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Good day

This is just a short introduction to me and my Family.

My Wife have a masters degree in Law and I have a National Diploma in electronic engineering.

Both have been working for the same companies for more than 10 years and although we applied for various other positions and were invited for interviews we always had to digest that "Sorry but...." letter, even after a very positive interview.

We are both still studying and last week with the student uprising just reconfirmed our worry about the stability in this country.

We have two boys, currently 7 and 4, and we are worried about their future in this turmoil and chaos.

We have some friends already in OZ and NZ and decided to pursue the immigration possibility. After a discussion with the agent we decided that I will be the more likely applicant to get a 189.

What we hope for:

  • A life where everyone work together for a better future.
  • Less violence and turmoil on a daily basis.
  • Prospects for a better future if you are willing to work hard.
  • Less "We need to work together - you work and we together" attitudes.
  • Prospects for a better future for our kids.

That in short is our story.

Edited by GOOD2GO
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Welcome to the forum :)
What you have just said (plus a long list of other things) is pretty much why we are all here.

If you need any answers or just plain encouragement, just shout! Someone will help you.

The 189 is the least hassle visa, with the most benefits, so you are lucky to be on the SOL and be able to apply for it. You mention an agent? Did you check that they are registered and have a MARN (number)? If you went with any of the migration people 'endorsed' on this forum, you should have no worries about that.

All the best.

Edited to add: Ai tog.... I did not read your timeline. Well done! Sterkte vir die wagtyd!

Edited by RedPanda
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Thanks RedPanda

The whole process is very daunting and the biggest struggle for us is to overcome the doubt, But with all the things that happen in our society currently the news and social media quickly reminds you of the reasons.

Thanks for the encouragement !! and all the best to you to!

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To each their own, but we decided in the mid 2000's already that we want to emigrate asap once we are both qualified(that was back in high school). So we never had any doubts that 'getting out' was the right thing to do, we just needed to decide where to 'get in'. In the meantime my husband has also had a callback from one company where he applied, where the HR lady said they really really like him a lot and he has the right skills, but they cannot hire a white man in that position. Since it was a phone call, she could tell him straight.

Where you want to live depends on what you want from your country (assuming you want to be a hard working contributing citizen so that you are giving to your country, what do you want in return?). We want:Working systems, safe environment, availability of new technology. And are willing to give: compliance with laws and regulations, fair payment of taxes.

Australia is a very safe country, and the people have a strong sense of community. You are also much more likely to have a chat on the bus with a total stranger. It has pro's and cons, like excellent medical care managed by the state, but then they also have the right to make wearing bicycle helmets mandatory and non-compliance fineable. It's just the feeling I get from speaking to people and reading up a lot is that most of the systems in Australia work, and the people who run them do so in a much more practical and intelligent way than anything we're used to in RSA. Sure, some mistakes still get made on occasion, but usually they are spotted, and reported and then someone comes along and fixes it. Getting our licenses converted to Victoria drivers licenses took all of 15mins in person at a local branch of VicRoads, sure we needed an appointment first, but you can phone and book one, and you can find out what's required by reading the website, and when you get there it all just works. And then they mail your license cards to you once made. They can do this because the postal service is highly reliable and because it's just about unthinkable that anybody would steal your post from your doorstep. My cousin mailed us two t-shirts via ordinary post from Brisbane to Melbourne (about 2000km) and it took all of three days to reach us, and cost her $3. We almost cried when we heard that it is illegal to place things like razor wire or electric fencing on suburban walls. Houses don't have burglar bars. There are loads of free, clean parks to get 'natural' excercise. There are walking trails with outdoor gym equipment that are very well maintained, open to the public for free, and it's safe for single women to use them, just about all hours of the day. Nobody says:"Ok, bye, let us know you're home safe." I have heard that the public libraries are well used and engage with their communities and have moved on with the times to include rental of all kinds of media, and even sometimes include toy-libraries.

If you are willing to learn to appreciate new things, and let go of some of the old things that you really liked, then I'm sure you'll grow to love Australia. Just remember that it is not South Africa, even though there are many similarities. If you are willing to accept that it is a different country that you are choosing to adopt as your own, you'll do fine. There are so many things about Australia that you can love.

I for one think what you can gain in Australia is absolutely worth the disruption of moving your whole lives to a new country. It's just scary.

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Hi Good2Go,

All the best for your journey.

You're in good hands with Migrate2Oz and i'll be sending positive vibes for your VISA application to go down without a hitch.

When it doubt, spill your thoughts here. Many people here have the nicest words of encouragement to draw strength from. See RedPanda is one of those.

@RedPanda you've made me want to leave for Oz tomorrow. The freedom you described with the parks and trails did the trick for me today.

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  • 4 weeks later...

@good2go welcome to the forum? Just know that you are in the right place and remember that whatever you are feeling, most people also felt it too. The doubt, the worry the what if's?? I had many sleepless nights thinking about our move to Oz. In the end I didn't have much time to think and before we knew it we were living here.

Many people on the forum would encourage us to just up and move and not stress about the little things, but its human nature to be concerned about your future. I can tell you my experience of just being here for a few months is that I have never felt scared or intimidated once. My son is 4 and to see him running around in the park without a care in the world is truly priceless. Everything is so efficient here. People are courteous and friendly and there is a sense of community, especially where we live. Public transport is great and you can certainly get around without a car....aldo this would depend on where you live I guess.

Ofcourse initially we felt isolated and we needed to adjust to life here so there was a bit of a wobbly week....but we overcame that and we are settling down into a routine and loving our life here. We can see a bright future for our family and we couldn't really say that in SA, we never liked to think of all the bad stuff going on around us, its far too depressing.But when you're here you can see SA as others see it, without blinkers and its a sorry state and only getting worse.

You mentioned your wife has a masters degree in law, my husband is a lawyer and working here in Melbourne.

I just wanted to encourage you that things will work out. Things will fall into place. It all seems like there's so much to do but before you know it the bug day arrives.....and you'll never look back. ? Good luck with everything...this forum and the people here are fantastic.

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Welcome @good2go, I have found the forum of tremendous help. If I can help you guys at all, please be in touch.

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