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Hi there, have been reading the posts for quite some time now, and have been blown away by how friendly and supportive everyone is. We are in the process of getting our PR. This website has been my saving grace many a day and night, it helps knowing that other people are going through the same thing and that you're not alone. So a very big thank you!

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Hey Miley

Welcome to the forum and good luck with the rest of the process. It does help to know that you are not alone and this forum has also been my sanity over the last year, I think I would have gone mad without it. Look forward to reading more posts. :ilikeit:

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Welcome Miley hope the road further is a smooth one for you!

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Welcome and good luck :)

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Thank you for the good wishes, will keep you posted. This is our progress so far, 28th March 2012 sent off skills assessment, 26th June 2012 received positive assessment. 8th Dec (4th attempt at IELTS) and we finally got the results we were wanting, shew ... what a journey! 10th Jan 2013 sent off for state sponsor, 7th Feb got a case worker. 8th Feb got our state sponsorship. 12th Feb received invite from WA government to apply for permanent residency. What a waiting game this is....

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Welcome Miley, you seem to be well organised and on track. Good luck with the rest of the journey.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for the good wishes, will keep you posted. This is our progress so far, 28th March 2012 sent off skills assessment, 26th June 2012 received positive assessment. 8th Dec (4th attempt at IELTS) and we finally got the results we were wanting, shew ... what a journey! 10th Jan 2013 sent off for state sponsor, 7th Feb got a case worker. 8th Feb got our state sponsorship. 12th Feb received invite from WA government to apply for permanent residency. What a waiting game this is....

I just realised that you said you did your IELTS in 4 attempts to get the results you needed. That goes to show how patience and dedication is so vital in this process. Unfortunatley patience i NOT one of my strong points! You are officially my role model! :ilikeit:

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Hi ACTuality, it was actually my hubby who persevered and did the test 4 times. It took us ages to check the last test result, as we were convinced it was going to be missing 0.5 points off some section. But what a relief to find it was okay. So yes as far as patience goes my hubby is my big hero! We are now waiting for a CO. Waiting....waiting....waiting.............

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Hi ACTuality, it was actually my hubby who persevered and did the test 4 times. It took us ages to check the last test result, as we were convinced it was going to be missing 0.5 points off some section. But what a relief to find it was okay. So yes as far as patience goes my hubby is my big hero! We are now waiting for a CO. Waiting....waiting....waiting.............

The 0.5 is the biggest let down. My wife was short 0.5 on the academic IELTS reading component so we missed getting 20 points :( but she is persevering and going for the general one this time

Sorry it is a little :offtopic: and hijacking the thread. Just persevere and try, try, try again. You will get it

Edited by AlBrough
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I also came short in 1 section by 0.5 points on my second attempt. Perhaps I should also redo it, the extra 10 points will help a lot.

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Hi Mark, the extra 10 points are a big bonus! If you can get your head around doing it again, why not.

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Booked for 3rd attempt, R6300 now wasted on proving I am competent at English. It is actually the writing section that kills me especially as it is by hand.

For anyone on SKillSelect, the extra 10 points you get by achieving 8 min in each section helps a lot especially if like me you apply for PR189 independant. Although I have to wait to write on the 23 March in Durban and then a few weeks for the results. Hope the SAPO strike is over by then as I am not going all the way to JHB to collect this although I suppose if I must, then I must.

The time lost in redoing IELTS is still a saving as state nomination can take up to 3 months, at least that is what they say for Victoria state, not sure about ACT.

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Unless you do not need the points to obtain 60 points or is required by your specific occupation, why bother? At this stage there are more invites going out than applicants, everyone who submits an EOI is getting invited - within a month max.

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The thing to remember bbop is that some of those occupations have a small ceiling or are almost depleted. The higher your score, the higher up the queue you are on the selection pool for those specific occupations.

If the skill you are applying for has a big ceiling then no pressure. :)

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If your points permit it, then put your EOI in on your current score. It seems as if IELTS appointment times in SA can take some time to get. I am aware IT is filling up rather quick, hence get in the pool while you wait for next appointment, you might just be pleasantly surprised!

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70 points will always be a lot better than 60 points. I agree it seems people are getting EOI invites quickly which is great and the PR189 seems to be processed with higher priority than the PR190 unless I am mistaken.

It would be interesting to know on the forum how many people are going the PR189 route as opposed to the PR190 route.

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I got a 189 invite before the 190... :)

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welcome,i am sure all your qeustions will be answered,about 150000 people has already done what you are about to do.wise decition,dont hesitate.

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