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Hi There!


I urgently need someone to give me some pointers/advice/assistance on immigratiing to Aus and the types of visas, I have done my research but I would like to hear from someone who has already gone through all these tiring processes. I also dont want to pay a migration agent money for something I can do.


I would like to communicate via email: laizajglutz@gmail.com


Thanx so much!!

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I don't know if anybody on here would be willing to advise you by email.  We are not migration agents and are not allowed to give advice.  We all share our experiences but actual advice on which visa you should use and EXACTLY how to apply is the work of a migration agent.  You do literally have to "do it yourself" if you want to go it alone.  People on here are helpful but they are not experts.


Migration Agents do usually give a free initial assessment so try that first - @TeeTMI

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Jip, I totally agree with @RYLC. The problem is that each of us who did it, only applied for one, maybe two types of visa, usually very closely related. So we cannot tell you the ins and outs of the different types of visas. If you have read up some, and you do not qualify for a 189 visa, then I really recommend you contact a reputable migration agent for an assessment.

I know some of them are sharks, but some of them are really good at what they do, and do their work honestly. On this forum we have Tee @TeeTMI and Stephen @SD_MOA, who have both helped numerous members of our community, and have received excellent reviews from them.

We are actually bound by law not to give visa advice for migration to Australia, but for the most part, when things are said openly in the forums and clearly stated as 'opinion' then it's ok. I would feel very uncomfortable corresponding solo with someone about visa matters.

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