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My Fiancé runs her own business in South Africa. She offers Routine and Sleep Guidance courses for Sleep deprived parents of newborns and toddlers up to 4 years old. She is not formally qualified in this field and received training from the Franchisee when she bought her local franchise. As a mother of 4 kids and with an aptitude for this type of work, she is very good at what she does.

Sherpas a 100% success rate and gets referrals from paediatricians. My question is this, will she be able to continue with this in Canberra when we move, or will she be required to be formally qualified?

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The answer to your title question is "no, not to get a job but yes, to get the visa. She will probably take longer to build clients via word of mouth only, where somebody with qualifications will be more easily recommended by the medical professionals. Most people I have encountered, offering services (like lactation consultants), for babies, were registered nurses. I have many friends who had those sleep people come for 3 nights ($1600 for this in Sydney). Dont know what their qualifications were. It would just be a question of getting word out there. If it was me, I would join the Australian Breastfeeding Association and see if they offer training in any of their fields and ask if they can offer advice for her. They are a very well respected body and if they recommend her, people will use her services.,

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She should also start looking at forums on websites like Essential Baby and Bubhub to get to know the Australian parent.

I'm not sure if it is just the groups I belong to here in Melbourne but there is a strong natural, gentle parenting ethos (no crying it out) with Pinky Mackay being very popular as an 'advocate' for babies. So also check out her website.

Good luck!

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