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Job advice needed (especially from Solicitors)


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Dear All,

There are moments when little doubts linger in your mind - am I doing the right thing by immigrating to Australia? We live a comfortable life here right now, so why change it / complicate it? Then reality snaps back when you read a newspaper or watch the news to find someone murdered, raped or you watch your favourite politician make an idiot of himself on national television?

The MAIN and ONLY concern for me really is securing a Job in Australia.

I would like to ask forumites a few questions and would love to hear your views, which I would really appreciate.

Just some back ground information on me. I am a Solicitor by profession. I wish I was in the Commercial, Corporate, Employment or Insurance law industry BUT I am not (there seems to be more opportunities for those sort of lawyers). My one regret. I am a Criminal/Civil solicitor/Attorney with more than 14 years experience being a lawyer. I have also managed to Australianise my resume by a professional resume writer (who has done an extremely good Job). So it really does sell me in my position. So I have made and am still making efforts to align myself for the Aussie legal Job market.

The questions I would like to ask the forumites and Solicitors (as well) on this forum is the following:

1. Can anyone give me an opinion of which State will present me with the best Job opportunities taking into account that I am a Criminal/Civil solicitor? The truth of the matter that I am even prepared to VOLUNTEER in such roles to get myself in the door and prove myself PLUS get that all vital Aussie experience.

2. Does anyone know any Criminal Solicitors who would be willing to talk to me and could you refer me to them?

3. Can anyone suggest decent reasonable priced rental surburbs ($400 and under) close to transport, schools, shops etc. This can be in any state and I will look into it through research. I do have PR and am flexible on which state to move too. Currently looking at Sunbury, Victoria but seems to lack Jobs in my area of expertise.

4. I understand that there is a 70% hidden Job market (which recruiters don't tell you about)- can anyone advise on the strategy they used to tap into this hidden job market.

Thanks in advance for all your advice in answering these few questions. I really do appreciate this.

We are doing this for our 3 year old and for us as well. We do know that RSA is a sinking ship and we just seeking any information that may assist us - make good choices on which "State" to move to. Don't want to move somewhere which is cheap but with no legal opportunities.

Thank you everyone in advance.

Kind regards

Edited by Sol1
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I would suggest that you go to the www.seek.com.au website and use it to do a search across Australia, my guess would be Sydney or Melbourne. Hope you get an answer from someone that knows. Sydney you are unlikely to get a decent rental home for $400 per week.

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Well, I can tell you from experience it is very very difficult for lawyers at the moment, that being said you have many more years experience than me so you may find it easier to secure a job.

There are less jobs in criminal law as it's mostly one man bands and they don't like to share clients. The bigger criminal firms you may want to check out like Armstrong legal in Sydney.You may run into trouble because where you would need to live to secure a job will cost at least $650 a week and it will be a small place, perhaps even an apartment.

As for the 70% hidden market I tend to agree, I have a job interview tomorrow after being referred by a friend who works at the company and has given me the heads up to apply before they advertise the role. Its a junior position,a contract for 2 months but it's australian experience as inhouse counsel so I'll gladly take it. Once you in here is always a chance you get offered the permanent role once they decide what they want for the role.

If you want to try the volunteering route try Salvos Legal (salvation army) they hire a lot and in some cases pay the award rate if you sign up for a year.

Good luck xxx

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