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Sigmund: Hi Everyone


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I am Sigmund and married to Paula.

Two children Rudolph and Mikael.

I am a civil engineering technician and my wife has a teaching qualification with

a further qualification in Special Needs Education for hearing and speech impaired children.

We've never contemplated leaving RSA because we are both Africans in body and soul.

So are our children.

The only thing we live for is to spend time in the African wilderness.

The last couple of months though that just doesn't seem to be enough anymore :ilikeit:

So I'm here to test he water and learn a bit more :thumbdown:

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Welcome Sigmund and family! :ilikeit:

Hope you get all the info you need here...do a bit of browsing and if you require any specific info, just ask around - this forum's the right place to be for advice and support!


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Hi Sigmund,

It's a scary feeling when the realisation dawns that the country that you love is no longer meeting your most basic needs, isn't it? Your sentence "the only thing we live for is to spend time in the African wilderness" is particularly poignant, given the current murder toll and the ongoing drop in the life expectancy statistics for South Africa.

Thankfully, you've found a place here at the forum where you can start exploring alternatives and asking questions. I like to think that we are an honest, from-the-heart bunch here, offering as much help and support as we can.

There aren't many topiocs that we haven't debated here, so you'll find the search facility is useful, but of course, it's also good to post your own questions.

Looking forward to seeing you around,


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Welcome Sigmund, Paula and family :ilikeit:

I've been out of South Africa for 10 years now and I miss our holidays to Zim, Etosha, Kruger National Park and other wild national parks that we've visited. There is nothing that can compare with it....... :ilikeit:

However as you say.... it's not enough any more, unfortunately. :thumbdown:

There are such a huge demand for Civil Engineers at the moment specifically in South East Queensland that you will not find it hard to find work and even sponsorship. (Queensland is undergoing huge infrastructure development and there is an urgent need for engineering skills.) :ilikeit:

All the best !!


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No-one expects you to stop being African inside and always feeling that you belong there.

Australia is the closest thing to South Africa.

You can travel to North America, South America, Europe or Asia and never find anything that reminds you much of Africa . . . . . except Australia.

Australia is Earth's oldest continent . . . 600 million years old . . . so has ancient rock formations and low hills and ranges, but the openness of the Outback and the bush remind South Africans coming a living in Australia a lot of what they miss back home.

Australia doesn't pretend to be Africa, but a South African can come to appreciate its vast beauty and clear blue skies probably easier than a lot of others that have come from overseas to these shores.

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I agree with you.....

I would not live anywhere else but here in Australia. I just miss the wild life that South Africa offers (I guess because we grew up with it and it was always part of our holidays).

Australia has other wonderful things to offer.

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Hi Guys

Thanks for the hearty welcome.

Sorry for the non-response.

I've been on a course for the whole of last week and today is my first day back in office.

Have to catch up on some lost time and then will spend some earnest time on the forum.



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that's fine, mate.

I've been known to go walk-about myself for a while.

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