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EFF and FF article


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I was reading this article earlier


The articles on News24 are never very good, but I like to read the comments. People sitting in the safety of their homes or offices commenting anonymously. I just think that is when they are at their most honest. And some were really concerning about civil war etc.

Will it really come to that?

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Personally I think RSA is at a junction point. There seems to be a lot of anger between races at present. I also think that in 2007 at Polokwane when Zuma was elected there was some serious back room dels struck and the problems the country faces now are related to things Zuma is expected to have delivered on that either he can't or that are not as easy to do. The platinum strike and the issue with The metal workers union I think explain a lot that there are serious behind the scenes issues and they are prepared to fight to the death now.

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You pointed out a very true fact Eyebrow, that few people realise, the Internet and the anonymity that it offers make people say things that they don't necessarily believe or support, after all no one knows who they are and there are no real consequences.

People like to provoke arguments in chat rooms and on forums because they are generally bored with their own lives and their alter egos seek adventure.

There may be some truth to what they say but it will take a lot to sink the country into a civil war (which I hope never happens). If anything, it will be a tribe on tribe war and the rest of the nation will be left to deal with the wake of destruction left behind.

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If I may offer some "other" insights. These tensions and dynamics are partly historic, partly current. All of them are engineered. What you are seeing are "tests" to see how far things can be pushed in certain directions, and also a gradual shift to true Marxism. Juli-ass (sorry HEOJJ!) has raised the bar so now the ruling boys need to speed things up. That plays INTO their hands, contrary to many opinions, since it allows them a legitimate means to take from those who have and earned it, take it sans recompense and dole it to those who didn't earn it or have it.

Of course those who resist/criticise/sue/prove it won't work will be blamed for its eventual failure.

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I did not read the link above, but one thing I've noticed about News Paper comment columns is that it is usually the same small group of people and that they tend to get negative, aggressive and in the end attacking other commentators, getting totally out of line.

Yes, I believe our 'dear' Juju is going to cause (more) trouble, but talk of a civil war? Our "white nation" is far too divided to stand together for something as drastic as that.

The silent war started Looong ago with the first farm murder. We are just too comfortable in our security complexes and behind our CCTV & electric fences to notice. Oh, and we'll never take part in a war against the current regime, because the first time we're accused of being racist, we become scared of that dreadful lable around our necks and end of story.

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Kanniewagnie, I agree about the whites, but it was a black person commenting that will be civil war if land reform doesn't progress the way Malema intends it to...

That is what scared me.

Also I wonder if the EFF isnt just saying out loud what the ANC is thinking, but as ruling party cant say themselves.

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I understand that our young friend JM is a different kettle of fish, but don't you think that they(ANC) could have taken the land long ago if they wanted to? Why wait and what are they waiting on?

We predicted all the same things when the ANC took over and then when Mandela died and now with JM and so it continuous.

Going to get burned for this comment, but its a thought that keeps popping up every time I here someone talk about the future of SA etc

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Also I wonder if the EFF isnt just saying out loud what the ANC is thinking, but as ruling party cant say themselves.

I agree. It is totally scary. I sometimes think about the history of our country and realise how heartbreaking it always has been: a struggle from beginning to end. And now we plan to begin a new "struggle" in another country - hopefully that will have a better ending - our kids will be able to follow their calling - whether it be farming, practicing medicine, etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't agree that people are too divided for a civil war. Civil war = licence to loot, grab, plunder, destroy - basically a get out of jail free card for what a lot of Saffers are doing... or thinking about doing. I think a lot more people think about it than actually do it (which is already a lot here), and all they may need is that first serious war cry.

The comments are usually interesting, and there are usually a few set camps of thought/opinion. With already heated article content, the comments do tend to end in insults. Trolls also cause issues, though fewer people fall for them, they still do. I'm not sure the comments are as "anonymous" as people think - they have stepped it up from what it was back in the day. Yes, you can create a fake FB account or gmail account to use but that seems to be a lot of trouble to express your opinion without getting recognition... And yes, I know people still do that, especially the trolls, but in general I don't think people are hiding behind "anonymous" fronts anymore. So I don't think it's necessarily true, apart from the trolls, that they're simply adding fuel to the fire... but that's JMHO...

I haven't been on the news sites for a while... too depressing. This reminded me why. :(

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