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Malcolm+Leonie: Hello from the Bosmans


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Hello Everyone,

This is a quick hello from Pretoria from Malcolm and Leonie (but then you could have guessed that already I am sure ...)

We have just sent off our medicals and additional information. Now if we could just encourage them to say COME already! ;)

I have family in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast and have been to visit them twice already. What a beautiful part of the world.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello and thanks to everyone for making a great forum!

Malcolm & Leonie

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Hartlik welkom...

The more the merrier, as they say.


Johan Swanepoel

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Hi, nou nie meer lank oor om te wag vir julle nie. Ons gaan ook Brisbane toe, hoop om julle daar te sien. Dit is regtig 'n baie mooi plek.


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Baie dankie julle!

We are very anxious to get going. Can't wait anymore!

They must get a move on now :D

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Hallo There

All the best of luck with your medicals. We had ours done on 7 March, and is also hoping to settle in Brisbane.

Good luck


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