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Cold turkey


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19 ure en 57 minute sover sonder 'n sigaret! Wish me luck, vriende. :whome:



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Uh-oh... good luck Betsy!

The plan for me was to stop before coming over here, but that failed miserably. Having said that, I've stopped smoking during the day at work - I'm on around 1 or 2 at night and then weekends. Slowly slowly getting there.

Let us know how it goes!

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Uh-oh... good luck Betsy!

The plan for me was to stop before coming over here, but that failed miserably. Having said that, I've stopped smoking during the day at work - I'm on around 1 or 2 at night and then weekends. Slowly slowly getting there.

Let us know how it goes!

I really, really think you should just STOP. Do not ease off to 1 or 2, just get it over with. It's so difficult, I just want to reach out to the smokes and lighter the whole time....I put them away..no ashtrays, no reminders.

Now where is that Mars bar.........?

I'll keep you posted...you do the same, ok?

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I really, really think you should just STOP. Do not ease off to 1 or 2, just get it over with. It's so difficult, I just want to reach out to the smokes and lighter the whole time....I put them away..no ashtrays, no reminders.

Now where is that Mars bar.........?

I'll keep you posted...you do the same, ok?

I have 2 problems -

I'm fine with not smoking all day - I mean I don't smoke at all at work, but because somewhere in the back of my mind I know I'll have one later, it's not a problem. As soon as I decide, right, no more, then my mind goes into panic mode at the thought that I can't, and all I want to do is smoke?!?!

The other thing is - as soon as the lovely liquid (beer) touches my lips on a weekend - the cigarette simply must follow. It's like they were born together. Most people would say - ok then stop drinking.... WHAAAAAT? :holy:;)

It's definitely a mental / psychological addiction rather than physical, I think. :whome:

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Vasbyt Betsy!

Dink aan al die jare wat jy by jou lewe voeg! :unsure:

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Day number 3...........still good! :o

Sterkte vrou!!!

My man het Januarie opgehou rook, ons het nou wel vir hom nicotien patches gekry, maar ek weet dis maar n struggle!!

Sodra jy eers oor die eerste bultjie is, glo ek dit gaan net makliker word!!

Dink aan jou,


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Dankie julle!!!

Bought myself some gum today...3 packets. Still good!

I am really getting a bit proud of myself now, never thought...



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Hey Betsy!

I've stopped for just over 5 weeks now, and I feel SO much better! No more coughing, tight chests or anxious feelings. It's been VERY hard though! I'm fine during the day, but at night or especially when I have a drink, I lOOONNNGGG for a ciggie :)

But so far so good. Yeah, I have picked up weight, but one step at a time to a healthier lifestyle right?!

Good luck!!! You won't regret it! hang in there!! :ilikeit:

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Guest colton

Luckily I don't smoke but Hubby is trying to stop. He went to buy gum the other day and because he was buying 6 packets the guy kinda looked at him a little funny and Hubby said he was trying to give up the ciggies. Oh, said the guy, in that case you can have them for free. :) How's that for a supportive country and nation?

Hang in there, I see how much Hubby battles, it is really tough. Maybe I should try and give up the chocolates? :ilikeit:

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I stopped smoking 4 and a half years ago and also just stopped, I just not bought another packet and since that day did not touch a smoke altough I longed for one for some time especially braaing or when going out.

I must admit, I started drinking much more as I was use to taking a sip,taking a drag and then there was no drag to take anymore so it was just sipping, sipping, sipping.

Good luck, you will make it, just think of the extra money you'll have each month.



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Hallo forum,

Dag 9 en wragtag! Nog nie EEN sigaret gerook nie! My kop voel snaaks, dit voel of ek sweef, my mond proe snaaks. Ek wil net aanmekaar meer sout by die kos gooi. En ek kan weer ruik!

Vir die wat ook probeer......byt vas.

Klassifiseer ek nou as 'n nie-roker na 9 dae? Hoe snaaks is dit nie om van myself te praat as 'n nie-roker nie na al die jare? (Ek het begin rook toe ek 16 was!)

As ek kan ophou, kan almal..



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Liewe Betsy

Jy is 'n SUPER STER!!! Ek is so trots op jou.

My man het ook nou vir meer as 'n maand opgehou, ek het miserably gefaal. Sal definitief weer ophou en die keer vir altyd!!

Snaaks genoeg my man het ook opgehou weens die griep, nes jy, miskien moet ek griep kry???

Liewer nie, sal maar pilletjies probeer.

Liefde van huis tot huis.


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Congratulations Betsy!!! Keep it up! It's now not getting through every hour, but the next day. Everyday you move on will become easier.


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I read somewhere that nicotine depletes the vitamin C in your body, and if you're craving nicotine, sucking a Super C sweet can alleviate the torture!

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Well done Betsy! Just hang in there. As mens eers 'n roker was sal jy seker altyd een bly (in recovery). Dit word makliker met tyd. Jou gesondheid gaan 'n boost kry, al doen jy dit net vir daardie rede.

Ek droom somtyds ek rook skelm. Dit is seker maar altyd in 'n mens se onderbewussyn.

Sterkte, ek dink aan julle almal wat hierdie stryd aanpak. Ek het hom gewen, en nou moet ek net die ekstra kilogramme wat ek opgetel het met dit probeer afkry. Dit is nou my volgende battle!

Maar meeste van als, onthou jys net mens en moenie TE hard wees op jouself nie. Just do it!



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Betsy, ek is reeds twee jaar lank nikotienvry, ná ek 32 jaar lank 30 sigarette per dag gerook het. Soms minder, soms meer. 'n Mens ontwikkel oor die jare heen so 'n knaende kuggie en 'n lagbui verander maklik in 'n hoesbui. Nog later het my bors begin fluit, veral saans by slapenstyd. Gesonde verstand het toe vir my gesê om op te hou met rook.

Ek hou vir jou duim vas. Maklik is dit nie, maar dis haalbaar. :D

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Hallo forum,

Dankie vir al julle bemoedigende woorde, was dit nie vir die daaglikse aansporing nie............... :ilikeit:

Ek kan nie glo dat mens so lus vir 'n sigaret kan wees nie, jou hande soek gedurig iets om te doen, jou oe soek daai pakkie wat altyd so byderhand was. :D

Ons het 3 pakkies van 25 per dag gekoop en dan gewonder waar gaan al die geld heen. Teen $10.40 per pakkie is dit nie 'n grap nie. En ek hoor my seun se in Suid Afrka kos dit nou R20.00 per pakkie 20! Dit sou ons R60.00 per dag gekos het daar! En dit vir 'n rookwolkie die lug in en beskadigde longe vir die res van jou lewe. Nee dankie. :ilikeit:

Gaan nou vir my 'n grilled cheese and tomato maak vir brekkie. :ilikeit:

Ek soek nog na die Weight Watchers se bymekaarkom plek hier in H.C. :wacko:

Mooi dag,


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Bly om te hoor dit gaan so goed Betsy... my arme man is nou al 7 maande af van die kankerstokkies af, en weet jy, hy staan nog soms na ete op om agterdeur toe te stap en dan weet ek hy "wil gaan rook"... veral as hy die dag bietjie stres en so, dan is dit asof hy sommer so onbewustelik sigarette soek.

As hy in die aand by die huis kom en se " i need a cigarette", dan weet ek sy dag was rof!!!

Sterkte, ek dink aan jou.... as ek nou net van my suiker addiction kon ontslae raak!!!


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Hi Betsy,

Congratulations, you are doing so well!! Keep it up. I stopped after smoking for 26 years. It has now been 5 years since I've stopped and I still feel like a cigarette now and then. At least the desire to smoke becomes less as time goes by.

In all honesty, I don't feel any better physically from stopping - I'm more proud of the achievement. I have noticed that I don't have that irritating cough in the morning when I get up!

I'm not one of those ex smokers that hate all other smokers. I actually still love the smell of smoke. When I walk past someone puffing away, I can easily stop in my tracks and passively smoke.


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Hallo almal, :)

ek weet die topic raak nou al holrug gery maar ek MOET met iemand praat. :unsure:

Dit voel of ek soekiend is na iets... :(

My hande voel leeg.... :angry:

As ek my kom kry dan staan ek op om uit te gaan...... :unsure:

Ek sukkel vandag..... :blush:

dis vandag net mooi 16 dae sonder EEN siggie.... :(

Ek smag..... :whome:

Dis terrible..... :angry:

Ek het gedag dit gaan beter word...... :whome:

Hoe doen die mense dit?........ :lol:

Dink aan my, asb......... :holy:

groete, Betsy.

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Betsy, I'm thinking of you!!! I promise it gets better, just hang in a bit longer!!

Something that helped me when I really got the big desire for a ciggie was to get up, walk to the bathroom and rinse my mouth with mouth wash (Listerine). Give it a try, you might find it helps you too!


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Betsery doeh dah

Jy moet vas by girl!!!!!

Jy doen FANTASTIES!!!!

Baie baie trots op jou!!!!!


Wens ek het gehad!!!!!!

Dink aan jou!!!!!



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In April this year I decided I would stop on 16 June (the date just jumped into my head). Then we suddenly decided to go to Aus during that time so I had to change the date to 16 May. I went to the doctor and said "give me drugs" but he, smiling sweetly, declined. Five days later I went back and told him he was right - I didn't need any help, I did it on my own. The physical addiction lasts for three days, thereafter any craving is psychological and you can talk yourself out of it. After all, we are stronger than our impulses! Two side effects: one is that I've put on about 2kg, but as I was underweight it's not a concern, just gotta make sure it doesn't get out of control, and the second is that I have virtually trebled my coffee consumption, but its the lesser of two evils.

I've found that I can't stand the smell of cigarettes (makes me nauseous) and my sense of taste has changed - everything tastes different, and I don't like some of the food I used to relish. Apparently this is temporary!

I have to say that, having tried to quit three times in the past (once lasted three years!!), this is the easiest thing I have ever done and I cannot understand why I struggled with it so badly in the past.

Good luck Betsy, and keep it up! Keep loads of fresh fruit around and also suck on a slice of lemon when you want a fag. For first few days I kept a dirty ashtray in the house and whenever I craved a cigarette I sniffed the ashtray - gross but effective!


(smoke free since 16/05/07)

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