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joe: Hello all


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We are the Schoeman Family . Me ,Wife ,Daughter 11months and Son 3years.

We would like to get to know some ex and ex-to-be S.A people and hopefully answer some questions we have.

See you on the Forums

Bye :ilikeit:

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Hi Joe,

Welcome - glad you found us. I hope you find the information that you're looking for.

Looking forward to hearing more about you soon,



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Welcome Joe (I hope you are the next Joe Millionare) :jester:

I hope you find all that you are looking for on the forum ask, ask, ask, ask you can never know too much.

Let us know where you are planning to settle or if there is anything any of us can help with, hope you meet some great people too, you won't believe how great it is to have a group of friends who are in the same boat as you are.

Good Luck


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