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Mauritzw: & Candice - Hi Everyone


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Hello Everyone,

I am new to the forum, my boyfriend Mauritz has been a member for a little while and he suggested I write a short intro about us.

I work for a company that does Trade Credit Insurance and Mau is a diesel electrical fitter, we hope to be in Oz at the beginning of 2009. I say hope because i believe passports are taking ages to come through now.

We would like to chat to those who are going through or have gone through the same processes we are busy with at the moment.

Candice :P

Edited by Mauritzvw
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Welcome Candic and Mauritz. Good luck with the process, hope those passports come through before 2009!


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Welcome Guys,

I am sure you will find lots of advice and support on this site and at the various coffee clubs. I know I was amazed at the friendly response we got from so many people on this site.

See you at the next coffee club guys



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Guest Bronwyn

Hi Candice

When you get to Aus you won't call Mau your boyfriend, you will call him your 'partner'. Pronounced 'Paatna'

It's just one of those funny little things they say...hehe!


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