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Hi, Enigeiemand wat weet.

Ek wil weet hoe maak 'n mens koeksisters in Aus wat werk? Ek het al alles probeer en ek kom net nie reg nie. Het al verskeie resepte gebruik. Weet nie of dit my bestandele is, of my resep(te) ek het al alles probeer. Dit kom net nie reg uit nie.

En ons is gek oor die goed. As iemand kan help sal ons so bly wees.



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Ek het agtergekom dat van die Aussie meel 'swaarder' per koppie weeg as Sa koekmeel. So van toe af het ek die al die mates gelos en net geweeg. Ek gebruik die SA gewig per koppie. Dit is

bruismeel 250ml = 140g

koekmeel (gesif) 250ml = 140g

(ongesif) 250ml = 120g

Dalk is dit waar jou probleem lê.


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I live in Duncraig, and am a lousy cook. I will pay someone to make me a batch of koeksusters... If anyone is willing to, please send me a PM.

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TMB (Mel & Thomas) on the forum make the BEST Koeksisters!!!

I am an awful cook (shouldn't be allowed to prepare food :ilikeit: ) so I would never attempt to make them. They make them every time we have a Saffer get-together and they get better every time :)

Maybe I can convince them to make a batch for me :ilikeit:

Edited by The Parsons Family
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Hi Arinda,

Hi, Enigeiemand wat weet.

Ek wil weet hoe maak 'n mens koeksisters in Aus wat werk? Ek het al alles probeer en ek kom net nie reg nie. Het al verskeie resepte gebruik. Weet nie of dit my bestandele is, of my resep(te) ek het al alles probeer. Dit kom net nie reg uit nie.

En ons is gek oor die goed. As iemand kan help sal ons so bly wees.



Jy sal 'n biedjie meer spesifiek moet wees oor wat jy bedoel met 'kom nie reg nie...'

Is jou deeg okay? Rekbaar, klam genoeg... rys dit...

Is jou stroop koud genoeg? Sit dit in die vrieskas vir so halfuur voor jy begin bak!

Ek is nie 'n bakker van enige soort nie, maar ek maak heerlike koeksuster, al sê ek so myself!

PM my indien ek my respek met jou kan deel...

D :whome:

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Here is a recomended koeksister recipe. I have not baked it myself, but is told that it is a winner!


3x250ml flour (3 heaped c)

12.5 ml maizena (1Tsp) (Corn Flour)

15 ml baking powder (3t)

12.5 ml margarine (1 Tsp)

2 eggs

375ml milk (1 ½ c)

A pinch of salt


Sift the dry ingredients and rub in the margarine. Beat the eggs and the milk. Mix to a soft dough. Knead for 12 min. Leave overnight in the refrigerator. Use part of the dough and leave the rest in the refrigerator. Roll the dough and cut into strips and plat. Fry in deep oil. Immerse immediately in ice-cold syrup.


16 cups sugar

¼ cup lemon juice

Grated rind of two oranges

1 ½ t cream of tartar

2 c orange juice

6 c water

Method :

Dissolve sugar in water before water starts boiling. Add orange juice. Boil rapidly for 15 minutes. Add lemon juice and cream of tartar when the syrup is cooled. Leave overnight in the refrigerator. Do not use all the syrup at once. They syrup can be kept in the refrigerator for a considerable period.



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Thanks for the recipe, and for all's advise. Will defenitly let you know when I have succeed.



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I live in Duncraig, and am a lousy cook. I will pay someone to make me a batch of koeksusters... If anyone is willing to, please send me a PM.

visit SA Essentials in Joondalup they sell koeksisters

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Hells Bells! 16 cups of sugar? :lol:

Yes I went to make double sure, suddenlty it also sounded like to much, but 16 cups it is!!


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