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Mike&Nina: New life??


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Hi, We're a family of 4, Kids started high school, wife a senior lecturer at Unisa, myself a Dental Technician. Looks like it's time to move away from Africa, because 28 years ago I moved to SA from Zim, and it looks like that nonsense is overflowing to SA. I have a query about the older folk. My mother-in-law has been staying with us for 18 years, lives off state pension and has nothing else. Will the Aussies take her into the fold? I need to take her with to do cooking and ironing! (joke) :lol:

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Hi Mike&Nina,

Welcome to the forum - glad you found us. I don't have in-depth knowledge on the process of sponsoring ones parents, but this is a topic that has been discussed and debated in some detail on the forum previously, so what I would suggest is that you try our search function and see what you come up with. I'm sure you'll be pleasantly suprised at the amount of chat this subject has attracted.

Also, the Department of Immigration and Citizenship website is quite informative and also has a good search function, so you might want to have a look around there too. The address is www.immi.gov.au

Looking forward to seeing you around


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Hi you guys!

Welcome here! :D:lol::lol:

Concerning your mother-in-law, there could be three possibilities (please note I am not an immigration consultant/expert and am merely pointing you in different directions that may or may not be relevant, but nevertheless worth exploring):

1) Have a look at this thread where I mention the OTHER FAMILY visa options.

2) I might be incorrect, but seeing that your mother-in-law is directly related to your wife and financially dependent on you, it might be possible to include her as a dependant on your own visa.

3) Have a look at Parent visa options (look at all listed under "Outside Australia" as that's where you'll be applying from). The only possible problem I see with this option in your case is that the children (i.e. you) need to be Oz permanent residents or citizens in order to sponsor your mother-in-law on a parent visa.

There are technicalities involved concerning all three possibilities, therefore it might be a good idea to consult a worthwhile, reputable immigration agent (e.g. Fiona on the forum (search "Fiona" on forum to find her) or someone else, e.g. Hitchcock & Associates) in this regard.

Hope you come right and that the cooking and ironing therefore don't need to slip standard-wise! :D

I know how important it is to have all your loved ones there with you...or as many of them as possible. The last thing I want to do is to leave my parents here, so I have full understanding for how important this matter is to you.

Good luck and keep us updated! ;)

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In answer to your question about us Aussies taking your mother-in-law into the fold.


I had a get-together for some South Africans at my place over the weekend. I left the house, yet didn't lock the front door, so leaving it open in case any visitors turned up early before we came back and they could make themselves at home in the meantime.

This seemed pretty crazy from a South African perspective, but it's done here in my district.

I was explaining to Pippa, a young South African visiting my part of Australia, about how Australians see each other.

Australians are "community minded" people and look out for each other. I live in the bush, up in the hills about thirty / forty minutes drive east of Adelaide in South Australia.

Around me live all Australians and we all know each other pretty well.

Three years ago, when I had a bad bushfire go across my property, there were several neighbours that came and helped me fight the fire, putting their lives at risk.

There were four helicopters and 150 fire fighters in fire trucks on the scene also and it was on the News that evening.

I lost my hayshed and all the feed for my stock over the winter months.

My neighbours gave me hay to feed my animals (cows and sheep)

I came back one afternoon to find lots of hay bales stacked up in my carport and I had no idea who left them there.

I was explaining that Australians look out for each other's well-being and help in times of genuine need.

You mother-in-law will be looked after by Australians in the same way.

I can't say the same for the cosmopolitan parts of Sydney or other cities as some cultures don't take ownership as much for their own welfare, let alone take ownership for the well-being of the wider Australian community.

It's all about "Community" with Australians, and if they feel you share the same values and attitudes as them, then they'll take you in as one of them.

My house is safe with my neighbours looking out for it while I'm away. My stuff is safe here, my wife is safe and my kids used to be safe playing in the paddocks around here in this district.

So . . . I can leave my front door unlocked and know that it's pretty safe to do so.

. . . . . . not so crazy after all?

Edited by Bob
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