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Just about off to North Queensland

Guest euroble

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Guest euroble

Hi There,

I wish I knew about this forum 2 years ago when I started with my migration process.

It would have made life a whole lot easier.

Any how, I went through agents and obtained a sub class 495 visa for Queensland.

Being over 30 (32) and going as a single person could not quite get me the 120 points needed.

I ended up with 115 points and had to apply for state sponsorship, thus the sub class 495 visa for Queensland.

That said, I got my visa on 2 July 2007, I must admit that I was over the moon to get it.

I am heading to Aus at the end of this month.

And will have to start the daunting process of looking for accommodation and employment when I arrive.

This has got to be the scariest thing I have done in my life.

A real leap of faith....

At least I will spend the first week or two with a friend of mine in Perth WA, before heading across to Cairns.

So hopefully will be feeling a bit more sure footed when I get to Cairns.

I am truly hoping to settle in Cairns but am not too sure as it is not the largest "city" in Queensland.

Thus finding employment there may be a bit of a struggle.

But I have been in contact with some local employment agents and have meetings setup on arrival.

<<So let’s all please hold thumbs>>

My next option will be to head down the coast to Townsville.

Not as beautiful as Cairns but more abundant with work.

That’s me in a very small nut-shell and thanks Riekie for the prompt.

Also thanks to Dedrei for the information sent on Cairns.

Just an off-the-cuff question, is there any one who knows of reasonable and reasonably priced accommodation in Cairns?

Cheers for now...

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Hi euroble

Welcome to the forum. Sorry you didn't found the site before. But congrats on geting your visa. Enjoy Aus, and let us know how everything is for you.


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Howzit Euroble, I'm in Cairns and its chalk and cheese compared to Townsville. There is work in Cairns, it's growing phenomenally. I'm leaving soon for a holiday, fortunately I suffer from the affliction of itchy feet hehehehe. Cheap accommodation in Cairns is available - you can find a house share to start off with. It's a really lovely town (they call it a city but its only got 120 K people here and spread out so feels like less).

Anyways, I gotta get going for a beach walk. Later, Michael

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