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Over 45 visas





We have recently decided to explore our options on immigration. One pitfall we encountered now is that the EOI route is not available for applicants older than 45. Does anyone know of an alternative route we can take to obtain a PR visa?


Thank you,

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As far as I am aware there are not many option for PR beyond the age of 45, unless you consider the investment/business visas which require quite a large $ outlay. The 482 employers sponsored visa is an option for over 45 but does not have a route to PR and is therefore only a temporary option. I am sure one of the agents can offer you more detailed guidance than I can

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New Zealand allows people to migrate permanently up to the age of 56 years, as best I know: https://www.immigration.govt.nz/knowledgebase/kb-question/kb-question-1201 Canada may also be an option.


The age limit to migrate to Australia used to be around 45, then was upped to 50 (to the best of my recollection), but I see recently it was lowered again to 45, as per this article: http://www.visionaus.com.au/age-limit-lowered-australian-permanent-visas-including-partner-visa/


Migrate2Oz (they were our agents) wrote this article about the changes (the article above might be more recent with more changes to the system): https://www.migrate2oz.com.au/single-post/2017/07/20/Visa-options-if-over-45-years-old I think they offer a free assessment, or only charge a nominal amount to provide this, of people's chances to emigrate and which is the best visa option. The primary applicant needs to be 45, but I suspect that it is possible that the secondary applicant can be older than this; I'm not a migration agent so I suggest you try to contact them or someone else to discuss the best options for your circumstances.

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On 10/29/2018 at 6:39 AM, WernerM said:



We have recently decided to explore our options on immigration. One pitfall we encountered now is that the EOI route is not available for applicants older than 45. Does anyone know of an alternative route we can take to obtain a PR visa?


Thank you,


How did you go? what options did you chose?

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