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SAP in Australia


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Hi all,

Anybody went from SA to Aus for SAP jobs? I checked the jobs available for SAP (various modules) and there are actually a couple. Do they make use of us SA oukies or will they stick to their wallabies?



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Hello Hein,

My answer is not neccesarily SAP specific, but most of the time they will not really discriminate between a South African and an Aussie. If an employer has to sponsor South African (or anyone else) which may be time consuming and costly, the better, cheaper and easier option would be to employ a local, but at the end of the day it comes down to the demand and the supply of readily available applicants.

If they can't find any decent applicants to fill a position, then they most likely would look abroad and bare the costs and paperwork involved in order to get the right person.

Just my 2c...

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Mr Hansa

There are tons of SA Sappers over there. My best friend is the director of a SAP company over there and they have employed a number of SA people. Know of a few SA people working for SAP AU etc etc etc.

SAP skills still in demand and if you have the righ experience - good chance of finding some opportunity.

The SAP B1 and suites for small / med companies seems to be booming !


SKim (ex SAPper)

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  • 1 month later...
There are tons of SA Sappers over there. My best friend is the director of a SAP company over there and they have employed a number of SA people. Know of a few SA people working for SAP AU etc etc etc.

The SAP B1 and suites for small / med companies seems to be booming !


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hier is baie SAP job!!! Jy behoort binne die eerste maand werk te kry sodra jy hier aankom.

In watter SAP rigting? Het jy 136 visa?

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Hi all,

Anybody went from SA to Aus for SAP jobs? I checked the jobs available for SAP (various modules) and there are actually a couple. Do they make use of us SA oukies or will they stick to their wallabies?




As SAP is on the MODL now, you may be able to get a permanent visa straight away (rather than go through a temporary work visa). Applicants with a permanent visa - whether or not from SA - are usually looked upon more favourably when applying for jobs.

I've helped quite a few SAP folks get their visas, and SAP is on the MODL for a reason - there's a demand for you guys!



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As SAP is on the MODL now, you may be able to get a permanent visa straight away (rather than go through a temporary work visa). Applicants with a permanent visa - whether or not from SA - are usually looked upon more favourably when applying for jobs.

I've helped quite a few SAP folks get their visas, and SAP is on the MODL for a reason - there's a demand for you guys!



Hi there

as we are talking about SAP and the ERP arena, what about Microsoft Axapta and Dynamics ERP?

I've been on the Aussie IT job search sites quite often and as far as I can see this application is also making ground in Aussie.

I am a Dynamics AX 4.0 functional consultant in Financials and am and keen to know of anyone who has experience in these applications.

We are moving over to Melbourne in Jan 2008 so am starting to look into the job market


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