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Salary Guidelines - Australia 2018


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This salary guide provides salaries in percentile ranges for Finance & Accounting, Financial Services, Information Technology and office administration



To clarify: The percentile ranges is a better indication as it ranks the salaries from low to high sequentially and then takes say the value at the 75% point. This is better than averages as it doesn't get skewed by the lower values. 

Thought to mention that when one state offers higher salaries than other states it often because of the higher living expenses and not necessarily a higher standard of living.

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Thanks for this, good to look through and get a feel for the market

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Thanks @ottg


Just a thought for people considering where to live based on salary. Always consider where you will earn that salary. If you live in Sydney, the "Hills District" has great schools, lots of South Africans and nice decent sized homes (like what you have in South Africa... not the British shoe boxes). But traveling to the city on the M2 can take 1.5 hours (each way). So most people in the hills are willing to earn 10% - 20% less to avoid the trip into the city each day. 


If you have kids in school or day care this becomes doubly important. If you finish work at 5:15 and have to travel over an hour to get to a day care or "outside of school hours" care facility to pick up your school kids. Those typically close at 6pm. 


Another thing is South Africa is 3rd world. An accountant would be in the top 5% of wealthiest people in South Africa. Here you are probably in the top 50%. That means in South Africa you were very limited to where you wanted to live... in Australia you can live in most neighborhoods. You land up picking a neighborhood because of the lifestyle. e.g. a small apartment close to the city in Redfern where you spend your weekends outside of your apartment in the local parks, coffee shops, etc..



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