late from work or the shops.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Conan,

Good desicion. Just to let you know, being form Durban ourselves and living in North Queensland we found to be it a bit of a major culture shock. As far for safety, security and future for our kids definitely the right choice. Brisbane would probably be your destination unless you like the fishing camping 4WD thing as is major in NQLD. Brisbane is unfortunately experiencing some serious drought and water restictions, but awsome city. They call it the big country town or something like that. Not as busy as sydney and not even near Durban. Anyway hope everytjhing works out as you plan. Remember to explore all options if things go a bit rough.

All the best

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