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Study visa


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I'm looking for people who are in Australia on a study visa. I need information on scholarships

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I asked my friend Google, she came up with a long list for you: https://www.google.com.au/search?q=university+listing+Australia&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=w6tzVeDuFNLd8AWX34DQCA

I would suggest you go to their individual websites and see what you can find under bursuries!

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thanks Mara. The problem is that its hard to get scholarships from those institutions. They tend to favour local students. I was looking for someone who left SAfrica on a study visa and got a scholarship before going that side. I just don't know which way to turn to because I can only be in Aussie on a study visa

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The idea, to start with is to look at the bursaries that those universities offer, some of them would not be for Australian kids, like for instance, some of them have a bursary for children from a disadvantaged country!

I know of a girl from RSA that got one to study medicine in the USA, because she was a "child from a disadvantaged country".

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Most Universities have an international office - and they often have a web page detailing scholarships available to overseas students.

At higher levels (Masters/Phd) you might contact potential supervisors.

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To study at my local university (Macquarie University) as a foreign student costs $30 000 per year. Then you would need another $30000 to cover living expenses.

So, a bursary would be very, very sort after. I am sure if a university put up a web page about the bursaries they give out to international students they would get thousands of applicants for each bursary.

I don't blame you for giving it a go and seeing if anyone here has connections inside uni. But you would be extremely lucky if you got a bursary :(

Your best shot is that universities like Macquarie are very wealthy. They may pay you to come out here and do your PHD. That happened to a friend of mine.

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Hi Monsta,

What you are saying is so true. You need to he to be a lucky person to get financial assistance.Even though I want to pursue a Masters degree, I think it also depends on your research topic you want to focus on. I guess studying overseas is for the rich!!!

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