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hydrocortisone for flu?


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Hydrocortisone for flu seems overkill though. It is rather bad for you when you don't really need it.

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Hydrocortisone, a corticosteroid, is similar to a natural hormone produced by your adrenal glands. It is often used to replace this chemical when your body does not make enough of it. It relieves inflammation (swelling, heat, redness, and pain) and is used to treat certain forms of arthritis; skin, blood, kidney, eye, thyroid, and intestinal disorders (e.g., colitis); severe allergies; and asthma. Hydrocortisone is also used to treat certain types of cancer.

Please don't use it for longer than 5 days at a time should you really need to. I have experience of Hydrocortisone due to a loved one losing an adrenal gland. Hydrocortisone taken orally pushes up your cortizol in your body - a hormone produced by your adrenal gland. This then in turn messes with your testosterone, thyroid and even your pituitary gland. The hormonal system is very sensitive.

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Wow, it is even used to treat cancer! And to treat so many different diseases. Wow, it must be magic! :-)

Hydrocortisone is widely prescribed for flu. 20mg, 4x per day. 4 to 7 days.

Much more healthy for your body than anti-biotics.

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Who takes antibiotics for flu? You will not get an Australian doctor to prescribe them for flu!

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Was trying to help Timothy :) If it works for you, then great!

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Just thought I would mention, in Australia doctors are extremely reluctant to prescribe antibiotics, so be advised.

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Bad how?

It is an immunosuppressant, Flu would seem to be a contraindication for hydrocortisone.

Edited by Mikej
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Only high doses suppress. Like those cortisone injections are equivalent to 1000's of mg per shot compared to 20mg hydrocortisone. Your body makes around 40mg by itself everyday, and when sick it makes 10x+ that.

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Hydrocortisone is not registered as a treatment for flu and as it is a prescription medication I doubt that doctors may prescribe it for flu.

I am interested to know why you think hydrocortisone is effective as a treatment for flu?

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A life saving Hydrocortisone injection for adrenal shock (which I have witnessed twice!) is only 100 mg.

I am not trying to debate... merely letting others know what I did not know. I too used it for myself and kids when sick... not anymore! I think SA Dr's are quick to over medicate generally.

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Mel-B, you are referring to acute adrenal crisis. My sympathies to your loved one.

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I'm not a fan of anti-biotics. I prefer hydrocortisone.

No normally we get prescribed lots of fluids and bed rest?

Did I say antibiotics in the above? No I did not - you will not get prescribed anything for flu except if you develop a secondary infection. In Australia and the UK as well if you are sick you stay in bed and recover. Well that is if you don't have little kids like I do, haha! Looking back at going to the doctor in South Africa, it was like an automatic thing - you get sick, you immediately go to the doctor who prescribes you lots of medicine you don't really need. It doesn't occur to you to just give your body the chance to heal itself. Also another misconception is that if your phlegm turns green you need antibiotics. Not true, sometimes it's just your flu / cold which has run it's course and it thickens at the end. So if you are feeling okay and this happens it's fine, just up your fluid intake.

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